Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 293 Condensing the Spirit of Fire

Boom! Gulu gulu!

The elemental plane of fire seems to be forever burning.

Fire is the eternal theme here.

The lava overflowed the crater and flowed down the mountain wall.

Hot and dangerous lava brings up treasures from the depths of the volcano.

Outsiders love these treasures, and so do the natives of the Fire Elemental Plane.

Levi looked up and saw four people taking the initiative to face the rolling torrent of lava.

There are monsters approaching all around.

The monsters who are not afraid of the lava take the initiative to get into the lava in search of treasures.

The monsters that cannot penetrate deep into the lava are waiting for treasures washed up on the edge of the river bank.

Levi looked intently and saw something alive in the lava.

It is a magical creature that lives in volcanic lava - the fire fish.

The meat of fire fish is delicious, and because it contains a large amount of active fire elements in its body, it can be easily absorbed by monsters.

Promote the strength of Warcraft.

Although fire fish are extremely precious, they are almost invisible in the main world.

However, the fire fish is not the real treasure in the lava.

The real treasures come from the depths of the volcano.

Some fire fish have the opportunity to swallow treasures deep in the volcano, thereby transforming and becoming stronger.


A flying monster plunged into the lava and grabbed a huge fire fish.

The fire fish struggled violently to escape from the claws of the flying monster.

The flying monster wanted to take off and dived again.

The giant fire fish jumped up suddenly and slapped the flying monster with its tail, sending it flying dozens of meters away.

The mage not far away saw this and his eyes lit up.

Understand that this giant fire fish must have swallowed the ground ooze.

Ground ooze is a rare treasure born deep in the volcano.

Not all volcanoes are born with lava.

Not a single one in a hundred miles.

Earth ooze can quickly increase the power of fire monsters.

Also useful for fire mages.

The refined secret medicine of earth ooze can help fire mages quickly increase their magic power.

The mage who discovered the giant fire fish quickly took action, trying to catch the giant fire fish that was passing by in a hurry.

"Hands of Fire!"

A fire spell evolved from the hands of a mage.

A spell unique to the mage.

Huge flaming hands grasp the giant fire fish.

The scorching heat of the Flame Hand cannot cause effective damage to the giant fire fish.

The giant fire fish itself has extremely high fire resistance, and after absorbing the ooze, the fire resistance becomes even more ridiculously high.

Ordinary fire spells can no longer harm it at all.

The hand of flame could only barely grab it out of the molten metal.

The giant fire fish shook its body violently, trying to struggle out of the control of the flame hand.

"Hmph! It's just a monster, why don't you just catch it without mercy!"

Suppressed by the power of the fifth-level mage, no matter how hard the giant fire fish struggled, it was of no avail.

Still, he was firmly grasped ashore by the hands of flames.

Whoosh whoosh!

Seeing the giant fire fish coming ashore, the surrounding monsters rushed over to get a piece of the pie.


The fifth-level mage raised his hand and waved out a blast of flames, knocking away all the approaching monsters.

The monsters saw that he was too powerful and did not dare to get closer.

The fifth-level mage drove away the monster and smashed the giant fire fish to the ground.

"Obsidian Piercing!"

Cast third-level earth spells.

Several extremely sharp black obsidian stone pillars pierced the giant fire fish.

Blood was left along the obsidian pillars, and after being exposed to the air, the blood quickly ignited into flames.

The fifth-level mage watched the giant fire fish gradually lose its vitality, and only after it died completely did he get closer and dig out the crystal core formed by the condensation of the earth's slurry in the giant fire fish's body.

The undigested earth ooze of the giant fire fish merges with the flesh and blood in its body, forming a crystal core that can preserve the earth ooze for a long time.

This was originally the ability of the giant fire fish to digest the earth's ooze.

But it became one of the reasons why the giant fire fish was hunted.

It makes it easier for humans and monsters to hunt giant fire fish.

Levi glanced at the four people who were hunting the giant fire fish.

Turn around and quickly stay away from this land of right and wrong.

Although the earth ooze is precious, it is not the purpose of coming to the fire elemental plane.

It would be a good thing if you could get some by the way.

There is no need to fight with others.

Levi came to the fire elemental plane for one purpose, to awaken new extraordinary characteristics, or to advance his fire elemental body.

He stayed away from the battlefield and looked for a suitable place to use the spirit gathering ritual.

Levi held a fire crystal in his hand and used the little skills in the spirit gathering ceremony to judge the strength of the surrounding fire spirits through the fire crystal.

Where the spirit of fire is stronger, the temperature of the fire crystal is higher.

Under normal circumstances, fire crystal is cold.

Although it is called fire crystal, fire crystal is just a stone that contains more fire elements.

The essence is still stone.

After coming to the fire elemental plane, he was affected by the spirit of fire.

The activity of the fire element in the fire crystal stone is greatly increased.

It already feels warm in your hand, no longer cold.

Levi found that the closer to the crater, the higher the temperature of the fire crystal.

After searching for a long time, he found a hot spring lake.

There was actually a lake in the fire elemental plane, which surprised Levi a little.

Approaching the hot spring lake, Levi found that the fire crystal in his hand became extremely hot.

It's even hotter than on a volcano.

Levi's eyes lit up.

This is a great place.

Levi stood by the lake, staring at the bubbling water.

He suspected that the temperature of the lake was more than a hundred degrees.

After looking around and confirming that the area was safe, Levi summoned the Shadow Attendant.

Shadow Attendant has advanced to the fourth level.

Gain a new ability at the fourth level - Shadow Clone.

Currently, three shadow clones can be released, each of which has 50% of the Shadow Warrior's own strength.

The shadow clone can use all the skills possessed by the Shadow Warrior.

Including Shadow Attendant's most basic ability as a nightmare - body control.

Levi asked Shadow Attendant to control the shadow clone to seize the body and control the fire monster.

He got three third-level fire-type monster bodyguards.

Fire monsters are scattered around, and Shadow Warriors protect them closely.

Only then did Li Wei feel free to arrange the spirit gathering ceremony.

Take out all the materials prepared in advance.

Li Wei felt that the spirit gathering ceremony was similar to the fire spirit ceremony.

It's just that the subject of the Fire Spirit Sacrifice is Li Wei himself.

The main body of the spirit gathering ceremony is the ultra-high purity fire element magic crystal used to receive the fire spirit.

Such magic crystals do not exist in nature.

Only master alchemists can refine and create it.

One is worth five hundred gold coins.

Levi only prepared five.

After the ceremony began, Levi saw a faint red light emerging from the air, like fireflies flying into the magic crystal.

The magic crystal gradually lights up, exuding a power of attraction.

The spirit of fire is extremely attractive to any fire monsters and fire mages.

The three fire-type monsters controlled by Shadow Attendant couldn't help but turn around when they felt the movement here.

This is the instinct of Warcraft, and Shadow Warrior cannot control it.

Levi sensed a crisis.

Gulu gulu!

There was a sound in the hot spring lake.


A large splash of water appeared on the lake, and the water quickly approached Levi.

The monsters in the hot spring lake are attracted by the spirit of fire and are approaching.

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