Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 280 One person is worth one group

Hobbis watched Levi enter the Hall of Truth.

My heart felt itchy.

I am very curious about the good things Levi said just now.

Although he was curious, Levi didn't want to say anything, so he still didn't ask.

Levi opened the door and walked into the Solar Research Base.

Feronlides was standing in the hall, talking to a blond-haired female mage.

Hearing the footsteps, Fernides and the blonde female mage turned to look at Levi.

When Fernandez saw the person coming, he smiled and said, "Levi, come here quickly, this is the person I want to introduce to you."

The blonde female mage smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Lux Clark."

Levi reached out and shook her hand.

"Hello, my name is Levi."

Fiorides said: "Levi, Lux is a light mage and is also very good at sacred spells.

She will help you study how to integrate the spell model of Radiance and Holy Light. "

Lux said: "Please bear with me when we work together in the future."

Li Wei quickly said: "This is the right thing to say, please bear with me."

Fernandez smiled and said, "You two, don't be polite."

He looked at Levi and asked, "How is your deduction of the Explosive Flame Technique and Burning Technique?"

Levi said: "The deduction has been completed. It only has 20% more spell circuits and mana nodes than the original Explosive Flame Technique."

Fiorides and Lux ​​were very surprised when they heard this.

He looked at Levi in ​​disbelief.

"You said you have completed the deduction? The number of spell circuits has only increased by 20%?"

Levi nodded, "Yeah."

"I have burned the new spell model into this magic book, you can take a look."

Levi handed a magic book to Feronides.

Fernides quickly took the magic book and looked at the spell models in it.

After reading it, I stayed in place, silent for a long time, and didn't respond for a long time.

Lacus looked curious.

She asked: "Can you show me?"

Although she is not good at fire spells, as a magic scholar, she can still tell the quality of spell models.

After hearing this, Fernides reacted and handed her the magic book.

When Lux looked at the magic model.

Fernides looked at Levi and gave him a deep look.

He was deeply shocked.

Scholars in the Solar Research Group created a spell model that combines explosive flames and combustion.

Spend months researching.

Only then did a relatively considerable research result be obtained.

The new spell model has 50% more spell circuits than the original spell model of Explosion.

This is already the current limit of the research team.

However, he didn't expect that in just a few days, Levi would deduce a new spell model with only 20% more spell circuits.

This is quite shocking.

After Fernandez was shocked, the extreme joy of finding the treasure emerged in his heart.

He was extremely glad that he had not refused Li Wei to join the Solar Research Group.

Otherwise, if Levi goes to other research groups, he will miss a big treasure.

Levi felt Fernides' gaze gradually becoming hotter, and he felt a little at a loss.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he lowered his head and thought: Brother, can you stop looking at me like that.

It made me feel very bad, with thorns in my back.

After Lux saw the new spell model deduced by Levi, she was silent for a long time.

She was equally shocked and shocked.

Fiorides told her that Levi had just come into contact with this research not long ago.

How many days has it been?

Levi's research results are better than her team's research results in several months.

Lux looked at Levi and exclaimed: "You are really amazing!"

Li Wei said modestly: "It's nothing. The two spell models are very similar. It took me one night to fuse the two spell models, and then it took me a few days to change the number of additional spell circuits from 50% to 50%." Down to 20 percent.”

Upon hearing this, Fernides and Lux ​​looked at each other subconsciously.

Everyone saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Levi's humble speech made the two of them doubt themselves even more.

Emotional Levi's achievements in one night are equivalent to their achievements in several months?

Is this the difference between geniuses and ordinary people?

Fernandez couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, feeling a hint of bitterness.

Once upon a time, he was the genius mage in the eyes of others.

I never expected that one day I would feel jealousy in someone else.

To be honest, he was a little jealous of Levi's talent.

This is too strong.

Fiorides looked at Levi and said seriously: "Levi, starting from today, you can participate in all topics of the Solar Research Institute."

Li Wei was stunned, he waved his hands quickly and said: "No, no, I can't do it yet.

I'm just good at spell deduction and don't know much about other things. "

He glanced at the training panel.

[Magic Knowledge (Level 3)] 540/10000

He has just mastered the second-level magic knowledge.

It was too early for him to participate in solar research.

The research on the theories and principles of first- and second-order magic is pretty much the same.

Fiorides ignored Levi's refusal.

He felt that Li Wei should get started quickly and be exposed to more research on Guangyao, so that Li Wei's talent could be brought into play.

Fiorides said: "Put aside the research on Guangyao's spell model for now. There is a more urgent matter for you here."

Lux looked surprised when she heard this.

She looked at Fernandez and said, "Isn't it a little bad to let him participate? This project has come to an end. If he gets involved, others will also have opinions."

Fernides said firmly: "I make the decision, no one objects."

Lux was speechless.

She felt helpless.

Fernandez is the main person in charge of the Solar Research Laboratory.

The right is the greatest, just say the right thing.

He made decisions that others really could not object to.

On the one hand, it is because of his high status.

On the other hand, it is because Fonreides will not interfere in research and will only make decisions on the general direction of research.

The decisions made were all correct.

Even if it seemed unreasonable at the time, the final result proved that Ferenides's choice was correct.

But having Levi involved in a project that was coming to an end, that was already coming to an end.

This is sure to get people talking.

It felt like he was deliberately taking care of Levi and letting Levi take the credit.

Not to mention Levi who had just entered the house, even if Feronlides' own son entered, he would be disliked.

After all, the project research has come to an end.

The dust has basically settled.

It is useless for anyone to come at this time, let alone participate in the research and contribute.

Even if Foulides goes there in person, he can only do soy sauce on the side and watch other people do research without being able to get involved.

Seeing the reactions of Fernides and Lux, Levi became curious.

He asked: "What happened?"

Feronlides said: "The Radiant Magical Cannon research project."

"Glory Magic Cannon?"

Levi looked surprised.

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