Levi looked at the heart in the sarcophagus and showed surprise.

This heart is still beating.

The pulse is very weak, but you can see the rise and fall.

The heart is not dead yet.

This should not be the human heart.

Because the heart is bigger than Levi's head.

Levi looked at it for a while, then reached out and took out the heart.

There is no way, the object control technique cannot be used within three meters of the sarcophagus.

He could only hold it with his hands.

The moment his fingertips touched his heart, Levi felt an electric shock all over his body, and great sadness emerged in his mind.

When he came to his senses, he burst into tears.

Levi understood.

This is the heart of a dragon.

This is a dragon heart!

Levi's heart was beating rapidly, and he was excited and excited.

The dragon clan has disappeared for hundreds of years.

But he got a living dragon heart and a shocking adventure.

This dragon heart is priceless.

Levi suddenly understood why the black shadow left directly after opening the sarcophagus.

Because he knew that he saw a dragon heart in the sarcophagus, and there was absolutely no way he could let it go.

Levi took back his right hand.

He was extremely confused.

Regardless of whether Black Shadow wants to get this dragon heart.

Or the value of the dragon heart itself.

As long as Dragon Heart leaves the Bone Palace, it will definitely cause a huge storm.

"What's the use of thinking so much? I can't leave here without taking the dragon heart away."

Thinking of this, Levi didn't care so much.

He picked up the dragon heart in the sarcophagus and put it into the space ring.

I saw that the dragon heart can be put into the space ring.

Levi breathed a sigh of relief.

Often the source of many crises is that the protagonist obtains a treasure, but the treasure cannot be put into the storage props, which suddenly attracts countless enemies.

Fortunately, he didn't encounter such a bad thing.

Levi glanced at the sarcophagus cover, picked it up and put it into the space ring.

This thing is incredibly strong.

He doubted that even a sixth-level spell might be able to destroy it.

It's definitely a life-saving thing.

It's more than enough to put on your chest as a heart shield.

Unfortunately, the sarcophagus appears to be placed on the stone platform but cannot be moved.

Levi could only take away the sarcophagus cover.

At least something was gained.

Levi comforted himself.

After he took away the dragon heart, the Bone Palace shook.

The door slowly opened.

Levi walked towards the outside of the Bone Palace.

After walking out of the Bone Palace, he looked back at the White House Palace with its door open, and flew towards the Blood Pool without looking back.

Levi was also a little surprised.

Encountered so many things, but ended them without using a weapon.

He glanced at the magic badge.

When the death knight dies, the credit goes to him.

The credits in the magic badge are increased by ten points.

Levi smiled, although the black shadow and dragon heart brought new uncertain events.

But at least so far, all he has received are benefits.

Flying out of the blood pool, Levi looked down at the blood pool.

He was thinking about what this blood pool was?

Is it really blood?


Any attack seems to have no effect on the blood pool.

After Levi's fireball was thrown into the pool of blood, it disappeared.

Other than that, Blood Pool did not show any aggression.

Maybe, this is just a strange landscape.

Levi looked around and flew towards the exit of the secret realm.

"Hopefully they haven't left yet."

Levi didn't want to be trapped in the secret realm.

It's better to be trapped in a secret realm than in a palace of bones.

At least, someone will definitely open the secret portal within a month.

There is hope anyway.


Levi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the explosion created by magic.

The battle is still going on, which means that everyone has not left yet.

A figure quickly crossed over the sea of ​​skeletons.

Suddenly, the figure stopped and flew towards Levi quickly.

When Levi saw someone approaching, he subconsciously slowed down and became alert.

After getting closer, I saw clearly that it was Jasmine, the teacher in charge.

Jasmine stopped in front of Levi, with two cyan wind elf wings behind her.

She looked at Levi and asked, "Where did you go just now?"

Levi said: "Chase the death knight."

Jasmine stared at Levi for a while and asked, "What did you see?"

"A pool of blood," Levi said.

Jasmine frowned and said, "You didn't go in, did you?"

Levi shook his head and said: "No, I used magic to attack the blood pool and found that the magic had no effect on the blood pool, so I didn't risk going in."

"After killing the Death Knight, I left."

Jasmine nodded and said, "Well, that's fine if we don't go in."

"The Millennium Blood Pool is one of the most dangerous places on the ancient battlefield."

"I don't know what the barrier master of the Elemental Tower thought back then, but he actually incorporated part of the blood pool into the magic barrier."

"Fortunately, the blood pool in the secret area is relatively quiet, but it is also very dangerous. Don't approach it easily."

Jasmine warned Li Wei, fearing that he would rashly approach the blood pool and cause accidents.

Levi nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I understand."

Jasmine looked into his eyes and asked, "Are you really a third-level mage?"

Levi said: "If it is fake, it will be replaced."

Jasmine laughed, "Oh, okay, I'll count you as a third-level mage here."

"If you can kill the Death Knight, then there are no enemies who can threaten you in this secret realm, so I won't take care of you."

Jasmine turned around and prepared to leave.

She suddenly asked: "Did any of your friends die at the hands of a death knight?"

Levi was stunned and didn't understand why she had such an idea.

Seeing that Li Wei didn't answer, Jasmine thought she had touched on his sadness.

He didn't continue to ask questions and flew away.

Levi scratched his head, feeling baffled.

How could he have any friends when he first came to the Elemental Tower?

Levi shook his head and ignored those things.


A bone arrow hit Levi.


Blocked by invisible armor.

Levi casually threw a fireball, which exploded a group of skeleton monsters.

The figure of the skeleton archer disappeared in the firelight.

Become credits within the magic badge.

"No matter how many things there are, let's get the credits first."

Wait until the practical course is over and everyone leaves the secret realm.

Levi's magic badge has accumulated 42.75 credits.

Basically all the third- and fourth-level skeleton monsters in the secret realm were killed.

I couldn't find one in the last half day.

Secret Plaza.

Everyone is discussing who has the highest credits.

The level of credits in practical courses represents the strength of the students.

Naturally, everyone is very concerned about this matter.

Often those who can get the first few are the fixed few.

Kuru stood in the center of the crowd. He often got the honor of being among the top in the Orange Class practical courses.

A figure walked out of the secret portal.

He glanced subconsciously, showing surprise.

"You're not dead?"

Kuru exclaimed.

Get other people's attention.

They all turned to look at Levi.

Everyone looked confused and didn't understand what Kulu was talking about.

Only a few understood why Kuru was so surprised.

Just when Kuru wanted to ask Levi how to escape the death knight's pursuit.

Jasmine came out.

After she comes out, the secret teleportation is closed.

Jasmine checked the students' credit acquisition status.

Seeing the credits for the first place, he looked shocked.

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