Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 140 The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his magical powers


The waves were coming.

Weeks, who was riding the wind, quickly turned around to avoid the waves.

The low-altitude flight of the wind track did not allow him to exceed the height of the waves.

If you hit it head-on, you will definitely be swept into the bottom of the sea.

There are a lot of water monsters living on the bottom of the sea. No one knows whether they can come out alive after falling into the bottom of the sea.

See the waves coming.

Levi flew up, not caring about exposing his flying ability at this time.

He didn't want to be sucked into the bottom of the ocean.


Flying into the sky, Levi saw the water-type monster stirring up waves behind him.

Several water monsters teamed up to create water waves, trying to knock everyone over.

Levi was seen flying up and avoiding the waves.

A fish and water monster opened its mouth and sprayed out a high-pressure water jet towards Levi.

Levi quickly dodged.


High-pressure water jets swept past.

Levi felt the smell of salty sea water, and the steam hit his face.

He raised his hand and cast the fireball technique.


The fireball flew towards the monster.

The monsters got into the water to avoid the attack.


The fireball exploded on the sea surface, causing a sea of ​​water and waves.

Seeing this, Li Wei accelerated with all his strength and flew towards the island.

Let's get out of the attack range of a few monsters first.

Weeks looked up and saw a figure quickly moving away.

He looked shocked.

"Flying spell?"

Are there still third-level mages participating?

After a moment, Weeks looked puzzled.

He did not feel the fluctuation of the wind element.

The opponent was not using wind flying spells.

The fueling of seeing the wave lose its monster gradually subsided.

He quickly quickened his pace and rushed towards the island.

I also want to catch up with Levi who flew away to see what is going on?

Levi flew through the air for a moment, and when he saw the ocean below was calm, he landed.

Shadow Attendant drove him quickly towards the island.

Suddenly, he felt a cold wind coming.

Turning around to look, the sea water not far away was frozen into ice.

A figure walked slowly on the ice road, heading towards the island unswervingly.

"Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his magical powers!"

The closer he got to the island, the more and more people he saw.

A water mage standing on the waves, being pushed away by the waves.

An earth mage who is as solid as a rock.

A fire mage sitting on the shoulders of a floating fire elemental.

Mages from all departments showed off their magical powers.

There are also mages who cooperate with each other to overcome difficulties.

A small boat made of vines on the ocean carried several mages slowly towards the island.

Levi stood behind Shadow Attendant and walked forward on the waves.

Suddenly, a wave of water shot out from not far away.


The water wave hit Levi, and a strong force pushed him away.

He didn't react in time and was knocked back several meters.

Fortunately, Shadow Attendant was very powerful, otherwise the boat would have capsized.

Levi turned around and saw a black shadow swimming across the sea.

"It's a spell! There's someone under the sea."

Levi's heart moved.

Some people want to eliminate threatening opponents in the first round.

The Water Mage has the upper hand in the first round, no doubt about it.

Same thing.

The fire mage will also have the advantage in the last round, while the water mage will be at a disadvantage.

After all, the venue for the final is a volcano.

It is also a normal strategy for the water mage to eliminate the fire mage in the first round.

The farther back, the greater the advantage of the fire mage and the greater the threat.

The scene where Levi unleashed the fireball technique was probably spotted by someone if he saw it.

Seeing that the attack missed, and knowing that Li Wei was a tough nut to crack, the people in the water quickly retreated.

Levi took a look and did not pursue.

The top priority is to get to the island and get qualified to enter the second round first.

"Wait a minute, what spell did you use to fly just now?"

Weeks caught up with Levi from behind and called to him to stop.

Levi turned his head and glanced, ignoring him.


Shadow Attendant was like a swimming fish, carrying him towards the island.

After all, Shadow Warrior's speed is not as fast as the "Wind Track" spell.

Levi was soon caught up by Weeks.

Weeks frowned slightly when he saw that Levi was the armored man he had laughed at before.

He approached Levi and said, "What spell did you use?"

"No comment." Levi said directly.

Weeks said: "If you are willing to hand over the spell model to me, I can give you a large sum of money."

Levi ignored him.

What else did Weeks want to say.

A dark shadow appeared in the water.


A wave of water overturned the two people on the sea.

Levi quickly used his object control technique and flew into the air.

Weeks fell to the sea with a shocked look on his face.

The monster's bloody mouth stretched out from the sea and bit Weeks who fell into the sea.

"Strengthen the jet!"


A strong wind burst out in front of him, pushing his figure into the air.

He took a big mouthful of air, swallowed a mouthful of air and dived into the sea.

Levi looked down and wanted to take action, but the World of Warcraft was nowhere to be found.

Weeks was attacked and nearly killed.

Not daring to be distracted anymore, he hurried to the island to avoid being eliminated in the first round.

Levi fell and Shadow Attendant caught him.

He glanced down at the ocean.

The attack by the monster just now may not be a coincidence.

Someone drives a monster to attack the contestants.

Levi continued toward the island.

After a while, he saw the edge of the island, the beach and the coconut grove.

Weeks fell to the beach, looked back at the people still rushing in the sea, and showed a proud smile.

"I am the first."

The smile hasn't fully bloomed yet.

The beach beneath his feet suddenly rose, and a figure climbed up from the sand.

A huge crab beast.


Huge pliers clamped down on Weeks, trying to snap him in half.

Weeks quickly dodged.

Having arrived on the shore, there is much more space to display one's strength than in the sea.

While dodging, he cast spells to attack the Crab Monster.

Da da da!

The wind blade fell on the back of the Crab Monster and shattered into wind elements that scattered all over the sky.

Can't do much damage to it.

"Damn it, why is this monster's magic resistance so high?"

Everyone who arrived at the coast found many powerful monsters hidden on the beach.

Getting a foothold on the beach is no easy task.

What is strange is that these monsters seem to just want to drive everyone back into the sea, rather than chasing everyone all together.

Levi's speed was relatively slow. When he arrived at the coast, there were already many people on the coast.


A hermit crab monster with a carapace emerged from the beach and attacked him.


Levi was hit by the hermit crab monster. He took a few steps back and found that the monster's attack power was not strong.

The monsters on the beach are all first-level monsters.


Raise your hand and shoot out a small fireball.


The small fireball hit the hermit crab. After the explosion, it was only charred and black, unable to cause effective damage.

"Magic resistance is so high?"

Levi couldn't help but frown.

If the monsters in the secret area of ​​the island were all monsters with high magic resistance, it would be difficult to deal with it.

Shadow Attendant appears in front of the hermit crab monster and resists the monster's attack.

Levi casts fireball.

He deliberately pretended to slow down the casting time.


The fireball hits the hermit crab.

Before being hit, the hermit crab quickly retracts into its carapace.


The fireball exploded, and the huge power shattered a piece of carapace.

Levi picked up the carapace on the ground and saw the patterns on it.

After a moment, a smile appeared.

"I see!"

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