Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 322 Torresta and the Legendary Lich

The next day, Li Wei moved to Mingtian territory.

Before leaving, Levi licked the dragon's blood tree again.

The dragon blood tree felt like it was being squeezed dry.

Li Wei left a drop of dragon heart's blood essence to keep the dragon's blood tree alive.

He felt that continuing like this was not an option.

We still have to find a way to help the little bone dragon be reincarnated into a real dragon, and then we can achieve the freedom of the dragon blood plant.

There are still four materials needed for the little bone dragon to be reincarnated.

Dragon heart, blood soul flower, living dragon body, dragon soul, poisonous ambergris saliva, goddess tears.

Levi already knew the whereabouts of the two materials.

The living dragon body is in a secret realm of Falling Dragon Slope.

The dragon soul is likely to be sealed on the seventh floor of the Mage Tower in Maple Leaf City.

Poisonous ambergris and goddess tears are still unknown, and they don't sound like simple things.

Levi also had a headache.

Even if you know the location of the first two materials, it is difficult to obtain them.

I don't know why, but after receiving the dirty soil reincarnation ceremony, Li Wei always felt that there was something fishy about it.

Why are half of the materials required for the dirty soil reincarnation ceremony related to Maple Leaf City?

Levi suspected that the powerful mage who killed the dragon on Falling Dragon Slope was the legendary mage who had not yet reincarnated into a lich.

So what role does Torresta play in this?

Levi couldn't figure it out.

Originally, he thought he knew Torresta and his past.

But now it seems that he knows nothing about his teacher's past.

He only knew that Torresta was a member of Phantom Tower in the past.

Levi thought it might be necessary to take a trip to the Phantom Tower.

Learn more about Torresta's past.

When Levi left, Warren also came out to see him off.

He asked curiously: "Teacher Warren, how did you meet my teacher in the first place?"

Warren showed a look of reminiscence.

He said: "A long time ago, when I was a young mage, I met Torresta outside.

At that time, he was not very strong. The two of us traveled together and experienced a lot.

Later, he went to the Phantom Tower. I went to the Alchemy Tower and stayed for a while before moving to the Elemental Tower.

It happened that the Phantom Tower and Elemental Tower were exchanging students, and Torresta had been to the Elemental Tower for a while.

I was very confused during that time, and Torresta helped me a lot and encouraged me to become a magic puppet master.

It's been a long time, and I can't even remember what happened back then. If it weren't for Torresta's support, I probably wouldn't have become a famous magic puppet master in the eyes of others.

I think Torresta is more accomplished than me when it comes to magic golems, but he is better at creating magic golems with spells. "

Levi's heart moved and he said, "Transformation?"

Warren nodded, "Well, he should have taught you."

Levi casually cast the illusion technique to create an illusion.

A bright rose bloomed in the palm of my hand.

It looks lifelike.

Valen took a look and said with a smile: "It seems that Torresta did not see the wrong person. You have indeed inherited his mantle."

Levi was a little strange and asked, "How many years have you known my master?"

When Warren heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

He frowned and thought for a long time, shook his head and said, "I can't remember clearly, it might have been forty or fifty years."

Levi frowned, feeling something was wrong.

Forty or fifty years?

Forty or fifty years ago, the legendary lich should still be silent in the ancient battlefield.

How could Torresta be related to the legendary lich?

Did he encounter something in the Elemental Tower?

Levi asked: "Did anything happen when my teacher came to the Elemental Tower?"

Warren recalled what happened forty or fifty years ago, even he couldn't remember it clearly.

Although the mage has a very strong spiritual power, is knowledgeable about all things, and can memorize a lot of knowledge.

However, long time will also erase everything.

Memories can also become blurry.

After a long time, Warren said: "It seems that something happened."

He patted his head and said: "I remembered that an undead turmoil broke out in the floating city back then. A group of undead appeared in the floating city out of thin air, causing a lot of casualties.

During that battle, the Mage Tower also captured the Rock Monster, which transformed into a mountain beast, and imprisoned it. "

Levi's expression changed.

Sure enough, has the teacher also had contact with the legendary lich?

It seems that Valen doesn’t know much about the specific situation.

Valen said: "After the riots that year, Torresta went back to the Phantom Tower. Later, I heard that Torresta left the Phantom Tower not long after and went to the remote north."

Levi was already 90% sure that Torresta was related to the legendary lich.

Valen said: "I also heard about one thing. It was the Phantom Tower that took the initiative to expel Torresta, but so far, the Phantom Tower has not directly answered this rumor."

Li Wei's expression changed, feeling that there was something fishy.

What happened after Torresta returned from the Elemental Tower to the Phantom Tower?

So that the Phantom Tower took the initiative to expel him?

Valen shook his head and said: "Never mind these things, anyway, so far, Phantom Tower has not given an explanation for what happened."

"It's strange to say that Torresta's status in the Phantom Tower is equivalent to a purple-level student of the Elemental Tower. I don't know why he has been targeted by the Phantom Tower."

Levi was a little surprised, is there such a thing?

Warren said: "You want to know what happened before? Just ask your teacher directly. He should tell you."

Levi laughed helplessly in his heart.

He just didn't want Torresta to know that he was investigating his past.

Because Levi has doubts about the relationship between Torresta and the legendary lich.

After he came to the Elemental Tower, too many coincidental things happened.

It made him feel a little strange.

It seemed like everything had been arranged.

Levi didn't like this feeling.

"Thank you, Teacher Wallen, for answering my questions. Send them here. Goodbye, Teacher."

"Goodbye, come back often when you have time."

Li Wei moved into Mingtian Realm.

In the afternoon, Levi went to the Palace of Truth.

Ferianlides saw him and congratulated him on becoming a student in the purple class.

Seeing that he came to the Temple of Truth the next day, Ferenides was filled with joy.

I feel that after Levi became a purple-level student, he never forgot his desire to know the truth of magic.

As a result, it was discovered that Levi just came to the alchemy laboratory.

Fernandez was disappointed.

In order to stabilize Fernides, Levi retained his identity as a member of the Hall of Truth.

I would like to assure you that the radiance spell model will be perfected within a year.

Feronides received Levi's assurance and happily sent him to the alchemy laboratory.

Don't forget to care about him and ask for anything you need.

I'm not afraid that Li Wei won't make demands, but I'm afraid that Li Wei doesn't have any needs.

If there is a need, Fernides can take care of Levi and ask him to help with the work.

Li Wei spent three days refining a sufficient amount of energy secret medicine in the alchemy laboratory to prepare for the next month-long practice.

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