Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 165 Making My Own Money

August 8th.

Levi exited the dream.

[Crystal Meditation (Level 2)] 312/10000

[Fireball (First Level Master)] 9456/10000

[Basic Alchemy (First Level)] 0/10000

These days, Levi has been practicing the fireball technique and practicing elementary alchemy, hoping that the fireball technique can reach the perfection level as soon as possible.

On the other hand, it is also preparation for refining mithril.

By now, Levi felt that he was almost ready.

The elemental furnace has been able to run smoothly and successfully refine metals.

In the past few days, Levi has been trying to refine ordinary iron ore.

After trying, it has been successful.

Today, Levi also plans to start refining mithril ore.

For safety reasons, he applied for an alchemy laboratory in the Mage Tower.

To prevent an accident from blowing up your room.

Magic Butler: "Please go to Alchemy Laboratory No. 6. The usage fee of the Alchemy Laboratory is 3 contributions/day."

Levi paid 3 contribution points and came to Alchemy Laboratory No. 6.

Check that there are no surveillance eyes in the room.

He began to use the fire method to extract mithril ore.

Use the fireball technique to create an elemental furnace with a diameter of half a meter.

The temperature inside the elemental furnace can reach thousands of degrees.

Levi took out the smallest piece of mithril ore and put it into the elemental furnace.


In an instant, a flame burst out from the mithril ore.

After a while, the flame went out.

The ore is broken and crushed bit by bit.

Levi used high temperatures to quench mithril ore, and at the same time used fire refining to remove impurities produced after the ore was burned.

Three hours later, there was black powder all over the room.

These are all impurities produced during the quenching process.

Some are soil, rocks, sand and gravel, and some are other metallic minerals and debris.

After three hours of smelting, only the liquid silver metal the size of a marble remained from the fist-sized mithril ore.

This is the mithril initially extracted from mithril ore.

The purity is very low.

Further processing is required to obtain usable 999 purity mithril.

If it can reach 9999 purity, the value of mithril will double.

Li Wei saw that the removal of ordinary impurities was almost the same.

Then start the second step.

The fire refining method has different methods for the second step of refining according to the characteristics of different substances.

Levi checked the alchemy information recommended in Elementary Alchemy.

Know the methods and principles of refining mithril.

Taking advantage of the extremely high affinity of mithril magic elements, a large amount of fire elements are poured into mithril.

Mithril can withstand large amounts of fire elemental infusion.

Deep impurities will be further destroyed by large amounts of fire elements.

Before refining mithril, Levi stopped to rest for a while and meditate to restore his mana.

Three hours of continuous smelting had consumed seven or eighty-eight percent of his mana.

This is just a fist-sized mithril ore.

The remaining three pieces of mithril ore are larger than this one and take longer to smelt.

There is a long way to go.

Half an hour later, Levi's mana was fully restored.

He began to refine mithril.

As he poured the fire element into the mithril, the mithril emitted a strange silver glow.

As more and more fire elements are poured into it, the temperature of the mithril is getting higher and higher, and it has begun to melt.

Some black impurities gradually began to precipitate on the surface.

Levi used his mental power to separate impurities.

After refining for more than twenty times, the mithril metal finally showed its natural texture.

Faint lines that resembled magic lines appeared on the mithril.

This means that Mithril has reached 999 purity.

Mithril is an exotic metal.

It can be fused with most metals and can enhance the properties of other metals after fusion.

In the simple state, the combination of mithril microscopic particles is very special, which will produce faint magic lines on the surface.

The higher the purity, the clearer the magic lines will be.

Revealing magic lines means that the purity has reached 999.

It can already be used to create magic equipment.

If you want to create higher magic equipment, you must naturally use mithril with higher purity.

Levi continued to try to purify mithril, hoping to obtain 9999 pure mithril.

Unfortunately, after refining it more than twenty times, the magic lines have not become deeper.

There are fewer and fewer impurities that can be refined.

With his current method, Mithril cannot be purified to 9999 purity.

Better purification methods must be used.

This is just the most basic elementary alchemy way to purify mithril ore.

More advanced purification methods are in the hands of alchemists and belong to unique secrets.

Levi couldn't find one for free in the library.

After eight hours, Levi got a piece of mithril metal, which was only the size of a fingernail.

Using a scale in the alchemy laboratory, the piece of mithril metal weighed 45.56 grams.

This small piece of mithril is worth 341.7 gold coins.

This is the charm of mithril!

The most important thing is that unlike other items, Mithril is afraid of not being sold.

No matter how much Mithril is, the market will always be able to absorb it, and it is an absolute hard currency.

No mage would refuse mithril and would only regret that he had no money and could not afford it.

Levi smiled and took a long breath.

"It's not easy!"

If we hadn't tried to refine 9999-purity mithril, we would have wasted a lot of time.

Otherwise, the refining can be completed in about six hours.

In the next few days, Levi stayed in the alchemy laboratory, purifying mithril ore day and night.

It took four days and four nights without sleep.

Finally, all four mithril ores in hand were refined.

After the refining was completed, he lay down directly in the alchemy laboratory and fell asleep.

This is the first time he has not entered a dreamland after receiving the Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Surgery.

Slept peacefully.

Until, the magic butler repeatedly reminded him that the use time of the alchemy laboratory was over.

After Levi woke up.

Before leaving the alchemy laboratory, weigh all mithril metals.

Total 442.76 grams.

Worth more than three thousand gold coins.

Levi left satisfied.


Walking on the road, he was smiling.

When he met Gu Ze, he saw that Li Wei was in such a good mood and asked curiously: "What happened? You are so happy."

Levi smiled and replied: "Good thing."

"Made a lot of money!"

Guze was a little surprised, "You have been staying in the mage tower these days? Whose money are you making?"

"Make my own money," Levi said.

Gu Ze shook his head, somewhat confused as to what he meant.

Levi had calculated before that if the purified mithril metal weighed more than 400 grams.

Spending money to learn elementary alchemy will not make you lose money but make money instead.

Now, there is no doubt that he has made money.

What you save is what you earn.

If these mithril ores are used for others to help purify.

You have to pay 10% of Mithril as a reward.

That's worth more than three hundred gold coins.

Li Wei only spent three hundred gold coins to purchase elementary alchemy.

I also earned dozens of more gold coins.

Levi was naturally very happy.

Having refined the mithril, he also began to think about creating the Origin Heart Necklace.

Three hundred grams of mithril are required to create the Origin Heart Necklace.

The mithril in his hand is enough, and there is more.

“Now, the question is who to help build it?”

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