Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 152 Fire Elemental Elf

An orange-red fireball condensed in Levi's palm.

The fire was dazzling.

It's like holding a little sun in the palm of your hand.

Shadow Attendant flew over and joined the battle.

"Shadow Claws!"

The Shadow Attendant sneaks up on the Lava Snake from behind to attract the Lava Snake's attention.

The lava snake, which was originally attracted by the fireball in Levi's palm, was attacked and immediately turned its attention to Shadow Warrior.

Twisting his body, he kept attacking Shadow Warrior.


The lava snake spits out a ball of fire and burns Shadow Attendant.

Shadow Attendant quickly ran away.

Suddenly, a tail came out of the flames.

The lava snake's tail wrapped around Shadow Warrior, who was trying to escape, and pulled him in front of the lava snake.

The lava snake tightened its whole body, wrapped around Shadow Warrior, and crushed it.

Click, click, click! Click!

The invisible armor on Shadow Warrior was crushed by a huge force.


Shadow Attendant instantly dispersed into a ball of black mist and got out of the gap, away from the lava snake.


A dazzling fireball fell from the sky and hit the lava snake.

The lava snake felt the crisis and quickly huddled up, protecting its head in the middle.


The fireball hit the lava snake and exploded violently.

In an instant, the entire volcano was shaking.

Boom! Gulu gulu!

Volcanic activity became more intense.

Levi's fireball technique caused the volcano to erupt earlier.

If there are a few more, the volcano may not erupt directly on the spot.

The fire light dissipated, revealing the lava snake below that was covered in bruises.

The lava snake's impressive fire resistance was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the super powerful fireball spell.

If Levi hadn't deliberately left it alive and strengthened the power of some fireballs, he could have blown it to pieces.

The lava snake that looked proud before was now lying on the ground like a dead snake, lingering for breath.

Levi fell, and the lava snake moved, trying to escape.

Shadow Attendant, who had just escaped, rushed forward immediately and got into the body of the lava snake.

Levi heard the shadow attendant's cry.

It seemed that he had been burned by the lava snake's body.

The lava snake kept twisting its body and rolling left and right on the ground, trying to drive out the Shadow Warrior from its body.

Eventually, the struggle grew weaker and weaker until it stopped.

A black light flashed in the flame-burning eyes.

Shadow Attendant has successfully controlled the lava snake.

Levi looked up and seemed to see the invisible monitoring eye that was monitoring this place.

The scene just now was all performed in smoke, and the audience outside the venue did not notice anything strange.

Wait until the dust mist clears, revealing the lava snake.

The lava snake bowed its head to Levi and seemed to be convinced by him.

The spectators outside the stadium all looked surprised. They didn't expect the armored man to have such ability.

It is easy to defeat and kill Warcraft, but it is difficult to tame Warcraft.

The monster is inherently vicious and disobedient to discipline. Even if it is defeated, the monster will just run away.

Will not surrender.

Unless he is defeated by a more powerful monster.

Warcraft rarely surrender to humans.

This involves bloodline suppression between Warcraft.

Warcraft naturally surrender to those with stronger bloodline.

Humans do not have the blood of Warcraft, so they cannot be recognized and surrendered by Warcraft.

Everyone speculated whether the armored man had some special bloodline.

Shadow Attendant controlled the lava snake to retrieve the prey. After Levi took away the magic core, the lava snake ate the prey and recovered from its injuries.

Levi took the lava snake towards the top of the mountain.

All the monsters encountered on the road turned into food in the lava snake's belly.

The lava snake's injuries are also recovering quickly.

Quickly recovering from injuries through eating is one of the basic abilities of Warcraft.

This is also the difference between Warcraft and ordinary animals.

Otherwise, according to the normal laws of evolution, any creature will instinctively reduce the damage that hunting may cause.

World of Warcraft is just the opposite. They are more keen on fighting, or fighting.

Animals fight less because when injured, the injuries may lead to their own death.

Warcraft is not afraid of being injured because it can recover from injuries quickly.

Gulu gulu!

A lava snake swallows a fire lizard.

Monsters killed by lava snakes also count as points.

In the blink of an eye, Levi already had 95 points in his hands.

Not many, so far I have encountered a lava snake and a second-level monster.

Maybe this area is the territory of lava snakes.

There aren't many points you can get from just hunting first-level monsters.

"Hee hee hee……"

The laughter of children came from the front.

Levi looked up and saw a fire elemental elf standing on the rock looking at him.

Seeing Levi looking towards him, the fire elemental elf turned and ran away.

"Hurry up!"

Levi commanded the lava snake to catch up with the fire elemental elf.

Swish, swish, swish!

The lava snake was much faster than Levi and disappeared before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Levi quickly followed behind him.

After running for a while, he suddenly felt the power of Shadow Warrior return to his body.

"The lava snake is dead?"

Levi showed doubts.

"What happened?"

He asked Shadow Attendant in his mind.

Shadow Attendant replied: "Trap."

Levi stopped.

Swish, swish, swish! Hoo ho ho!

The lava snake appeared in front of him again.

At this time, the lava snake's body was burning with flames, and it looked much more ferocious.

The lava snake was surrounded by three fire elemental elves.

Each fire elemental elf is half a person tall.

Three first-level fire element elves.

Levi seemed to understand when he saw this.

The fire elemental elf discovered that the lava snake was controlled by Shadow Warrior and deliberately introduced it into the trap.

Then help the Lava Snake escape from Shadow Attendant's control.

The burning posture of the lava snake should be inseparable from the fire elemental elves.

As for why the fire elemental elves want to help the lava snake.

The reason is also very simple, the lava snake is the guardian beast of the fire elemental elves.

The monsters on the volcano are all guardian beasts of the fire elemental elves.

Protect the fire elemental spirits from outsiders.

Fire monsters and fire elemental elves depend on each other and live together.


The lava snake roared angrily at Levi.

Hoo ho ho!

The lava snake opened its mouth and spewed out a pillar of fire more than thirty meters long.

The firepower was twice as fierce as before.

Levi retreated hastily.

The lava snake pressed forward step by step.

"Object control!"

Levi grabbed a rock from the air and threw it towards the lava snake's open mouth.

The lava snake shut up and flicked its tail to pull the rock away.

Then, he suddenly ejected and flew towards Levi.

In desperation, in an instant, a small fireball condensed in Levi's palm.


The shock wave generated by the explosion of the small fireball pushed Levi backwards several meters to avoid the falling lava snake.

Hoo ho ho!

The fire element elves didn't take it too seriously and spit out fireballs one after another at Levi.

Bang bang bang!

The fireball hit Levi, exploded, and the fire covered his figure.

After a moment, Levi soared into the sky.

Floating in mid-air, out of the attack range of fire elemental elves and lava snakes.

Levi felt troubled.

I originally thought that the finals would be dominated by fire mages.

Unexpectedly, the environment in the finals suppressed the fire mage.

Fire spells are indeed much more powerful in a volcanic environment.

The powerful fire resistance of fire monsters and fire elemental elves completely eliminated the advantage of fire mages.

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