Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 277 Inquiry, the crisis of truth telling

The little bone dragon can talk.

It also told Levi that he had awakened the extraordinary characteristics of the dragon clan.

The small bone dragon spit out white dragon flames from its mouth.

Dragon Flame, which should have extremely high temperatures, gives people a cold feeling.

This is corrosive dragon fire capable of depriving life.

The unique power of the undead creature Bone Dragon.

The white dragon flames fell on the scrapped magic puppet nearby, and the body of the magic puppet was quickly corroded.


Li Wei showed a look of relief, the little bone dragon finally had some strength.

"Yes, Not Bad."

"You continue to guard the dragon blood tree."

"Okay, Master."

The little bone dragon lay back on the ground, the soul flame in its eyes extinguished, and its power fell silent.

Levi glanced at the small bone dragon and shook his head subconsciously.

He also wants to ride a dragon.

However, the small bone dragon has such a small body that it is not suitable for riding.

There is no domineering feeling like the dragon knight at all.

On the contrary, it makes people feel a bit silly.

Xiao Gulong felt Li Wei's thoughts and said in his heart that I can grow up.

As long as it devours the flesh and blood of other adult dragons, it can grow in size.

Sooner or later, it will grow into a dragon.

The little bone dragon is eager to grow.

"Master, before I was born with complete consciousness, I felt a pure power belonging to the dragon clan. If I could swallow that power, my size could grow a lot."

The voice of the small bone dragon rang in Li Wei's heart.

After Li Wei thought for a moment, he knew what the little bone dragon was talking about.

This guy actually targeted Long Xin.

It was naturally impossible for Li Wei to hand over the dragon heart to it.

He ignored the small bone dragon and turned to leave.

Levi suddenly felt that the dragon heart might not be that important to the legendary lich.

He had learned not long ago that a lich could not only have one phylactery.

Dragon Heart Ruo is the only phylactery of the legendary Lich.

It had already tried every means to take back the dragon's heart.

It is impossible to let it go until now.

The legendary lich clearly knew that the dragon's heart was in his hands.

The gold bone ring was also delivered to him.

The legendary lich must have a way to lock his position, but he has yet to take action against himself.

Levi didn't understand what the other party wanted to do.

On the contrary, it made him feel that the other party was not very anxious to regain the dragon's heart.

Levi is now more worried about exposing the killing of Crook and Lawson than the legendary lich.

"We have to find a way to deal with the interrogation of the Discipline Inspection Commission."

Levi thought.

The effect of the truth-telling technique depends on the difference in mental strength between the two parties.

If the caster's mental power is stronger than that of the recipient, the recipient will be forced to tell the truth.

The mental power of the caster and the recipient is about the same, so the caster can sense the truth and falsehood.

The subject's mental power is stronger than that of the caster. Even if the subject lies, the caster may not be able to detect it.

"My apparent strength is that of a third-level mage who has just advanced."

"The Discipline Inspection Commission will ask a fourth-level spiritual mage to examine me just to be on the safe side. I should be able to resist."

Levi's mental power has almost reached the fourth level.

However, we cannot pin our hopes on the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Li Wei thought over and over again and thought of a way.

The feasibility is relatively high.

In the afternoon, law enforcement officers from the Discipline Inspection Commission found Li Wei and invited him to the Judgment Hall for questioning.

"This is just a routine inquiry, Master Li Wei, don't worry." The law enforcement officer kindly explained.

After Levi's status changed, the attitude of the members of the Discipline Inspection Commission towards him also changed greatly.

Now, many people know that Levi is a member of the House of Truth.

And he also holds an important position in the Palace of Truth.

Especially after the deputy master of the Hall of Truth personally found someone to rescue him.

Levi's fame grew even greater.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Li Wei asked knowingly.

The law enforcement officer said: "I don't know much about it either. You will find out when you go to the Judgment Hall."

Li Wei followed the law enforcement officers to the trial hall of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Walking into the trial hall and seeing the judge sitting in the upper seat, Levi's eyes flashed with a trace of nervousness.

The person coming was bigger than he thought.

It turned out to be a fifth-level spiritual mage.

Fortunately, he had been prepared, otherwise he would have been doomed if he had used his mental strength to resist.

Even if you have advanced magic power to control extraordinary characteristics and enhance your mental power.

Compared with the fifth-level mage, there is still a big gap between him and him.

The judge looked at Levi calmly and said, "Sit down and let's talk."

Levi sat opposite the inquisitor, three or four meters apart.

The judge asked: "Why did you go to save Sean?"

"Because he is my teacher and he has helped me before. I can't just ignore him. Besides, I am certain that I can come back safely."

Levi replied.

The judge continued to ask: "What did you see when you went to rescue Sean?"

Levi replied: "When I arrived, Teacher Sean was surrounded by undead. I used magic to clean up the nearby undead and bought time with Teacher Sean to use the scroll to return to the city."

The inquisitor asked: "Didn't you see anyone else?"

Levi shook his head: "No."

The judge stared at Levi and suddenly asked: "Why are you mentally injured?"

Li Wei replied: "Some problems occurred while I was practicing, and I accidentally hurt my spirit."

"Really?" The judge did not ask too much.

He continued to ask about the matter.

After confirming that Levi had not seen Crook and Lawson, the inquisitor asked him to go back.

Looking at Li Wei's back leaving the Judgment Hall, the Judge felt a little strange.

There was a vague feeling in his heart that the truth-telling technique was not working.

Levi's answer seemed normal, but it made him feel a bit fake.

But the truth cannot be deceived.

Li Wei's mental power cannot be stronger than his. Under the influence of the truth-telling technique, everything Li Wei says must be true and reliable.

The Inquisitor recovered his thoughts.

He still believes in truth telling more than illusory intuition.

After Levi left the Disciplinary Committee, he walked on a street full of pedestrians and breathed a sigh of relief.

Back in the manor, Levi stood in front of the mirror, his figures gradually separated and turned into two identical people.

One of them is a phantom.

Levi divided half of his mental power into his phantom body.

This is also a great test for him.

In the past, he had only integrated a small part of his mental power into his phantom body.

Cutting off half of his mental power, just the process of cutting off his mental power made Levi feel like dying and almost schizophrenic.

Half of the mental power must be cut off, otherwise the inquisitor will discover it.

His mental power is stronger than that of ordinary mages.

After being cut in half, the mental strength is about the same as that of an ordinary third-level mage.

Still stronger but within normal range.

The phantom body and the real body are superimposed and merged into one.

When the Inquisitor cast the Truth Spell on Levi, he transformed into a phantom body and received the Truth Spell.

When the judge asked, Levi answered the questions in his own body.

The truth spell imposes restrictions only on the phantom body.

The body is not restricted.

And because the mental power of the phantom body and the real body are equally strong, the judge cannot tell the difference.

He didn't expect that someone could be so mentally powerful.

Even so, the judge still noticed that Levi's mental power was abnormal and was fooled by him.

The main reason is that the judge believes too much in the effect of truth telling.

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