Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 192 How to break the situation

"Tier has always wanted to find the soul crystal to break through to the fifth level?"

Levi thought carefully.

I thought this might be an opportunity to break the deadlock.

He had exactly what Tyr wanted in his hands.

Of course, Tyr would never get the soul crystal in his hand.

Levi didn't know how to get the soul crystal from the dream to the real world.

However, just because he knows that what Tyr wants is the soul crystal, he can make a big fuss.

Till now, Tire himself doesn't know whether such a thing exists.

He only deduced from the theoretical aspect that a soul-strengthening item was needed in order to complete the advanced ritual.

Only then can we hope to break through to the fifth level.

On the other hand, he is also looking for ways to increase the strength of his soul.

As long as the soul strength reaches the standard, even if it lacks that kind of item, there is still a chance to break through to the fifth level.

After thinking for a while, Levi already had an idea in his mind.

Before Tyr noticed the abnormality in the dream, Levi sent him out of the dream world.

Fortunately, he waited until the Great Sleepwalking Heaven Technique reached the third level before looking for Tyr.

Otherwise, I'm afraid something might go wrong.

Tyr left the dream world and his consciousness returned to reality.

He slowly opened his eyes.

He thought what happened just now was an unintentional memory.

But there was an abnormal feeling left in his heart that made him think something was wrong.

Why did I suddenly think of these things?

Tyr thought deeply.

Finally I remembered some details.

His eyes narrowed, a sharp light flashing in his eyes.

"Dreaming? Is it the Black Cult?"

Some time ago, the Black Cultists just attacked the Mage Tower.

Even if he was attacked by black cultists, Tier was not very surprised.

After the sweep of the mage tower, the black cultists have been silent for half a month.

Tyr wondered if he was being targeted by black cultists.

"Haha, you are so bold! You actually want to deal with me."

Regardless of whether the other party is a black cultist or not, Tire will not sit idly by.

If you want to deal with him, you have to pay the price.

The next day, Levidan brought good news to Tyr.

"Your Majesty the Archmage, I seem to have discovered what you are looking for."

Levidan lowered his head and said cautiously.

Tier was a little surprised and asked, "Oh, tell me."

He didn't have high hopes.

After all, he has been searching for two years.

Levidan is just a first-level mage, how could he find what he needs so easily.

After hearing Tyr's words, Levidan quickly said: "What the Archmage needs is called soul crystal."

He quickly took out a book and showed it to Tyr.

The book mentioned that soul crystals can strengthen the soul.

After seeing it, Tier looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, Levidan was actually found.

After taking a look, he frowned and said, "This book only says that soul crystals have the effect of strengthening the soul. It doesn't say where to get soul crystals."

"What I want is stuff, not knowledge from books."

He also knows some items that can strengthen the soul.

But it was so rare that even he didn't dare to ask for it.

For example, Dragon Soul Stone and Ten Thousand Soul Liquid.

He had indeed never heard of soul crystals before, so the information provided by Levidan was barely useful.

Levidan quickly said: "I heard from a black cultist that they can find soul crystals in dreams."

"Find the soul crystal in the dream?"

Tyr's expression moved slightly.

Is it a coincidence?

He immediately thought of what happened last night.

Tyr sneered in his heart, knowing that this was probably a trap for him.

But if he could really get the soul crystal, he would be willing to step on it even if it was a trap.

The other party also knew that this was a conspiracy.

Tyr looked at Levidan, stared into his eyes, and asked, "Where did you get the news?"

Levidan's eyes trembled slightly and he said nervously: "I really heard it from the Black Cultists."

"The black cultists say there is a rare profession called sleepwalker."

"Sleepwalkers can move in the dream world, and the currency they use is soul crystals."

Tier reached out and patted his shoulder, smiled and said, "Very good, you brought me good news."

Levidan gave an ugly smile.

"It's an honor to be able to help you."

Tire said: "I have a request, can you satisfy it?"

Levidan said quickly: "You can ask for it, and the Leinster family and I will find ways to meet your request."

Tyr looked at him and smiled in his heart.

This guy was still trying to be careful in front of him.

This is because he wants to take the credit for himself and not share it with the family.

Tier didn't mind, knowing what he was thinking.

Tire said: "Then please help me make arrangements. I want to meet a living black cultist who can at least allow people to enter the dream world."

Levidan heard this and said quickly: "No problem, I will find a way to arrange it."

Tier nodded and said, "If you do well, I won't treat you badly."

Levidan was excited when he received Tyr's promise.

He patted his chest and promised that he would do this well.

After leaving Tire's room, Levidan went to the city lord's palace and tried every means to meet the deputy leader of the Black Cult who was imprisoned in the dungeon.

Half a month ago, the greatest success of the Mage Tower raid was the capture of the deputy leader of the black cultists in Maple Leaf City.

Because of his special status, he was not executed and has been kept in the dungeon in the city lord's palace.

Not only was he not subjected to torture, but he was treated like a VIP.

Because this man is the brother-in-law of the city lord Oates.

Arnold, husband of Delise's mother.

Arnold was also a hereditary Viscount of the Empire.

Theoretically, after Arnold's death, Delise could inherit his hereditary viscount title.

Even if it was to keep the title, Oates wouldn't do anything to him.

It is a capital crime for an ordinary noble to have an affair with an evil god cultist.

But for those nobles with high enough titles, this is not unforgivable.

Before being deprived of his title, he still enjoyed the aristocratic treatment of the empire.

Oates naturally did not want Arnold to be deprived of his title.

Therefore, the news that Arnold is the deputy leader of the Black Cult has not spread and is still being kept secret.

Levidan knew about this, or Levi told him through some special means.

As for how Levi knew.

Arnold's arrest had something to do with him.

While he was frantically hunting nightmares in the dreamland of Maple Leaf City, he accidentally discovered Arnold's figure in the dreamland of the tortured black cultists.

Saw it more than once.

So he told Torresta the news.

Later, Arnold was arrested.

Levi asked the Shadow Warrior to seize the imprisoned black cultist.

Pass some news to Levidan through the mouth of the Black Cult.

Levidan accidentally obtained information from the Black Cult, and it was Levi's arrangement.

He racked his brains in order to let Tyr get the news that soul crystals could be obtained in the dream world.

Oates was a little surprised when he learned that Levidan wanted to see Arnold.

"Who told him?"

Oates summoned Levidan.

He learned that it was not him who wanted to see Arnold, but Tyr.

Levidan moves out of the Leinster family and asks Oates for a favor.

For the sake of the Leinster family and Archmage Tire, Oates reluctantly allowed Tire to see Arnold.

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