Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 261 Purification Curse

Lancelot looked at Levi, who was so serious about words, and suddenly showed a gentle smile.

"Really? It makes sense. I'm overthinking it."

He thought that Levi might have the legendary lich's phylactery.

However, this possibility is too small.

The method left on the phylactery by the legendary lich is impossible for a third-level mage to crack.

Levi was afraid that he would die if he didn't get close to the life box.

Levi didn't want to discuss this matter any more.

The more you speak, the more you expose.

He quickly asked: "When will the archbishop help me purify the curse?"

Lancelot looked at him and said: "After all, you are cursed by the evil god. I need some time to prepare."

"I will let you know when the purification ritual is ready."

"Before that, you can stay in the Temple of Light with peace of mind."

Levi said: "Then please prepare the Archbishop as soon as possible. I feel that the curse is about to break out."

Lancelot looked at Levi and pondered for a moment.

"Don't worry. Judging from the current situation, there will still be at least two months."

Levi's heart moved. What he sensed was the curse of the Ring of Greed?

The curses of the Ring of Sloth, the Ring of Gluttony, and the Ring of Pride continue.

There is no such thing as an explosion or not.

Didn't Lancelot feel it?

Suddenly, Levi was a little unsure about whether he could purify the curse.

Lancelot looked at Levi, his eyes moving slightly.

"What is this guy thinking? Why does he suddenly doubt me?"

He didn't know what Levi was thinking.

However, he can read a person's emotions.

This is the ability that belongs to believers of the God of Light.

Lancelot saw this and comforted him: "The ceremony will be ready in three days at most, so there is no need to rush."

"Excuse me, Archbishop."

Seeing that Lancelot would help purify the curse in three days, Levi's anxious mood calmed down a lot.

Lancelot asked Levi about the legendary lich again.

Where did Levi pick up the life box?

How does he know that the legendary lich is not dead?

These are the doubts in Lancelot's mind.

Levi also answered Lancelot's questions with half truths and half lies.

Lancelot couldn't see anything unusual, he could just feel that Levi was hiding something.

He already had the answer he wanted, and he didn't care much about what Levi was hiding.

After all, Lancelot still doesn't pay much attention to Levi.

He didn't think what Levi was hiding would have much impact on the status quo.

Although the news brought by Levi was shocking, he was only a third-level mage after all.

The level of access is not high.

Not to mention the legendary realm.

After Li Wei left the Holy Light Palace, he returned to his residence.

During the past few days in the Temple of Light, he did not enter the dream world.

I am afraid that if I dream under the eyes of gods, I will be regarded as a cultist.

All he does every day is stay in his room and read.

Thanks to the curse being suppressed and weakened in the Temple of Light.

Otherwise, carrying the ring of laziness, the harder he tries to read, the worse the effect will be.

Although my practice is still affected, at least reading will not trigger the ring of laziness.

Three days later, Lancelot personally performed a purification ceremony for Abbot Levi in ​​the Temple of Light.

Levi heard from Lancelot that it would take three days to prepare for the ceremony.

I thought the ceremony would be complicated, but I didn't expect the process to be extremely simple.

Levi stood in front of the statue of the God of Light. After Lancelot prayed to the God of Light for a moment, he received the power from the god to purify the curse.

"Holy light purifies!"

The holy light enveloped Li Wei's whole body, and Li Wei felt that his whole body was bathed in a sea of ​​light.

Feeling warm all over.

Suddenly, his body felt extremely hot.

Something is burning inside.

Opening his eyes and looking, the gray curse aura in the endless holy light disappeared into smoke and disappeared in the holy light.

The Ring of Pride, the Ring of Greed, the Ring of Sloth, the Ring of Gluttony...

Levi also saw three curse auras that had not yet been triggered.

Ring of Fury, power out of control.

The precept of astringent desire, the loss of control of lust.

The Ring of Jealousy merges all things.

The remaining three Seven Rings have not yet been triggered, and the curse effects are very terrifying.

When the Ring of Fury is triggered, even if Levi has the extraordinary property of mana control, his own power will go wild and out of control.

When the Ring of Desire is triggered, Levi's emotions will be out of control and he will be unable to calm down. When he sees any female, he will have strong lust and possessiveness.

Triggering the Ring of Jealousy, the curse will cause Levi to merge the characteristics of all things and turn into an extremely ugly and distorted monster.

Levi was extremely glad that the remaining three curses were not triggered.

The curse of the evil god is really terrible!

By the time the purifying holy light dissipated, the evil god's curse on Levi had been lifted.

The Ring of Pride disappears and Levi's power is no longer limited.

Feeling the return of his strength, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The ban on gluttony was lifted, and Levi no longer had to worry about the pain caused by eating.

Once the laziness ring is lifted, he doesn't have to worry about regressing if he practices hard.

The only thing that Levi couldn't let go of was the Ring of Greed.

Levi laughed at himself: "Am I greedy?"

Forget about exorcising the curse of the evil god.

Still thinking about getting benefits from the curse of the evil god.

It must have been the Ring of Greed that inspired his greed.

Levi shook his head and stopped thinking so much.

After the curse of the evil god is lifted.

He also faces a huge difficulty - the legendary lich.

The dragon heart was given to him by the legendary lich on his own initiative.

The legendary lich will surely come to him to retrieve the phylactery.

Levi is also thinking about how to deal with the dilemma?

The easiest way is of course to hide in the Temple of Light.

He is hiding here, the legendary lich can't come to the Temple of Light to find him, right?

But the problem is that staying in the Temple of Light is also a restriction for Levi.

It's safe for him to stay here.

However, practice is restricted.

Not daring to enter the dreamland, so practicing spells and learning magic knowledge are restricted.

Levi wants to go back to the Elemental Tower.

He also has a seven-day practice card in his hand.

You can use the Seven-Day Cultivation Secret Realm with the secret energy potion.

Seven days is enough time for his cultivation to improve a lot.

The question is, is the elemental tower safe?

Levi thought over and over again and came to a conclusion - safety.

His conclusion is not groundless or based on imagination.

The legendary lich knows that the phylactery is hidden in the secret realm of the Tower of Elements.

But he didn't break the secret realm and take back the life box.

Obviously, he should be afraid of the Elemental Tower.

Don't dare to challenge the Elemental Tower rashly.

This leads to the conclusion that the power within the Elemental Tower is greater than that of the Legendary Lich.

But the problem is that the Tower of Elements is so strong that it is Levi himself who is weak.

What if the legendary lich can bypass the defense of the elemental tower and find Levi directly.

No matter how strong the Elemental Tower is, Levi still has to be cool.

However, this situation seems to also apply to the Temple of Light.

It's just that there are gods on top of the Temple of Light, which seems to be more reliable than the Tower of Elements.

After thinking clearly, Levi made a decision and resigned from Lancelot.

Lancelot had no intention of retaining or imprisoning him.

Let the priest send him away from Storm City.

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