Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 245 The Harvest of Breaking the Curse

Dragon flame breath!

A stream of hot flames spurted out from Levi's mouth.

The violent flames burned the body of the gray skeleton monster.

The gray bones were turned into ashes by the dragon's fire.

Pull across!

The body of the gray skeleton monster was scattered on the ground, leaving behind charred bones.

The dragon's flame breath ends.

Levi felt a sense of emptiness coming over him, and his strength was severely depleted.

Click, click, click!

The skull's jaw opened and closed making a sound.

The bones scattered on the ground gradually converged towards the skull under the pull of the soul fire.

Levi took out Explosive Development and hit the skull hard.


The skull sank into the soil, and the restless bones around it rested.

He raised the explosive staff and found that the soul flame in the skull had not been extinguished.

Levi kept smashing until the skull was smashed and the soul flame was extinguished.

The fourth-level gray skeleton monster finally died.

Feel the magical elements around you come alive again.

Levi breathed a sigh of relief.

Put away the explosive staff and kick half of the skull away.

"Don't underestimate any enemy. I thought that the fourth-level skeleton monster could be solved with just one charged fireball."

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

Checking the invisible armor, there are still twenty-nine layers left.

The fourth-level skeleton monster destroyed six layers of invisible armor.

Swish, swish, swish!

The surrounding skeletons surrounded Levi.

He quickly cast the resistance fire ring spell to keep the skeletons away.

Then absorb the energy in the Fire Spirit Bead Necklace to restore your strength.

Feeling the strength in his body gradually returning, the emptiness and vulnerability in Levi's heart gradually disappeared.

"Although the dragon's flame breath is powerful, it will kill you if you use it."

The dragon flames sprayed out by the dragon flame breath are the fire elemental spirits that make up the fire elemental body in Li Wei's body.

After spraying, Levi's fire element body was affected and became weak.

And it cannot be elementalized until its strength is restored.

Fortunately, the fourth-level gray skeleton was successfully solved.

After absorbing the energy in the Fire Spirit Pearl Necklace to restore strength.

Levi threw a few fireballs, blowing up a pile of skeletons and killing several first-level skeleton monsters.

All five practical course tasks are completed.

The curse of the Ring of Greed that lingered outside the body was shattered.

The Ring of Greed was sucked into the body, and a message appeared in Levi's mind.

"The effect of the advanced ritual will be doubled within twenty-four hours."

Levi looked surprised.

He didn't expect that breaking the Ring of Greed would yield benefits.

The next second, Levi discovered that the greed curse that restricted him to break through the third level within ten days had become stronger.

The remaining time remains unchanged.

However, after the time is up, the mana depletes quickly.

If there was a chance to save it before, now the curse has broken out and it is irreversible.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Levi couldn't tell the difference for a while.

After thinking for a moment, he figured out one thing.

Breaking the Curse of the Seven Commandments will grant you the benefits associated with the curse.

But it may also cause the original curse to be strengthened.

"Maybe it's because I have a ring of greed, so after breaking the curse, I got the benefit of accelerating my awakening."

"Is this fighting a curse with a curse?"

"So, what would be the benefit if we could break the curse of the Ring of Pride?"

Levi couldn't help but think in his mind.

"The effect of accelerating awakening is only for twenty-four hours, so you must seize the time."

Levi turned and walked towards the exit of the secret realm.

The credits were good, but now he had more important things to do.

Sean was slightly relieved to see Levi back safe and sound.

He also saw the previous big explosion deep in the Skeleton Sea.

The evaluation of Levi's strength in his mind rose to a higher level.

Levi found Sean and said that he had completed the practical course tasks and wanted to exit the secret realm.

Sean said: "Don't worry, even if you complete the course tasks, you can still earn some more credits. The more credits, the better."

"The portal to the secret realm cannot be opened casually. You can only leave when the course tasks are over."

Levi had no choice but to return to the crowd.

"The course tasks are over, when will this happen?"

He glanced at the people around him.

Do we have to wait until these people have completed the practical course tasks?

Levi thought about it and felt that the focus should not be on this.

The focus is on the purpose of the actual combat course, which is to clean up skeleton monsters and reduce the number of undead.

Now, the goal has not been achieved, so Sean will not leave.

Levi thought for a moment and prepared to use the third-level fire wall technique to speed up the cleaning of the skeleton monsters.

Then someone approached him.

"Master Li Wei, can you do me a favor?"

Levi looked at him in surprise, "We're not familiar with each other, are we?"

The man quickly said: "I can pay you, as long as you help me earn enough credits."

Li Wei's heart moved, and he felt a little moved.

The man said: "My name is Baraja. You help me earn credits. For every credit you earn, I will give you one hundred gold coins."

The market price of the Elemental Tower is that one credit is equal to one hundred gold coins.

Levi said nothing, thinking about how he could help earn credits.

Baraja thought he was unwilling, so he quickly said: "Then I will give you ten more gold coins for each credit!"

When Li Wei heard this, he nodded and said, "Deal."

"How many credits do you need?" Levi asked.

Baraja quickly said: "I have completed the first two tasks and earned four credits. If I can earn another six credits, it will be fine even if I fail all the theoretical courses this year."

"Yeah, I understand, six credits, right?"

Levi calculated a little, that is to say, he had to kill 24 second-level skeleton monsters, or 12 third-level skeleton monsters.

It's not very difficult.

There should be enough skeleton monsters here.

Levi said: "Follow me."

He resisted the ring of fire with one hand and pushed all the skeleton monsters around him away.

Walking towards the depths of the Skeleton Sea.

Baraja hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed his footsteps.

"Scorched earth!"

The ground beneath Levi's feet burst into flames and turned into scorched earth.

Baraja stood there, not daring to move.

He was afraid that Levi's spell would get out of control and hurt him.

The surrounding zero-level and first-level skeleton monsters fell in pieces.

Levi's eyes narrowed, and when he saw a skeleton monster that was not dead, he knew that it was a second-level skeleton monster.

"Object control!"

A huge mage's hand grabbed the second-level skeleton monster, crushed it into pieces, and threw it in front of Baraja.

"Do it."

Baraja quickly cast a spell to destroy the soul fire of the second-level skeleton monster.

The magic badge vibrates and receives 0.25 credits.

Baraja's face lit up with joy.

He glanced at Levi and felt that it was right to ask him for help!

The second-level skeleton monsters were beaten to a pulp, and flew to Baraja, turning into credits in the magic badge.

Baraha's face was filled with joy, wishing that the more the better.

"Twenty-four, enough for six credits."

Levi stopped and looked at Baraja.

Baraja quickly took out a small bag containing money and gave it to Levi.

"Here are six hundred and sixty gold coins, thank you Master Li Wei."

Levi put away the money bag and asked with a smile: "Do you want more?"

Baraja nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I want it."

He thought about earning more credits and trying to get promoted in the college entrance examination this year, so that he could ask his father for progress rewards later.

No matter what, I have to reward him with several thousand gold coins as an incentive.

Maybe you can even get a new set of magic equipment.

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