Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 342 The Top Ten Poisons in the World

"We're here, right in front."

Kristiman pointed to the huge cave in front and said.

There is the den of the Scorpion Beast Lord.

Hearing this, Li Wei took the lead and walked into the cave.

He threw a fireball, which floated in the air and illuminated the dim cave.

Everything in the cave is clearly displayed in front of everyone.

The remains of prey eaten by the Scorpion Lord can be seen everywhere.

The smell inside the cave is not pleasant.

Fortunately, the wind from Kuristiman can take away the bad smell.

Levi and others were not affected by the stench in the cave.

Levi quickly scanned the inside of the cave, looking for the location of the poisonous ambergris.


Lilith pointed to the top of the cave wall.

Levi followed her hand and saw several black herbs growing on the cave wall.

Kristiman reminded: "Be careful, there is a drop of poisonous ambergris on it, which is very dangerous. Even poisonous ambergris cannot completely detoxify it if it gets on it."

Levi nodded: "Yes, I understand."

A faint blue light appeared on his body, and he used the object control technique to fly towards the poisonous ambergris high in the cave.

Levi glanced at it and found that there were only five poisonous ambergris plants.

However, fortunately it is enough.

Bella and Evelyn each need two plants.

Levi carefully used the hands of the mage to pick off the poisonous ambergris.

He carefully used his magic power to wrap the entire poisonous ambergris plant and completely separate its roots from the soil.

This is thanks to his cultivation to the third level peak some time ago.

Mental power is further improved.

Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to perform such a detailed operation.

Carefully picking off the poisonous ambergris, Levi looked up to look for the poisonous ambergris.

Look around.

Traces of "poisonous ambergris" were found in a rock crevice.

Poison ambergris is the ultimate poison of Wind Poison Dragon, the essence of the poison.

Even the Wind Poison Dragon takes a long time to condense a single drop.

The poisonous ambergris that Li Wei saw had turned into a stone.

A purple-black stone.

The poisonous ambergris has solidified, its toxicity is restrained, and its impact on the outside world has been greatly reduced.

Otherwise, even if Levi gets close, he may be poisoned and die.

Even the magic shield cannot withstand the attack of poisonous ambergris.

This is one of the Wind Poison Dragon's most powerful attacks.

Levi took out the mithril clip and mithril box that he had prepared long ago.

These two items are necessary items for collecting poisonous ambergris.

The power of poisonous ambergris is so powerful that even the hands of mages will be eroded by its poison.

If you are not careful, your mental power may be "poisoned".

The poisonous ambergris is known as one of the ten most poisonous poisons in the world.

Even the soul can be poisoned to the point of death.

This is already a regulatory force.

Poisonous rules.

Mithril can block the toxins in ambergris saliva.

Levi carefully used mithril pliers to pinch out the stone formed by the hardening of poisonous ambergris saliva from the cracks in the stone.

Place it in a mithril box and close it tightly.

After doing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately everything went well.

When Li Wei pinched the poisonous ambergris, he didn't dare to use any strength.

I was afraid that I might accidentally crack the outer hard shell and cause the poisonous ambergris saliva to leak out.

The poisonous ambergris saliva leaked out.

Everyone in this cave will die.

Even the entire creature in the scorpion beast's lair will die.

The power is so overbearing.

Levi returned to everyone and handed two poisonous ambergris plants to Curistiman.

"How to use it?" Levi asked.

Bella directly took a poisonous ambergris plant, picked off a leaf and put it in her mouth to chew.

After a while, her expression improved a lot.

"Just put the leaves in your mouth and chew them."

She glanced at Evelin and said: "Her condition is more serious. She needs to go back and use magic equipment to extract the detoxification essence from the poisonous ambergris."

Li Wei heard this and said, "I have it right here."

He took out the novice alchemy equipment he bought earlier.

To be on the safe side, Levi planned to experiment in the dream first so as not to waste the poisonous ambergris.

He said: "You guys wait a minute."

"Shadow Attendant."

Shadow Attendant quickly came behind Levi and turned into a chair, and Levi sat down.

Use the great sleepwalking technique to sneak into the dream world.

In the dream world, Levi practiced refining poisonous ambergris.

After several failures, he successfully extracted the detoxifying essence of ambergris.

He practiced more to ensure a 100% success rate.

Levi leaves the dream world.

He stayed in the dream world for a long time, and Lilith and others felt that only a short while had passed.

See Levi extracting the detoxifying essence of poisonous ambergris.

Bella looked surprised, "Are you still an alchemist?"

Levi smiled and said, "He only knows some simple alchemy, so he is not a real alchemist."

He had no professional training as an alchemist.

The alchemy he learned was only for refining a few single magic potions and secret medicines.

I have no idea of ​​delving into alchemy.

Alchemy is much more than just making medicine.

Biological alchemy, material transformation alchemy, puppet alchemy... are extremely complex.

An alchemist does not have to learn any less than a mage.

The knowledge learned by both parties is just different.

Alchemists pay more attention to the laws of change between substances and study substances.

Mages pay more attention to the magical rules behind the world and study magical truths.

Different paths lead to the same destination.

The essence is to explore the underlying rules and laws of the world.

Seek the truth about the world.

There is no distinction between high and low, just different methods and routes.

Levi fed Evelin to drink the antidote extracted from poisonous ambergris.

After Evelin drank the antidote, her complexion quickly improved.

Half an hour later, Evelin regained consciousness.

Everyone has also left the scorpion beast's lair and is rushing towards the residence of Kristiman and Bella in the Peach Blossom Land.

"Well, where is this place? What happened? Where are those monsters?"

Evelin asked with a headache as she held her forehead.

She felt like she had forgotten a lot of things.

After a while, he finally remembered what he had encountered earlier.

The first reaction is to look around for any danger.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Levi and Lilith by her side.

“Evelin, you finally woke up!”

Kristiman said happily.

Bella asked: "How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Evelin was stunned for a moment when she heard the two voices.

She was extremely familiar with these two voices.

Turning around, he was extremely surprised to see Kristiman and Bella.

"Kuris, Bella, you are still alive!"

Evelin was overjoyed.

Bella laughed, "What are you talking about? You're not dead yet, how could I die first?"

Kristiman said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for almost eight years since we last parted. How is Eles doing now?"

Evelin said: "Eles is still in Feihua City, and I can't find where he is. Occasionally he will come to see me."

Thinking of the purpose of coming here, she quickly asked: "Where is Lord Alice?"

Kristiman and Bella looked at each other, their smiles disappeared, and they said: "The situation of the Lord of the City is not optimistic."

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