Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 271 The Supreme Bone Ring commands the world, no one dares to disobey!

Levi looked at the gold bone ring in his palm and was extremely surprised.

Although it feels like it can bring out dreams.

However, Levi was still very surprised when he actually saw the golden bone ring brought out of the dream.

It was the first thing he got that could bring him out of his dreams.

"What is the use of the gold bone ring?"

Levi showed doubts.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to give it a try.

Wear the gold bone ring on the middle finger of your left hand.

Soon, Levi felt the slightest difference.

He poured mana and spiritual power into the golden bone ring.

In an instant, Levi felt his mental power spread thousands of meters.

He can sense the breath and location of the undead around him.

The latest breath... Levi suddenly turned his head to look at the window.

He walked to the window and looked at the small bone dragon lying under the dragon blood tree.

After putting on the gold bone ring, he saw a faint aura of undeath on the little bone dragon.

This skull dragon is coming back to life!

The aura of the undead is still very thin.

Even weaker than the undead aura of the weakest skeleton monster.

Levi looked away, he probably understood the function of the gold bone ring.

The golden bone ring can sense and control the undead.

Through the golden bone ring, Levi sensed the aura of many undead in the floating city.

Most of them are concentrated under the Elemental Tower, and there are also a few undead auras distributed throughout the city.

It is possible that a small bone dragon like this was picked up from an ancient battlefield and used as a collection.

It may also be an undead creature hiding in the floating city.

Levi didn't want to explore the truth.

He was extremely confused, why did the other party give him the gold bone ring?

The ability of the golden bone ring is no less than a divine weapon under the current circumstances.

Levi couldn't understand the other party's intention.

"No matter, put it away first."

When Levi wanted to take off the gold bone ring, he suddenly found that he couldn't take it off.

He pulled it off a few times but didn't take it off, and his expression changed.

Left hand elementalization.

Trying to take off the gold bone ring by force.

Unexpectedly, the golden bone ring melted into the flesh and blood, and directly fused with the bone of Levi's middle finger.

Through his mental power, Levi could feel that the phalanx turned golden, and there were skull patterns on the surface.


"What the hell is a gold bone ring?"

Levi's head felt heavy.

After lingering in the room for a long time, Levi left the manor and went to the St. Vilia Library.

At night, the Santa Vilia Library is still brightly lit.

Levi frantically flipped through books about the undead, looking for clues to the golden bone ring.

No gold bone ring found.

He discovers a rumor about the undead.

Rumor has it that the Lord of the Dead used the seventh rib of his previous life to create a supreme bone ring.

Holding the Supreme Bone Ring is equivalent to the presence of the Lord of the Dead, who can control all undead creatures in the world.

Someone once obtained the Supreme Bone Ring and caused a natural disaster of the undead.

The intention is to establish a kingdom of the dead in the human world and become the master of the world.

The Scourge of the Undead was prevented.

The person holding the Supreme Bone Ring disappeared.

Some people said that he offended the Lord of the Death Realm and was executed, and the Supreme Bone Ring was taken back.

Some people say that he was corrupted by the power of the Supreme Bone Ring and has lost his mind and turned into a pure undead creature.

All in all, the Supreme Bone Ring has disappeared.

Levi did not think that the golden bone ring in his hand was the Supreme Bone Ring.

There is no doubt that the Supreme Bone Ring is an artifact.

The gold bone ring is more like a pirated version of the supreme bone ring.

The functions of the two are similar, but the scope and effects are very different.

The Supreme Bone Ring can dominate the undead in the entire world.

Even if Levi puts on the gold bone ring, he can only sense the undead within 10,000 meters and control the undead within 1,000 meters.

Super castrated version.

Even so, the golden bone ring is very powerful.

Especially now that the Elemental Tower is about to face the siege of the undead.

Levi continued to search for information.

It wasn't until noon the next day that he discovered a piece of useful information.

A lich once imitated the Supreme Bone Ring, but the effect was very weak.

According to the lich's research, the more advanced the materials used to make the bone ring, the more powerful the effect.

If you want to achieve the effect of the Supreme Bone Ring, you must use the divine bone.

Lich came to this research result.

Not long after, the lich died unexpectedly.

A near-immortal lich dies unexpectedly.

You can even think of it with your toes, it must be related to the gods.

The gods are also afraid of being remembered.

Later, the method of imitating the Supreme Bone Ring was lost.

Levi has been able to determine that the person who gave him the golden bone ring is the legendary lich.

Legendary Lich and Dream Weaver.

"Why did he go to such great lengths to get himself a gold bone ring?"

Levi was even more confused.

Leaving the Library of Santa Vilia and walking on the way back to the manor.

Gulu gulu!

My stomach growls.

Levi glanced at the sky, it was already noon.

He even forgot to eat breakfast.

Levi quickened his pace, preparing to go back and eat the delicious food prepared by Diana.


Levi bumped into someone, who fell to the ground.

Levi swayed for a moment before regaining his balance.

His physique is equivalent to a second-level extraordinary warrior.

There is no difference between ordinary people hitting him and hitting a wall.

"Are you OK?"

Levi reached out and pulled up the little girl who was knocked down.

"No, it's okay."

The moment his fingers touched each other, Levi felt the strong aura of the undead in her body.

Levi's eyes narrowed, showing suspicion.


The little girl grabbed Levi's hand with her backhand, showing excitement.

She quickly got up and whispered: "Sir, you are finally back!"

A look of doubt flashed in Levi's eyes.

He looked around and said, "Follow me."

The little girl quickly followed Levi's footsteps.

Levi took her into a nearby restaurant and opened a separate private room.

After ordering a few random dishes and sending the waiter away, Levi closed the door, looked at the little girl, and asked, "Who are you?"

The little girl quickly said: "I am Savinia. When my master created me, he named me Bone Flute Dancer."

"Sir, didn't the master tell you?" Savinia asked doubtfully.

Levi blinked and said, "No, I came in a hurry, and the boss didn't say anything."


Levi said casually: "Our boss, your master, is a lich and has no one to help him in the ancient battlefield, so he recruited some younger brothers to help. I was the first to follow the boss."

"The boss trusts me very much and gave me the gold bone ring."

"He said as soon as I came, I would know what to do."

Levi saw Savinia showing admiration.

He quickly asked: "So, what does the boss want us to do?"

Savinia showed a look of resentment and said: "Of course I want to take revenge on the Elemental Tower! If the mage of the Elemental Tower hadn't stabbed the master in the back, the master would not have fallen to where he is now."

Li Wei remained calm and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Savinia showed an evil smile and said: "I want everyone in the floating city to become undead."

Levi was shocked.

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