Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 334 The entrance to the third floor of Poison Dragon Cave


Blue fire snakes flew towards the myconids.

Evelyn's control.

Lilith's restraint.

All in preparation for Levi's attack.

They all understand that the best way to deal with myconids is fire.

The blue fire snake expanded suddenly.

Snake swallows elephant.

Swallow the tall myconid whole.

The belly swells dozens of times.

Sizzle! Crackling!

The myconids showed pain under the burning blue flames.

The body quickly becomes charred.

Levi showed a solemn look.

The myconid's strength has reached the peak of the fourth level.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to persist in the blue flame for such a long time.


The myconids explode.

The blue flames were also blown to pieces and spattered in all directions.


Levi looked at the scene in front of him, a little unsure.

Suddenly, he felt that powerful aura reappearing.

The entire cloud of mushroom spores turned into the appearance of myconids.

The myconids, which had transformed into a cloud state, pounced towards Levi and the others.

It wants to poison these humans.

The poisonous cloud of mushrooms it incarnates can corrode even magical energy.

Even if Levi and others have magic shields, they can't resist it all the time.

However, he underestimated Levi's strength.

After the myconids turned into a cloud state, their overall strength became much stronger and became more difficult to deal with.

Ordinary attacks cannot cause effective damage to it at all.

Small-scale fire attacks cannot pose a threat to it.

"Fire field!"

Levi unfolds the flame field.

Blue flames burned within the flame field.

The clouds and mist that enter the flame domain's attack range are instantly evaporated and burned to ashes.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the myconids wanted to escape.

Levi had a thought in his mind.

The flame field is like a big net, enveloping countless flames and covering the myconids.


The myconids were burned to ashes in the blazing fire.

As its size increases, its overall strength becomes stronger.

But the defense has become weaker.

Especially when facing a large-scale fire attack, there is almost no resistance.

In the blink of an eye, the huge cloud mushroom man was burned to ashes and disappeared.

The ground was also a mess.

Instead of the colorful poisonous mushrooms that were everywhere, there was only a piece of scorched earth.

Those who had previously prepared to drag Levi and others into the water were all stopped by Evelin.

By the time Levi finished the battle, Evelin had already learned the information she wanted from several people.

Evelin let a few people go and walked over and said, "We are heading in the right direction. In front of us is the entrance to the third floor of the Poison Dragon Cave."

Lilith came over, stretched out her hand and placed it in front of Levi, with her palms spread out.

A green crystal core was exposed in the palm of the hand.

She said: "Left by the myconids."

Li Wei took the green crystal core and felt the vitality full of it, showing a look of surprise.

Myconids are vegetation spirits, and there is a very small chance that "vegetation essence" crystal nuclei will be born in their bodies.

Herbal essence is an excellent nutrient for plants.

Can greatly promote plant growth.

It is also a valuable magic material for humans.

It can be used to extract the essence of life and make it into a powerful recovery potion and a life-saving medicine.


Levi said to Lilith.

Lilith said "hmm" with an unconcerned expression.

Evelin took the map obtained through torture and said, "There are three more caves ahead, and going down is the entrance to the third floor of the Poison Dragon Cave."

Levi looked at the map in her hand and asked, "Is the news reliable?"

Evelin nodded and said, "It should be reliable. This is the map they use themselves. There shouldn't be any fraud."

"Okay, let's go take a look." Levi said.

The three of them moved on.

The deeper you go, the harder it is to meet other people.

Before they even reached the cave on the map, there was news from Lilith.

"There is a deep pit ahead, and my summons stopped responding after I went down." Lilith said.

She provided a very crucial piece of information.

Levi and Evelin looked at each other and saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

The opening between the first and second floors does not have this feature.

It's just an ordinary hole in the ground.

What's going on ahead?

According to Lilith's description, the deep pit in front should have spatial faults.

Otherwise, there will be no situation where you cannot get out after entering.

Of course, there is another situation.

That is, there is danger in the pit, even the shadow creatures will die after going down.

"Go over and take a look, be careful." Evelin said.

Under Lilith's guidance, Levi and the others came to the entrance of the cave where the shadow creatures disappeared.

Three people stood on the edge of a deep pit.

Behind it is the underground passage they came from.

Ahead is a deep, bottomless pit.

Levi looked up and saw a small spot of light above.

It is very likely that it leads directly to the outside world.

"How deep is this?"

Levi dropped the stone for a moment and waited for an echo.

As a result, no sound was heard after waiting for a long time.

He didn't dare to fly down rashly.

What if the air is banned below?

Wouldn't he be thrown to death?

Levi dropped a fireball, which flew downwards and illuminated the scene in the pit.

He found that the edge of the pit was unexpectedly smooth.

It doesn't look like it was dug out bit by bit, it looks like a burrow dug directly into the soil by some giant creature.

The surrounding soil was pushed to the edge, forming a bottomless pit like this.

He touched the rock wall next to him and found that the rock here was indeed tighter and stronger.

It was like being squeezed by a huge force.

Levi looked at the two people behind him and asked, "What should I do?"

"If you fly down, you're not sure if the air below is restricted, and there are hidden dangers." Levi said.

Evelin stretched out her hand, and a vine grew from her palm and took root into the solid rock wall.

She said: "I tried to let the vines grow. I just had to try because no one was sure how deep it was."

Levi said, "Rather than how deep it is, I am more concerned about whether there is a space crack below?"

Lilith sent a few more shadow creatures down, but they all disappeared without a trace.

She couldn't feel whether the disappearing shadow creature was dead or not.

Normally, the death of a shadow creature would feed back a sense of fear to her.

Or the feeling of being in danger.

Now, the shadow creature seems to have lost contact and disappeared directly.

Lilith doesn’t know what’s going on down there?

Swish, swish, swish!

The vines keep growing downward, and the vines that grow out will also grow roots and pierce into the rock wall, fixing the vines.

More than enough to bear the weight of three people.

Evelin's eyes moved and she felt the end of the vine disappear.

"That's almost it," she said.

She waved her hand, and the vine stretched out two branches and wrapped around the bodies of Levi and Lilith.

He led the two of them down.

After a while, the three of them came to the end of the vines.

Levi created fire, illuminating the scene below.

There is still no bottom below.

However, the vines disappeared out of thin air.

Levi took out something and threw it down. He found that after the object passed through a horizontal plane, it disappeared.

He has determined that this must be a space rift.

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