Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 174 The First Death


The army of the Maciel Kingdom marched towards Maple Leaf City.

The momentum is huge and there is no hidden meaning at all.

This is a conspiracy.

The Kingdom of Maciel forced Oates to give up the founding of the country.

Otherwise, we will destroy Maple Leaf City with an army of 100,000 people.

Oates is also already ready to face the war.

When the Machir Kingdom led its army to come, Aoun had already led tens of thousands of troops to garrison in Howling Fortress.

Howling Fortress is the only way between the Maciel Kingdom and Maple Leaf City.

Apart from this road, there was no road suitable for large armies.

Oates has been planning to build a country for a long time and has already gained control of the Howling Fortress.

After Ornn's army arrived at Howling Fortress, they settled directly.

Relying on the Howling Wind Fortress, Ornn was able to firmly keep out the 100,000-strong army of the Maciel Kingdom.

Upon seeing this, the Maciel Kingdom had no choice but to find a way to send professionals to bypass the Howling Fortress and sneak into Maple Leaf City to wreak havoc.

Prevent the ceremony of worshiping gods from taking place.

After Oates declared the founding of the country, Maple Leaf City began to be turbulent.

All attention in the former Kingdom of Machir was focused here.

At this time, Li Wei ignored the changes in the outside world.

Still working hard to blast the liver spell.

August 23rd.

Dream world.

[Object Control (First Level Perfection)] 0/10000

"It's finally complete."

A lot of knowledge related to object control emerged in Levi's mind.

"Well, this is how slinging works?"

"Everything is ready!"

After digesting the new insights in his mind, Levi naturally knew how to deduce a new flying spell.

"The object control technique is responsible for flying and levitating, the fireball technique is responsible for acceleration, and the invisible armor is responsible for withstanding the recoil of the explosion."

With the invisible armor as the core, flight capabilities and acceleration capabilities are added to the invisible armor.

Li Wei brainstormed and quickly found a feasible solution.

The invisible armor also began to change its shape under his deduction.

"Well, is this even possible?"

Levi found an unexpected bonus.

He originally wanted to transform the form of the invisible armor into a form similar to a jet port, focusing on explosive power.

I unexpectedly discovered that the invisible armor can be assembled into a complete set by itself.

in short.

It is to condense a set of invisible armor that originally covered the whole body into a hand guard or leg guard.

After compression, the defensive power of the single-layer invisible armor is greatly improved.

The overall flexibility is greatly improved.

Levi spent a little time shaping the eighteen layers of invisible armor on his body into accessories.

Eighteen accessories make up a complete, full-coverage invisible armor.

Suddenly I felt lighter and more flexible.

When attacked, you can also control only part of the invisible armor to be exposed, and your stealth is also improved.

Most importantly, the eighteen accessories are interconnected and can spread damage.

Invisible armor is essentially an energy shield.

Theoretically, the energy is enough to withstand all attacks.

The creators shaped the invisible armor into a full-coverage armor, solving the problem that energy shields can only withstand one direction.

Levi dismantled the eighteen layers of invisible armor and put them back together.

It is still a complete invisible armor.

The energy limit of this invisible armor has reached eighteen times the original level.

The defense power is naturally eighteen times higher than before.

The defense power is not weakened just because it is divided into kits.

This is the advantage of energy shields.

Originally, there would be a thickness limit for overlays.

Now, theoretically infinite stacking is possible.

All it takes is Levi compressing the kit into smaller and smaller pieces.

Of the eighteen fittings, Levi used five fittings to create jets ready to provide acceleration.

hands, feet and behind.

Levi integrated object control into the invisible armor.

The two spell models merged with each other and became extremely complex.

Soon, he created a completely new spell model.

The invisible armor turned blue and he slowly floated up.

Then there is the adjustment and distribution of the floating power brought by the object control technique.

Distribute most of the power to your back and feet, leaving 20% ​​of the power in your hands.

10% of the strength is distributed throughout the body, leaving a certain amount of flexibility in the air.

Otherwise, all the power is distributed at the jet port, and the flight speed will be much faster.

But flexibility is bound to be significantly reduced.

Anyway, the power distribution can be changed at any time, and Levi didn't spend much thought on this aspect.

The most critical step has arrived.

He wants to integrate the explosive power of fireball into the new spell model that has been formed.

Levi only hopes to get the explosive power brought by the fireball technique.

No need for Fireball's indiscriminate explosion damage.

After a long period of debugging and deduction, Li Weicai finally controlled the power of the fireball technique.

Just like the self-destruction fireball technique back then.

He keeps his explosive power within a restrained range.

Minimize damage to yourself.

Get maximum acceleration.

With a thought in Levi's mind, the safe house expanded infinitely.

He slowly flew into the sky.

A faint spark slowly floated out from the jet behind it.

Momentum is building.

After deducing, Levi found that the flame jet spell was more suitable for fusion than the fireball spell.

However, in order to enhance the acceleration ability, Levi retains part of the power of the fireball explosion.

Normally, the flame jet accelerates.

In an emergency, direct explosion recoil and super acceleration.

Sizzle! call!

Flames shot out from behind Levi, and his speed continued to increase.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

In a few seconds, it exceeded the speed limit of the previous object control technique.

The speed is still increasing and there seems to be no upper limit.

After Levi became familiar with acceleration, he broke out decisively.

Bang! call!

A powerful recoil force erupted from behind.

A wave of air suddenly exploded around him.

Levi flew dozens of meters away in an instant, and he felt his heartbeat accelerate violently.

The invisible armor becomes streamlined to reduce air resistance as much as possible.

When accelerating, Levi could clearly feel that his body was about to be unable to bear it.

The invisible armor is as stable as a mountain.

Explosive acceleration has not yet reached its limit.

His body couldn't bear it first.

Hoo ho ho!

The wind howled all around.

The scene below flashed by.

Li Wei couldn't even tell how fast he was going now.

The speed was too fast and he found that the direction became difficult to control.


A ball of flame exploded in the air, and after Levi rolled dozens of times, he fell towards the ground.


Levi felt like his brains had been shaken evenly.

Getting closer and closer to the ground.


A large pit appeared on the ground, and Levi lay in the pit, turning into a puddle of flesh.

The extremely strong invisible armor is looming.

It was almost exploded by the huge impact.

Levi is dead.

After a long time, Levi's consciousness gradually recovered.

He saw the bodies in the pit.

I was extremely surprised.

"How is this going?"

"No, that's my body, so what am I now?"

He looked down, trying to see clearly.

can not see.

Suddenly, Levi felt the malice and danger coming from outside.

Looking up, I saw boundless fog covering my vision.

Countless black shadows surged in the mist, baring their fangs and greed at him.

Levi stirred and his consciousness returned to his body.

Everything is back to normal.

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