Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 169 The explosion range is greater than the attack range

[Fireball (First Level Perfection)] 0/10000

Levi looked at the handwriting that appeared in front of him.


Once the spell is cultivated to the perfect level, it will become infinite later.

It means that the spell has reached its limit and cannot be improved further.

The deduction is different.

The magic of deduction never ends.

The perfect continuation of the first-level spell is the second-level spell.

If you have experience in practicing second-level fire spells, you can quickly jump through this step of deduction.

It's like deducing the original zero level to the first level.

Li Wei integrated his first-level fireball training experience and transformed the zero-level small fireball into a first-level fireball in one night.

With a foundation, it will be much easier to deduce the next stage of spells.

Levi was also prepared.

[Explosive Fireball (Level 2 Mastery)] 1687/2000

Some time ago, he spent some time doing Liver Burst Fireball.

As long as you master the Exploding Fireball spell to a minor level, you can gain some insights into the principles of the spell.

At that time, you can use this part of your understanding to quickly advance the fireball technique to the second level.

If you directly deduce it, the time required is no less than creating a new second-level spell.

Levi calmed down and started the liver bursting fireball technique.

The night passed.

[Explosive Fireball (Level 2 Mastery)] 1945/2000

During the day, Levi spent some time meditating and practicing his magic.

He never stopped for a moment in cultivating his magic power.

Even when he was smelting mithril metal, he still found time to complete his daily mana training.

After all, mana is the cornerstone of the mage.

If there is no magic power, everything is a castle in the air.

At noon, the bursting fireball technique is upgraded.

[Explosive Fireball (Second Level Minor)] 0/4000.

Many of the construction principles of the explosive fireball spell model came to mind in Levi's mind.

Everything that I couldn't figure out before is now understandable.

It's another thing to see and understand.

Only when he reaches the Dacheng level can Levi master the spell model.

After practicing to the perfection level, he even understands this spell better than the creator of the spell model.

However, his focus is not on the explosive fireball technique.

Therefore, after practicing the Explosive Fireball Technique to a minor level, Levi did not continue to practice it.

Integrate his cultivation insights into the fireball technique and quickly deduce the spell model structure of the second-level fireball technique.

It took Levi an afternoon to complete the basic structure of the second-level fireball spell model.

Compared with the first-level fireball technique, the second-level fireball technique is several times more powerful.

The explosion range, flight speed, attack distance, and stability have also been greatly improved.

Levi has advanced the first-level fireball technique to perfection.

The spell model only has thirty-six mana circuits.

The preliminary derivation of the second-level fireball spell's mana circuits reaches fifty-four.

There seem to be only eighteen more spell circuits, but the difficulty of casting spells has increased exponentially.

The thirty-six first-level spells with mana circuits are also very exaggerated.

The mana circuits of most first-level spells are within twenty.

There are only forty-two mana circuits for the bursting fireball technique.

At night, Levi tested the power of the second-level fireball technique in his dream.

No charge.

The fireball condensed by normal casting is the size of a washbasin.

Appears orange-red.

In the past, only fireballs that had been initially charged and compressed would appear orange-red.

Levi threw the fireball.

The fireball flew into the air, drew an arc, and landed more than two hundred meters away.


There was a loud bang, and a few seconds later, a strong wind swept past, making Levi's clothes rustle.

When the dust dispersed, a large crater with a diameter of twenty meters appeared on the ground.

Levi smiled.

Thinking back to that time, Master Al used the Fire Snake Technique to blast out a pit several meters in diameter.

He was shocked.

Now, when he casually fires the Fire Ball Technique, its power far exceeds that of the Fire Snake Technique.

In terms of pure power, the second-level fireball spell is already comparable to the third-level spell.

After all, Levi's extraordinary characteristics of the fire elemental body have the effect of +1 to the power of fire spells.

Second-level fire spells can exert the power of third-level fire spells in his hands.

Even an entry-level third-level fire spell is far more powerful than a second-level fire spell.

The cost of the second-level fireball spell is three times that of the first-level fireball spell.

With Levi's current mana, he can release it up to four times.

But it is much stronger than before the breakthrough.

In the past, he had to exhaust all his mana to condense such a powerful fireball.

What's more, this is still a second-level fireball technique without any charge.

Levi tried to build up his strength.

The fireball expanded rapidly in front of him, and its diameter exceeded three meters in the blink of an eye.

The flames burned blazingly, emitting extremely hot light.

Just looking at the fireball, Levi felt a little frightened.

This fireball contained three times his own mana.

Levi tried to compress the volume of the fireball, but in the end he could only compress it to one meter.

The color of the fireball changes from orange to yellow.

Yellow fireball.

At first glance, it reminds people of the sun in the sky.

Levi shoots yellow fireballs.

After the charged fireball flew more than a hundred meters, it exploded in mid-air with a bang.

The accumulated power is excessive and controllability decreases.

Attack range is slightly reduced.

After the yellow fireball exploded, the yellow flame ball spread quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the diameter exceeded fifty meters.

The flames consume all objects within fifty meters.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a small yellow sun appears on the ground.

After a while, the fire dissipated.

An extremely powerful shock wave spread out.

Hoo ho ho!

All the sediment on the ground was blown away, like a sandstorm erupting.

Standing more than a hundred meters away, Levi could still feel the huge impact.

Unprepared, I ate a mouthful of sand.

The shock wave lasts for several seconds.

When the dust settled, Levi saw a huge explosion circle on the ground.

The spread range of the shock wave exceeds 100 meters.

All the soil within a hundred meters was lifted up.

Dozens of meters from the center of the explosion were scorched black.

The fireball exploded in mid-air, but did not create much of a crater on the ground.

But because of the explosion in the air, the attack range of the explosion shock wave is also much larger.

Under normal circumstances, the explosion shock wave should not reach 100 meters.

"This is probably comparable to a fourth-level spell!"

Levi muttered.

Allen casts the fourth-level spell Sandstorm Tornado, and the attack range is larger than this.

But that's because his Sandstorm Tornado is a continuous fourth-level spell.

Single target damage may not be that powerful.

Levi frowned and thought.

"The explosion range is so large, indicating that the power is somewhat spread, and the damage may not be enough to deal with a single enemy."

He hoped that the power of the fireball technique could be more concentrated.

Even if it means sacrificing some attack range.

Mainly, the attack range of charged fireball is now too large.

It makes him, a spell caster, feel a bit hard to bear.

After all, the attack distance of the charged fireball book is only over a hundred meters.

If the range were wider, he would have been hit.

This is not impossible.

Nowadays, the second-level fireball technique has just been deduced and taken shape.

After subsequent improvements, it will be more powerful and the explosion range will be larger.

[Fireball (second-level minor)] 12/10000

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