Levi came to the Library of Santa Vilia.

Seek answers.

After becoming a student in the purple class, Levi's authority was further expanded.

Ninety-nine percent of the books in the Library of Santa Vilia are open to him.

There are only a few forbidden books that no one has access to.

Levi found books related to the Archmage and the fourth level breakthrough, seeking answers to his doubts.

"The difference between an archmage and an ordinary mage is a secret."

"What is the secret?"

Li Wei read many books explaining the mysteries.

I feel that the secrets mentioned in the book are profound and mysterious.

The so-called secret is the world that one believes in.

Everyone sees the world differently.

The fire in someone's eyes is warmth.

Fire in someone's eyes is danger.

Some people see thunder and lightning as roaring.

What some people see as thunder and lightning is bursting lightning.

In some people's eyes, water is shapeless.

In some people's eyes, water is like mountains and tsunami.

The so-called secret is the great mage's firm inner view on a certain matter.

The Archmage's own analysis of the world.

The secret of fire - flame, burning, explosion, high temperature, destruction, rebirth, warmth...

The secret of thunder—swift, violent, thunderous, destructive, destructive, unparalleledly powerful...

The mysteries of water - softness, rough waves, roaring mountains and tsunami, moistening things silently, the source of life, tsunami, waves, ripples...

The secret is both complex and simple.

Summed up in one sentence, it is the world you believe in.

The world is complex, so the secret is also complex.

The secret exists in everything and can be seen everywhere, so the secret is also simple.

Magic is the magician's ability to transform the world.

The secret allows the mage to transform the world into what he sees.

Levi knew that whether it was burning, exploding, destruction, destruction, or rebirth... they were all of the nature of fire.

He couldn't look at the flames in a one-sided way. There was only one "mystery".

The more you know about the world, the more you don’t know.

This makes it difficult for him to believe the world as it appears to the world.

It’s hard to believe in the “mysterious truth”.

He believes that flames have so many properties.

This prevented him from comprehending his own secret.

This is also the dilemma faced by many third-level mages.

Because you don’t understand the world, you can’t trust it.

Knowledge instead becomes a constraint and a fetter.

Archmages are not madmen, they are mages who have broken the shackles.

They understand the nature and truth of the world.

Their belief in the world as they see it is not due to bigotry.

But a belief.

Believe that you can change the world and change the world into what you believe it to be.

It has a rather idealistic flavor.

Levi found Warren to seek answers to his doubts.

"Teacher Warren, what is the secret?" Levi asked.

Warren glanced at him and said, "The secret is the understanding of the rules of the world."

Li Wei said: "The essence of everything?"

Warren shook his head and said: "You can never see through the nature of the world, just like you can never guess the rules of the world, there will always be things that break the rules.

If you pursue the so-called essence of the world too much, you will find it difficult to find the secret that you believe in.

The secret is not the essence of the world, but your opinion and understanding of the world. "

Levi looked confused and couldn't understand.

What the profound meaning clearly states is the nature of the world and the essential characteristics of all things.

Warren told him that was not the case.

The secret is the essence, but it is not the essence.

Mysteries are rules of the world, but they are not rules of the world.

It's just the rules of the world in his eyes, not the real rules of the world.

Warren asked: "What do you think the nature of water is?"

Levi said without hesitation: "Flow, cold, shapeless, the source of life..."

Warren said: "Have you ever seen solid water? According to your understanding, all water in the world should be flowing.

Have you ever seen water at two thousand degrees? According to your understanding, water has already evaporated at a high temperature of two thousand degrees.

But these are all things that really exist in the world.

When you saw this ‘water’, was your understanding of the world shattered? "

Levi said: "But I don't believe that what I know is everything. I know that there must be things in the world that I don't know."

Wallen said: "The key is this, you don't believe in the world you think it is.

It seems that you are a person who pursues the truth, but you don’t believe that the truth exists at all. You are always doubting and questioning.

This does not mean that you should not question. Questioning is the ladder of progress and the pursuit of truth.

But, you have to understand what do you believe? "

Levi said: "The eternal truth in the world is change. I can't find any rules of the world that I can always believe in."

Warren shook his head and said: "You still don't understand. The secret is not the rules of the world, but your view of the world."

"I believe the world will never change," Levi said.

"But what's the use? I don't feel like I've understood the secret."

Wallen said: “Don’t be anxious, sooner or later you will understand that the time has not come yet.

You just say you believe it now, but you don’t really believe it in your heart, because there are still things in your heart that will never change. "

Levi froze on the spot.

Ask yourself.

There is nothing wrong with what Varun said.

He said that he believed that the world would change, and that the eternal change of all things was that it was always changing.

But there was something in his heart that he thought would never change.

The blue planet in my heart, the red hometown.

No matter when or where you go.

That is the hometown that will never change in Levi's heart.

Leaving the manor, Levi walked on the road and looked at the large handwriting that appeared in front of him.

He was a little confused.

Soon, he picked up the target again.

At least, he can move forward.

He will not stay where he is and stand still.

He is luckier than many third-level mages.

There is still a chance to break through the southern wall and never look back.

Others couldn't even find the south wall and had no chance of hitting it.

"Forget it, just take it one step at a time, just take it slow."

When Levi thought of this, his mind suddenly broadened.

It's not that he can't move forward, it's just that his progress has slowed down.

Sooner or later, he will get there.

"I'm not sure how long it will take to awaken, and I have to start preparing for the fourth-level cultivation method."

Levi came to the Library of St. Vilia again.

Looking for the great master’s cultivation method.

You don’t have to buy it now, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to know first.

"Where is the fire training method?"

Li Wei turned around a few times and couldn't find the fire training method, but he found an important piece of information.

"The Poison Dragon Cave was once occupied by an adult wind poison dragon thousands of years ago.

The Poison Dragon Cave is filled with poisonous miasma and poisonous substances are everywhere.

Someone once found poisonous ambergris deep in the Poison Dragon Cave. "

Levi felt that the name Poison Dragon Cave was a bit familiar.

I seem to have heard it somewhere?

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