Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 155 Ending, volcanic eruption

Levi overlooked the battlefield.

What everyone calls a trap can also be regarded as an opportunity.

Levi flew towards the crater.

The lava giant pressed on the three of them step by step, beating the fire elemental elves again and again.

The recovery speed of fire elemental elves has become much slower.

The three Russells also had the intention of quitting.

There is little point in continuing the stalemate.

It's better to give up quickly and find some time to hunt other weaker monsters.

Accumulate points.

If they choose to hunt the lava giants, they are already one step behind others.

You must quickly return to the right path to catch up with the others.

Suddenly, the lava giant suddenly turned his head and looked into the volcano.

The lava giant gave up chasing the three men without hesitation, turned around and walked towards the volcano.

At this time, Levi had flown into the crater and arrived at the lava lake.

He came looking for something he had seen before.

In the second round, he reached the edge of the lava lake and saw a mysterious treasure inside.

While the lava giant was lured away, he took the opportunity to sneak into the lava lake.

A fireball was found floating in mid-air in the lava lake.

Tiny fire element crystals continued to fall from the sky above the fireball.

It looks like tiny sparks.

Levi looked surprised, "What is this?"

The spirit perceived that the fire ball contained an amazing fire element.

The source of the fire element crystals condensed in the air is this fireball.

Levi wanted to get closer, but found that the area around the fireball was extremely hot.

Even wearing invisible armor can't stand it.

Invisibility armor can't block out all heat either.

"This is definitely a rare fire treasure!"

"How can I take it away?"

Levi thought quickly in his mind.

He looked around and saw pieces of lava rocks floating in the lava that could not be melted.

An idea flashed in my mind.

He carefully used the object control technique to scoop up the lava rocks from the lava.

Under the control of the object control technique, several lava rocks approached the fireball in mid-air and enveloped it.

As the lava stone enveloped the fireball, the heat around the fireball dropped instantly.

Lava rocks that cannot be melted also produce bursts of smoke.

Constantly burning Levi's mana covering it.

Levi quickly spent more mana to maintain the object control spell.

He lifted the fireball wrapped in lava and dragged it away from the crater.

Suddenly, a heavy sound of breaking wind came from behind.

A huge lava meteor flew towards him.

Levi controlled the fireball wrapped in lava rocks and was unable to dodge in time.

There was a loud bang.

The invisible armor on Levi's body instantly shattered into five layers.

The person also flew upside down for more than 20 meters.

In an instant, Levi was stunned.

Losing control of the lava rock.

The lava rocks fell and spread out, and streaks of hot fire light shot out from the gaps.

Like a dusty sun reappearing.

Suddenly, the scattered lava rocks enveloped the "sun" again.

Levi endured the discomfort, flew up, held the fireball in the air, and flew towards the sky.

The lava giant roared with rage.

Lava and fire rain!

The lava giant sprayed out a large amount of fire.

Countless fires surrounded Levi like a huge net, trying to entangle him.

A small fireball appeared on the sole of Levi's foot.


The small fireball exploded and accelerated instantly.

Levi rose suddenly to avoid the rain of fire shooting up from below.

Rain of Fire's range is not high enough.

The lava giant could only watch as Levi took away its most precious treasure.


The lava giant was driven wild in the lava lake, causing large waves of fire.

Gulu gulu!

Suddenly, a large number of bubbles emerged from the lava lake.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of thick smoke surged out, and black smoke shot straight into the sky.

Levi quickly moved away from the crater to avoid being killed by the thick smoke.

As the fireball moves away from the crater, the temperature continues to drop.

Levi found that the temperature of the fireball seemed to be related to the concentration of the surrounding fire element.

The higher the concentration of fire element, the higher the temperature of the fireball.

Taking the fireball to the edge of the volcano, the temperature of the fireball has dropped enough that it can be touched without being wrapped in lava stone.

The flames disappeared, revealing the true form of the fireball.

Seeing the bright red bead in front of his eyes, Levi showed surprise.

"Fire Spirit Pearl?"

"It turns out to be a fire spirit bead!"

Li Wei was extremely surprised.

For a fire mage, the value of the Fire Spirit Orb is probably no less than that of the Elf Fountain.

When Li Wei got the Fire Spirit Bead, he was extremely surprised.

The audience outside the stadium was also excited.

"Damn it, there's even a fire spirit bead!"

"For a fire mage below the third level, the value of the Fire Spirit Orb may be higher than the Fairy Spring!"

"Who is the armored man's true identity? I want to buy the Fire Spirit Pearl!"

"Is the Fire Orb an additional reward placed by the Mage Association?"

"I think it's unlikely. The overall value of the Fire Spirit Pearl is slightly lower than that of the Fairy Spring, but it's also very precious and cannot be placed in a secret realm as a reward."

"Then there is only one possibility. This is the fire spirit bead naturally born in the secret realm!"

"The possibility is not small. Fire spirit beads are usually born in places with strong fire elements."

"The secret realm is a closed space, but there is still a large amount of fire element accumulated inside. For a long time, the fire element that cannot be leaked has formed the rare fire spirit bead."

"Damn it! Why don't I have such good luck?"

"Armored man!" Nick's face turned dark.

Li Wei raised his head and glanced at the sky, then quickly put the Fire Spirit Pearl into the space ring.

"It's hard to handle. Now I'm afraid everyone will know that I got the Fire Spirit Pearl."

"But luckily I hid my true identity."

"Torresta... there should be no problem."

Fire Spirit Pearls are very precious to fire mages.

But for Torresta, who has become an archmage, it is nothing more than average.

What's more, Torrest Tower is also the master of a mage tower.

Levi instinctively thought of the worst possible scenario.

He is not a pessimist, just cautious.

After putting away the Fire Spirit Bead, Levi realized that something was wrong with the volcano behind him.

The smoke from the crater is getting bigger and bigger.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, he could see that many fire monsters had begun to escape from the volcano.

The fire monster also sensed danger.

React ahead of time.

Warcraft has an innate ability to sense danger and has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

They tend to sense impending danger more easily than humans.

Boom! Bang!

There was a dull loud noise, and a burst of fire erupted from the crater.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of thick smoke and volcanic ash rushed into the sky and fell down.

The sky is filled with black and gray.

The lava gushes out, and a large number of lava meteors splash out.

Its power and scale are unmatched by the lava giant.

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Levi looked up and saw that the entire sky was dyed black with volcanic ash.

Flames burned again in the black clouds.

Countless fireballs fell from the sky.

Hoo ho ho!


The power of any bolide is comparable to the first-level fireball technique.

At this time, hundreds of bolides fell in the sky.

An apocalyptic scene.

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