Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 248 The Ring of Laziness and Gluttony

The moment the Curse of Gluttony emerged.

Levi felt as if his stomach had turned into a black hole, swallowing everything crazily.

Digest all food in the stomach.

The terrifying feeling of wanting to eat him all made Levi want to eat everything he could see.

Wait until the Curse of Sloth emerges.

The stomach that was devouring everything suddenly stopped.

The curses formed by the Ring of Sloth and the Ring of Gluttony are intertwined.

affect each other.

The Curse of Gluttony actually made me lazy.

Levi was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the Ring of Sloth could have such a use.

It's a perfect counter to the curse of gluttony.

Opening the door, you see the maid puppet sitting outside on the dining cart.

Levi hadn't eaten dinner yet, so he simply took the food from the dining car in and ate it.

As soon as I smelled the aroma of food, my gluttonous stomach was ready to move.

After taking two bites, the silent gluttonous stomach became crazy again.

Levi ate all the food but could not satisfy his gluttonous stomach.

The gluttonous stomach begins to eat itself.

Levi held his stomach, feeling extremely uncomfortable, feeling that all his strength was being drained away.

After a few minutes, the gluttonous stomach was affected by the Ring of Sloth and gradually calmed down.

Levi was sweating profusely.

His face turned pale.

"Made, a gluttonous stomach becomes a stomach that cannot eat."

The effect of this curse was completely reversed.

The more you eat, the hungrier you get, but if you don't eat, you'll be fine.

Levi was stunned when he thought of this.

Isn't this the effect of the Ring of Sloth?

But the problem is, it's impossible for him to really stop eating.

After a while, Levi came back to his senses.

He took a deep breath to ease the pain caused by autophagy.

"At least it's not the worst yet."

"Neither the Ring of Sloth nor the Ring of Gluttony is fatal yet."

"This is barely good news."

Levi could only comfort himself in this way.

"We still have to find a way to lift the curse. Triggering four curses is already unbearable. If all seven precepts are released, I'm afraid not everyone will be driven crazy."

He has become a third-level mage.

Meet the first condition to use the teleportation array to go to Storm City.

The second condition is one hundred credits.

Levi found a way to participate in practical course tasks and collect 100 credits as soon as possible.

He now has 10.75 credits on his magic badge.

It shouldn't be difficult to get one hundred credits together.

If he hadn't sold the credits to Baraja, Levi would have nearly thirty credits now.

There should be no more practical course tasks arranged for the red-level class in a short period of time.

Levi was thinking about joining the practical course tasks of other magic classes.

The next day.

Li Wei went to the Red Level class.

He was here to find someone. There was nothing to attend to in class, and Sean didn't give lectures.

Learning all depends on late night dream classes.

Levi found Baraja and sat next to him.

Seeing this, Baraja quickly stood up and said solemnly: "Boss Levi, sit down."

Levi stopped him, "Don't leave, just sit down."

After hearing this, Baraha quickly sat down.

"What's wrong, Boss Levi?"

Levi asked casually: "Are you familiar with other magic classes?"

Baraja patted his chest and said, "We are very familiar with each other. I have brothers in the four classes: red, orange, yellow and green."

Levi glanced at him suspiciously.

Considering that he is a small rich man, I don't have much doubt.

Levi asked: "Which magic class has arranged practical course tasks recently?"

When Baraja heard this, his eyes rolled around and he guessed something.

"Boss, are you selling credits again?"

"I have a brother who also wants to buy credits from me."

Baraja started promoting the business.

Levi said: "No, I want some credits to be useful."

Baraja was a little disappointed when he heard this, "Oh, recently, the third-grade orange class will have a practical course task in two days."

"Practical course tasks for third grade?"

Li Wei was thoughtful and felt that something was wrong.

The practical course tasks for third-level mages are more difficult.

There will also be more credits.

Just right to the taste.

Anyway, he is already at level three.

It is appropriate to participate in the practical course mission of a third-level mage.

At noon, Levi was walking on his way home.


He is very entangled, and if he eats, he must bear the precept of gluttony.

If you don't eat, being hungry all the time is not an option.

Eating became a pain, and Levi was afraid that he would develop anorexia.

The level of the Ring of Gluttony is very high.

Even if Levi's whole body is elementalized, he can't resist the power of the curse.

Levi returned to the room, intending to avoid hunger through meditation.

He drank a bottle of intermediate cultivation potion.

The gluttonous stomach wriggled, and Levi's expression changed.

A terrifying devouring force came from his belly, and a bottle of intermediate cultivation potion was absorbed in just a few minutes.

Levi felt a stream of pure magic power feeding him back.

I haven't had time to experience the joy of rapid growth in mana.

The pain of autophagy strikes.

It took a few minutes for the Ring of Gluttony to subside.

Levi's entire body was transformed into elements, restoring the damage caused by autophagy.

Wait until everything calms down.

Levi sensed himself and found that his mana increased by 10%.

[Crystal Meditation (Level 3)] 588/10000

More than 400 of them came from the improvement brought about after the Ring of Greed was broken.

"Can the Ring of Gluttony still be used like this?"

Levi was amazed.

If there were no side effects of autophagy, the Ring of Gluttony would be considered a golden finger.

Unfortunately, if there is no restriction from the Ring of Sloth, the Ring of Gluttony alone can easily destroy a person.

No one can enjoy the benefits of the Ring of Gluttony.

Know that drinking the potion will also trigger the Ring of Gluttony.

Li Wei started practicing directly.

When I first started practicing, my practice progress slowly improved.

The rate of improvement is getting slower and slower.

Then, start going backwards.

Levi opened his eyes.

[Crystal Meditation (Level 3)] 560/10000

He practiced hard for an hour, but instead of improving his magic power, it actually decreased.

This is the curse of the Ring of Sloth.


Li Wei had no choice but to give up practicing.

He began to mess around and lay down to sleep.

When I woke up, my cultivation level had not changed.

[Crystal Meditation (Level 3)] 560/10000

Neither increase nor decrease.

The Ring of Sloth is a curse, a restriction.

It is impossible for Li Wei to increase his magic power without practicing.

Levi sat by the bed and thought for a long time.

He almost figured out the situation.

Carrying the Ring of Sloth, he is no longer able to improve his strength through conventional means.

The harder you try, the weaker you become.

However, the Ring of Gluttony opened up a new avenue for him.

Use the Ring of Gluttony to quickly increase your strength.

The price is to endure the pain of autophagy.

Mana training can solve problems through new ways provided by the Ring of Gluttony.

There is no escape from magic practice.

Levi was afraid that he would be restricted by the Ring of Sloth and would not even be able to practice magic normally.

To test this.

He tried to practice magic.

Soon, he received some unpleasant news.

The more you practice magic, the worse it gets.

There seems to be no solution.

Li Wei used the magic of somnambulism to enter the dream world.

Practice spells in dreams, trying to get rid of the influence of the Ring of Sloth.

Through experiments, Levi was surprised to find that practicing magic in the dream world was not affected by the Ring of Sloth.

The curse of the Ring of Sloth rested on his body.

It cannot affect his soul.

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