Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 159 Awakening of extraordinary characteristics, second-level mage

Levi tried a simple advancement ceremony that he figured out on his own.

Results are slow.

He had no choice but to place his hope in the advanced ritual "Fire Spirit Sacrifice" obtained from the Set family.

Hope to wake up soon.

However, there are still some materials missing to perform the fire spirit ritual.

One of the most critical materials is the second-order fire element crystal nucleus.

There was a slight movement in his heart.

Xavius, Russell, and Xiong Er had killed a second-level fire elemental elf.

They should have obtained a second-order fire element crystal core.

Can you find a way to get it?

You can also buy it at the trade fair. With so many mages, it shouldn't be difficult to find a fire element crystal core?

Except for the fire lotus and the fire element crystal core, other materials required for the advanced ceremony are relatively easy to find.

There are substitutes for the Fire Lotus, just use the same level of fire-type heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

But the fire element crystal core is a necessity.

Without it, the advancement ceremony cannot be held.

Levi rushed to the trade fair overnight.

"Do you have a second-order fire element crystal core?"


"How much?"

"One hundred and twenty gold coins."

"Hiss, it's so expensive!"

Li Wei took a deep breath when he heard the price of the fire element crystal core.

The price of an ordinary second-level magic core is only fifty or sixty gold coins, but the price of a fire element crystal core is double that.

The key is that the fire element crystal core is not as rare as the magic core of the rock monster.

The price is so high, which only shows that fire element crystal nuclei are needed in many places.

Demand exceeds supply.

Li Wei visited the trade fair and spent 360 gold coins to buy three second-order fire element crystal cores.

The fire element crystal core obtained by Xavius ​​and the others was taken away by Russell.

Russell is a fire mage and also needs fire element crystal nuclei.

Whether it is practicing or casting spells, fire element crystal nuclei are good materials.

However, fortunately, there are still people selling fire element crystal cores at the trade fair.

Later, Levi spent thirty gold coins to purchase three other materials needed for the advanced ceremony.

The blood of fire monsters, fireweed, high-purity hexahedral crystal, and ritual cloth.

After coming out of the Magic Hall, Levi only had 78 gold coins left.

There are still some things in the space ring obtained in the secret that have not been sold.

For safety reasons, Levi was not in a hurry to take action.

After all, it would be too obvious to take action now, and it would be easy to reveal that he was an armored man.

Return to the hotel.

Li Wei was afraid that he would have no experience in the first advancement ceremony and would waste materials if he failed.

He sneaked into the dream world and tried to perform advanced rituals in the dream.

The materials required for the ritual were copied into the dream world.

Li Wei followed the steps of the ceremony and arranged the materials on the ritual cloth in sequence.

Sitting in the center of the painted ritual diagram, holding a crystal in his mouth.

The left hand holds the second-order fire element crystal core, and the right hand holds the fire lotus.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the firefly grass burst into flames.

Levi was already prepared, but he was not frightened.

The burning flames of the fireweed ignite the blood of the fire monster on the ritual cloth.

The ritual lines drawn with blood also gradually burned.

When the entire ritual pattern was burned, Levi felt a strange reaction between the fire element crystal nuclei and the fire lotus in his left and right hands.

The crystal in his mouth became warm.

As required by the ceremony, Levi cleared his mind and immersed himself in the ceremony.

He felt like he was immersed in a warm ocean.

Waves of warmth continued to flow into the body.

After the ceremony in the dream was successful, Levi performed the fire spirit ceremony in reality.

Early the next morning, the ceremony ended.

The fire element crystal core is exhausted and broken.

The fire lotus withered.

Levi spit out the hexahedral crystal in his mouth.

The interior of the crystal is filled with red cracks.

That is the trace left after the fire element passed through.

The crystal helped Levi filter out the more violent fire elements to avoid harming his body.

Open your eyes and look.

[Crystal Meditation (First Level Awakening)] 3421/10000

Levi's eyes showed surprise.

"So strong!"

It is truly an advancement ceremony.

It was much better than the crude method he had explored on his own.

However, the cost of holding an advanced ceremony is also high.

A ceremony costs at least two hundred gold coins.

Although Levi's method requires hard work and takes a long time, it does not cost money.

Often those that cost nothing are the most expensive, and the cost of time is far more expensive than the cost of money.

Spend more than 600 gold coins to quickly awaken extraordinary characteristics.

Compared with waiting for a year to awaken and advance, the advantages are countless times greater.

One step faster means step by step faster!

After holding a fire spirit ceremony, Li Wei almost understood the meaning of this ceremony.

It is actually the same as the feeding method he originally figured out.

The Fire Spirit Ritual is just more advanced.

The so-called fire spirit is the spirit of the fire element.

The Fire Spirit Sacrifice uses a special ceremony to separate the fire element spirit from the second-order fire element crystal core and integrate it into the body of the ritual performer.

Boom, boom, boom!

Guze knocked on the door, "Levi, are you practicing?"

Li Wei opened the door and said, "I just finished practicing. What can I do for you, teacher?"

Guze said: "Luota and I are going back tomorrow, what about you?"

Levi thought for a moment and said, "I'll stay for two more days."

He plans to return to Maple Leaf City after breaking through to the second level.

This is to avoid encountering any dangers along the way, but the strength is not enough to deal with it.

Be fully prepared before leaving.

Gu Ze nodded and said: "Okay, let's take a step first, you be careful."

"I have things to do when I go back with Lotta, so I won't accompany you."

"Teacher, be careful and have a safe trip."

Send Gu Ze away.

Levi also felt the urgency of time.

There are three days left until the end of the Master Exchange Meeting.

Li Wei seized the time and held the second advancement ceremony at noon.

Late at night, the second advancement ceremony ended, and materials worth more than two hundred gold coins were scrapped.

[Crystal Meditation (First Level Awakening)] 6879/10000

"As long as you complete one more advancement ceremony, you can awaken the second-level extraordinary characteristics and become a second-level mage."

Levi was excited.

But I also feel mentally exhausted.

He takes a night off.

Early the next morning, the third advancement ceremony was held.

Fortunately, there is no time requirement for the Fire Spirit Sacrifice Advanced Ceremony.

Otherwise, Levi would have no choice if he wanted to hold it continuously.

In the evening, the setting sun is like fire, reflecting the red clouds on the sky.

Guze and Lotta have left.

Li Wei was busy practicing and had no time to see him off.

The third advancement ceremony is also completed.

Levi awakens the second level of extraordinary characteristics.

[Fire Elemental Body (Intermediate Level)] (Elemental Awakening, Fire Spell Level +1, Fire Spells Quickly Cast, Fire Spell Consumption Halved)

[Mana Control (Intermediate)] (Spiritual Awakening, Mana Control Level +1, Spellcasting Level +1)

After Li Wei tried it, he gradually understood the function of each item of extraordinary characteristics.

The level of fire spells is +1, and the power level of Levi's fire spells is increased by one level.

The power of the zero-level small fireball spell becomes the power of the first-level fireball spell.

The power of the first-level fireball spell becomes the power of the second-level bursting fireball spell.

The improvement is even greater than doubling the power of previous fire spells.

The spells differ by one level, and their power differs several times, even more than ten times.

The most important thing is that the power of the spell is increased, but the mana consumption remains unchanged.

This is the most perverted and powerful place!

Everyone knows the first-level fireball technique, but who can release hundreds of fireballs in one go?

Now Levi can do it.

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