Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 259 The best gift

Li Wei walked into the Holy Light Temple.

He saw Archbishop Lancelot wearing white and gold robes.

Feel Levi walking in.

Lancelot turned to look at Levi.

Levi looked at him for two seconds and moved his eyes away.

It wasn't that Lancelot's eyes were too aggressive.

On the contrary, his eyes are like warm sunshine, making people want to sink into them.

Levi even felt like his heart was being penetrated.

He subconsciously looked away.

If you look at each other for a long time, you feel like your whole person will be seen through.

Although, the other party may see through him at a glance.

Lancelot said: "Can you show me your holy symbol?"

His voice is gentle and majestic, and cannot be violated.

Levi took out the Holy Emblem of Light and handed it to Lancelot.

Lancelot looked at the Holy Emblem of Light, trying to find clues about the owner of the Holy Emblem.

Unfortunately, nothing was gained.

There is only the residual aura of Levi on the Holy Emblem of Light.

He asked: "Who gave you the Holy Emblem?"

Levi replied: "My master."

"What is your master's name?"


Lancelot handed the Holy Emblem of Light back to Levi, feeling a little confused.

He had never heard of Torresta.

Among the people who have received the Holy Emblem of Light in the past, there is no one named Torresta.

However, this Holy Emblem of Light is real.

It was also awarded by the Saint.

It carries the blessing of the saint.

It’s just difficult for ordinary people to perceive.

Lancelot looked at Levi and asked, "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Levi said: "I was cursed by the evil god, and my master asked me to come to the Temple of Light to seek help."

"Curse of the evil god?"

Lancelot looked at Levi in ​​surprise.

If there was a curse, he should have noticed it as soon as Levi appeared in his eyes.

Lancelot calmly sensed it, and only reacted after a moment.

"It's a very secret curse. If you want to purify it, you need to spend some effort."

Lancelot did not promise Levi to help him purify.

It's very simple. Although Li Wei came with the Holy Emblem of Light, he was not the holder of the Holy Emblem of Light after all.

If the holder comes, Lancelot will naturally help him.

Being able to meet Li Wei is already a great honor to the Holy Emblem of Light.

Levi was slightly relieved to see that he had a way to solve the curse.

It would be great if there is a way.

All that's left is how to impress Lancelot and ask him to help.

Levi asked: "Archbishop, you have been in Storm City for thirty-six years, right?"

Lancelot looked at him strangely, "Yes, is there any problem?"

"Don't you want to go further?"

When Lancelot heard this, he almost laughed in his heart.

For a boy whose feathers haven't even grown yet, to come over and tell him such a thing is simply ridiculous.

He said playfully: "Do you have any idea?"

If it weren't for the sake of the Holy Emblem of Light, he would have driven them away directly.

There is no time to joke with him.

Levi said: "Yes, I have a very important news."

Lancelot laughed in his heart and said without changing his expression: "What news?"

"News from the legendary lich."

Levi's words just finished.

Lancelot's calm expression fluctuated.

He stared at Levi, "Legendary Lich?"

Levi said: "There is a legendary lich in the ancient battlefield who is preparing to cause a natural disaster of the undead."

Lancelot suddenly felt ridiculous that he would believe what he said.

"What evidence do you have?"

Levi took out the sarcophagus cover.

As soon as the sarcophagus cover was taken out, Lancelot's expression completely changed.

He instantly sensed the aura of the lich on the sarcophagus lid.

Lancelot waved, and the sarcophagus cover flew into his hand.

After looking at it for a while, he asked, "How did you get this?"

Levi said: "I picked it up in a secret realm in the Element Tower."

"Can you also pick up the lich's life box?"

Lancelot expressed doubts about Levi's words.

However, he could sense that Levi was not lying.

Lancelot felt weird.

How could the legendary lich even lose his own phylactery?

It was also picked up by a small third-level mage.

If word spreads, other lichs will not laugh to death.

Lancelot thought for a moment and said: "This does not prove what you said. If you can pick up the phylactery, the legendary lich is probably dead."

Levi said: "He's not dead."

Lancelot stared at Levi, and Levi stared at him.

This time it was Lancelot who averted his eyes first.

There was a big wave in his heart, it was really a ghost.

Everything Levi said turned out to be true.

Lancelot does not doubt his abilities.

No matter how unbelievable or unbelievable it is, what Levi said is true.

He really needs to think carefully about what Levi said.

A legendary lich is preparing to cause a natural disaster of the undead. This is very shocking news.

It was also a thunderbolt when it reached the world of Middle-earth.

Lancelot looked at Levi and asked, "Who knows about this?"

Levi said: "There is no one left, just you and me."

Lancelot asked: "How do you know?"

Levi said: "The legendary lich's phylactery was accidentally sealed in a secret realm by the Elemental Tower."

"He has always been unsure of where it is, and he was afraid that he would alert the Elemental Tower rashly and arouse the suspicion of the Elemental Tower. Until this phylactery cover came out, the legendary lich finally found the opportunity to get back the phylactery."

"The person who accidentally saw the phylactery, that is, me, will probably become the target of the legendary lich."

"I am the closest person to the phylactery ever, and he will surely want to find it through me."

"If we can prevent a natural disaster of the undead and kill a legendary lich, the Archbishop will surely have the opportunity to go one step further."

"In exchange for purifying the curse, I am willing to become the bait."

Lancelot looked at him deeply.

What a hell.

Why is everything this guy said true?

It was when he volunteered to be the bait that Lancelot felt that he was telling lies.

Lancelot can also understand this.

After all, it was a legendary lich, and if he, a third-level mage, was involved, he would be wiped out in an instant.

Lancelot thought again and again and said: "You stay in the Temple of Light for now, and I will have people explore the movements of the undead in the ancient battlefield to see if what you said is true."

Levi nodded, "Yeah, okay."

Having said this, Levi knew that Lancelot was already moved.

Even if it's not to go further.

As the Archbishop of the Temple of Light in Storm City, he also has an unshirkable responsibility.

As long as the existence of the legendary lich is confirmed, Lancelot will owe him a favor.

Helping him purify the curse is also a trivial matter.

The priest arranged a residence for Li Wei in the Temple of Light.

Levi stood by the window and looked outside. The sky was blue.

He had a vague premonition that a storm was coming.

He had a premonition the moment he brought Dragon Heart out of the Bone Palace.

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