Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 190 The third-level sleepwalking technique, eight times the time flow rate

Levi made a bold decision.

He was going to visit Tyr's dreamland.

Apart from that, he didn't know how to find any hope of breaking the situation.

Sneaking into an archmage's dream is much more dangerous than sneaking into someone else's dream.

Even if the other party is not a great mage who is good at spiritual spells.

Levi was fully prepared for what he was going to do next.

In the next few days, Levi frantically hunted nightmares in his dreams to increase the level of the Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Technique.

Now that Maple Leaf City is in turmoil, there is a faint tendency to form a large-scale fusion nightmare.

Levi easily found dreams with nightmares.

No matter what happens, he can still fish for law enforcement.

Directly open your own dream bubble, attract the nightmare to enter, and then kill it in one fell swoop.

Two days ago, Levi was still looking for nightmares everywhere.

On the third day, Levi accidentally saw a nightmare vortex.

Then I remembered what was happening at Howling Fortress.

He enters a nightmare vortex.

Appeared on the wall of a black fortress.

Hoo ho ho!

Bang bang bang!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Killing cries, whistling, wailing, and explosions continued to reach my ears.

Li Wei turned around and saw soldiers wearing two different types of armor fighting bloody battles on the city wall.

Looking down, there is also a battlefield below.

The inside and outside of the fortress had already become a mess, turning into a huge meat grinder.

Nightmares turn into human soldiers and go around killing people.

Their figures are constantly changing between the two camps, and their only purpose is to create more nightmare power.

Some nightmares like to backstab their teammates, and they like the nightmare power that creates resentment when their teammates die after their betrayal.

Some nightmares like to crush their enemies aggressively and absorb the power of nightmares that arouses the despair of human death.

Levi likes the nightmare core left behind after the nightmare dies.

In reality, more than 100,000 soldiers gathered inside the Howling Wind Fortress.

Including the logistics personnel, the number exceeded 200,000, reaching the 300,000 mark.

There are more people than Hansha City.

The fusion dream of Howling Wind Fortress is also much larger than the fusion dream of Hansha City.

And it is still growing and has not yet reached its limit.

"Shadow Attendant, bring back the core of the nightmare."

Levi roams the battlefield hunting nightmares.

A small fireball spell can instantly kill a first-level dream.

A single fireball can take away the second-level nightmare.

One move of charged fireball can kill the third-level nightmare.

Levi becomes a nightmare to nightmares on the battlefield.


A huge figure appeared on the battlefield.

Li Wei looked from a distance with a solemn expression and did not get closer.

As he expected, such a huge nightmare dream would inevitably give birth to a fourth-level nightmare.

The fourth-level nightmare is particularly powerful.


Levi has not provoked such a powerful monster for the time being.

After hunting for a whole night in the Howling Wind Fortress, the Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Technique was finally upgraded.

[Great Sleepwalking Technique (Level 2)] 0/10000

Levi's expression moved slightly, and he felt something different around him.

"Does this feel like entering the third level of dreamland?"


The dream beneath his feet was shattered, and Levi fell.

Shadow Attendant quickly returned and got into his body.

After a long time, Levi fell.

The waves spread beneath your feet.

He looked around with a look of surprise.

This is still a long river of dreams.

No third layer of dreams?

Levi looked up and was stunned for a moment.

The stars that were once out of reach have become closer.

He could even see palace buildings in the stars.

"Is there anyone up there?"

Levi was a little surprised.

He tried to fly towards the stars.

Unable to get close.

Even the second-level great sleepwalking spell can't let him get close to the stars.

This is indeed the third level of dreamland.

Li Wei used the Great Sleepwalking Technique to feel like his soul was out of his body.

Returning to the second level of dreamland, the long river of dreams in my eyes has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The fog of dreams disappeared.

He could clearly see all the scenes in the second layer of dreams.

The dream bubble also changes.

It is no longer a fleeting bubble in the long river of dreams.

Countless dream bubbles were arranged neatly, and Levi could clearly see the scene inside at a glance.

Suddenly, a dream bubble slowly burst.

After a while, a dream bubble resurfaced, replacing the broken dream bubble.

Levi knew that the bursting speed of dream bubbles had not slowed down.

It's just that he is in the third level of dream world, and the flow of time is much faster than that of the second level dream world.

Faster than the first level of the dream world where the dream bubble is located.

Therefore, in his eyes, the bursting of dream bubbles became slower.

After testing, Levi knew that the time flow rate in the third layer of dreams was four times that of reality.

Levi looked down and saw several lost souls wandering in the second level of dreams.

He entered the second level of dream world.

Find the lost souls and kill them one by one.

After possessing the map hanger, the Lost Soul loses his vision advantage in front of Levi.

Levi got a total of eight soul crystals.

Soul crystals are paired with magic potions to achieve better training results.

"That's about it for today, go back first."

Levi exits the dream world.

Returning to reality, he suddenly felt like he was in another world.

After a while, Levi came back to his senses.

"To be on the safe side, level up the Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Technique to the third level, and then go find Tyr."

September 15th.

Levi has been fighting in the nightmare of Howling Fortress for several days.

I don’t know how many nightmares I killed.

The higher the level of the Great Dream, the less experience the nightmare can provide.

Forcing Levi to try his best to hunt down nightmares above level three.

He also tried his best to kill a level four nightmare.

In other words, Nightmare is weak and easily pushed down.

If it were a normal fourth-level monster, it would be much more difficult to kill.

The Shadow Attendant has also benefited from the glory these days, eating and drinking enough, and his level has reached the peak of the second level.

Levi crushed a third-level nightmare core.

A stream of light flew into his body.

"This is the last one."

[Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Technique (Level 3)] 0/10000

The familiar feeling of falling came.

The dream beneath Levi's feet collapsed, and he continued to sink.

Shadow Attendant had already returned to his body first.

"What does the fourth dream world look like?"

Suddenly, Levi's heart tightened and he felt a sense of danger.

He looked up and saw a huge blurry figure passing outside the falling passage.

Levi was shocked.

"What is this?"


Levi landed, and the water beneath his feet rippled, and the ripples spread.

He returned to the dreamland again.

The red sunset shines on the long river of dreams, reflecting the blood-red surroundings.

Li Wei looked up and saw a huge, boundless red star appearing at the end of the dream river, half submerged in the dream river.

He walked towards the stars.

This is the closest he has ever been to the stars in the dreamland.

However, no matter how he walked, the distance between him and the red star did not shorten.

He looked up and saw that there were one hundred and seven stars left in the sky.

Getting closer.

Li Wei's heart moved, "After practicing the dreamy dream magic to the end, will you be able to climb these stars?"

"What are these stars?"

"What was that giant thing you just saw?"

Levi couldn't figure it out for the moment.

On the fourth level of dreamland, the fog on the long river of dreams is dispersed by the radiance of red stars.

He looked down and saw the third layer of dreams.

The third level of dreams is full of huge monsters.

Levi didn't hit one last time, so lucky.

After a little testing, Levi concluded that the time flow rate in the fourth level of dreams is eight times that of reality.

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