Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 266 The forbidden curse in theory

Levi learned the Fire Dragon Surgery in the library.

I spent some time and credits to learn various first-generation spells.

Discover how spell creators create spells from scratch.

This was of great help to him in deducing spells.

Li Wei clearly understood that the essence of magic is the use of elements.

At least, this is the essence of elemental spells.

Modern mages cannot see this clearly, and focus all their attention on the spell model.

I believe that spell models are the key to unleashing the power of spells.

Levi, who has seen the concept of the first generation of spell creators, understands that the essence of spell power is the elements.

After learning the principles of magic, Levi knew that magic elements are divided into high-energy elements and low-energy elements.

Low-energy elements refer to magical elements in a peaceful state.

In this case, the magical element will not have any impact on the outside world.

It's like the magical elements of heaven and earth that fill the entire world.

Or it could be the magical elements in magic stones and magic crystals.

They are all low-energy magical elements.

The mage transforms low-energy magic elements into high-energy magic elements by casting spells.

According to the entropy increase theorem, high-energy elements are in an unbalanced state and will eventually release energy and weaken to become low-energy elements to restore balance.

The process of releasing energy from high-energy elements is the process by which spells take effect.

This is the explanation of elemental spells in the Elemental Tower textbook.

As for spiritual spells, space spells, summoning spells, and alchemical spells, they are all another matter.

Other top mage towers also have their own interpretations of their own systems.

Levi has not studied yet.

But at least, the theoretical explanation of the Elemental Tower is applicable to elemental spells.

The definition of low-energy elements is stable magical elements.

The stable state of magic elements is unique, which is the lowest energy level.

High-energy elements are not unique.

All in all, the higher the energy of the element itself, the more powerful the spell.

Spell models are like levers.

The mage only needs to use a small amount of force to leverage the magic elements and convert them into high-energy elements on their own.

Then release it.

The levers in the hands of ancient mages were very short, and they even relied directly on their own strength to convert low-energy elements into high-energy elements.

They can get closer to the essence of the spell.

As the spell model improved, the lever was continuously lengthened.

The mage casts spells more and more easily.

The power of spells is also becoming more and more powerful.

It is getting further and further away from the essence.

According to the principle of conservation of energy, there seems to be a problem with this theory.

The conversion of low-energy elements into high-energy elements must absorb energy. Where does the energy come from?

Finding the energy source in the process of converting low-energy elements into high-energy elements has always been one of the ultimate topics of the Element Tower.

If you can understand the mystery and control this process.

Then you can leverage the maximum energy with the minimum force.

Levi had an unconfirmed guess in his mind.

Isn’t this the same as nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?

Energy comes from matter itself.

However, here "substance" becomes "element".

But who can say that an element is not a substance?

After all, people in this world have always believed that the world is composed of four basic elements.

Since elements can form the world, elements must also be a kind of substance.

Then, it can explain the energy source of the transition from low-energy elements to high-energy elements.

Comes from fission and fusion of elements.

This is much gentler than the nuclear fission and nuclear fusion of atoms.

So that it can be used by mages.

"The process of using spells by the first-generation mages utilized the fission and fusion of elements."

"The controllable fission and fusion that exist naturally, this world is really magical. What kind of existence are elements?"

"Is the world really made up of four basic elements?"

Levi thought in his mind.

He spent the day in the library.

I read many books but couldn't find the answer.

There were also some discoveries.

The fact that the world is made up of four elements does not come from mages.

Rather, it comes from a book called the Book of Creation.

Rumor has it that the Book of Creation records the process of creation.

The first sentence of the Book of Creation reads, “The world is composed of the four elements: earth, water, wind, and fire.”

Some say that the Book of Genesis was created by gods.

Some people say that the Book of Creation was born naturally at the creation of the world.

Some people say that if you get the Book of Creation, you can become the God of Creation, tower over the gods, and control the entire world.

But no one has ever seen the Book of Genesis.

All the contents in the Creation Book were passed down by word of mouth.

In some ancient ruins, fragments of the contents of the Book of Creation can occasionally be glimpsed.

There is no way to verify the authenticity.

There are also rumors that there is a "Book of Destruction" in the world that was born together with the Book of Creation.

The Book of Destruction records the process of the destruction of the world.

No one has seen it.

Historically, every once in a while, someone would use the name of the Doomsday Book to propagate that the end is coming.

The most famous one is Ragnarok.

"The Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction, do these two books really exist in the world?"

Levi was skeptical.

Sounds pretty magical.

Although this is a magical world, neither the Book of Creation nor the Book of Destruction sounds very reliable.

Levi walked out of the library and walked towards the manor, thinking about today's harvest.

"The power of spells comes from the fission and fusion of elements."

"This process is too gentle, not as violent as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion."

"The main reason is the lack of a chain reaction."

"Each element is an independent individual, so it can accurately fission and fusion."

"If you can make the elemental fission process produce a chain reaction, you can create a spell with unparalleled power."

Levi thought of the forbidden curse.

Any description of the forbidden curse is that the sky will collapse, landslides and tsunamis, the color of the world will change, and the world will be destroyed.

It destroys entire cities at every turn, flattens mountains, and evaporates lakes and rivers.

The powerful forbidden spell can even defy the heavens and kill gods.

Describe a scene that looks a lot like a nuclear explosion.

"Lord Levi."

Magic butler Clow saw Levi and greeted him.

Levi nodded, "Good evening, Crow."

"What's for dinner tonight?" Levi asked.

With great ambition in my heart, I felt as if I had grasped the essence and true meaning of the forbidden curse.

Looking back, I didn’t have to worry about what to have for dinner.

What to eat at night was much more important to Levi than mastering the nature of the forbidden spell.

No matter how much he thinks about it now, it is impossible to do it.

It's all just fantasy.

What he eats is really related to his mood.

Kuro replied: "Diana is making mulberry steak. The main course tonight should be steak. In addition, Diana has also prepared the rice you like to eat."

When Levi heard this, he smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"Is it hard to find rice?" Levi asked.

Kuro nodded and said: "It is indeed difficult. The common cereals on the market are wheat. Diana traveled to many places to find a place that sells rice."

"Say thank you to Diana for me," Levi said.

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