Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 345 The true identity of the Dream Weaver

Li Wei was greeted into the castle by the paper man guards in a daze.

He said that Princess Alice had been kidnapped by an evil dragon, and a warrior was needed to defeat the evil dragon and rescue the princess.

If anyone can rescue the princess, the king will give him the most generous reward.

At this moment, the guards were taking Levi to see the king.

Seeing the king's appearance, Levi showed a hint of surprise, but also felt that it was expected.

The king and queen also look like playing cards.

Big king, little king.

The things in dreams are really weird.

Levi is now afraid that the Princess Alice he is looking for is also a paper man.

The king said: "Brave outsider, can you help me find my beloved princess?"

"In return, I will give you the most precious reward in the kingdom!"

Levi agreed, "Where is the dragon's lair?"

The king sent Old Q to lead Li Wei.

Old Q was the guard who led Li Wei to see the king and queen.

Old Q said: "It's up to me to lead the way. Please come with me, Lord Brave."

Under the leadership of Old Q, Levi left the castle and crossed the mountains and ridges to the dragon's lair.

"We're here, there's the dragon's lair ahead."

Old Q pointed to the cave on the mountain in the distance and said.

"I can only take you so far. It will be dangerous if you get any closer."

"Leave the rest to the warrior. I hope you can bring Her Royal Highness back."

"Well, leave it to me."

Levi walked towards the dragon's lair on the high mountain.

Arrive at the entrance to the dragon's lair.

He looked inside and shouted, "Is there anyone in there?"

A moment later, a deafening roar came.

A dragon with flames coming from its mouth came out of the cave.

The evil dragon looked down at Levi as if looking at an ant.

"Where did this human being come from who dares to trespass on my territory?"

The evil dragon speaks human words.

Levi was not surprised.

Anything can happen in a dream.

He looked at the evil dragon and said, "I'm here to see Her Royal Highness Princess Alice."

The evil dragon lowered his head and approached Levi.

"That is my treasure, no one can take it away."

After saying that, the evil dragon opened its mouth, and dragon flames spurted out, drowning Li Wei's figure.

The blazing dragon flames destroy everything.

Levi transforms into the Fire Lord.

In the dream, he turned into a flame lord dozens of meters tall, majestic.

The evil dragon looked like a small lizard in front of him.

Levi grabbed the dragon, which struggled in his palm and was eventually burned to ashes by the flames.

Returning to his normal appearance, Levi walked into the dragon's lair.

Find Alice's whereabouts.

"Your Highness Princess Alice, where are you?"

Levi walked to the dragon's lair and shouted loudly.

No one responded.

He walked to the deepest part of the cave and didn't see a single figure.

There is no Princess in this evil dragon's lair.

Levi left the dragon's lair and returned to the castle.

"Warrior, why are you back? Where is the princess?" the king asked.

Levi shook his head and said: "There is no princess in the dragon's lair."

The king looked confused, "Then where is my daughter?"

Levi looked at the queen and said, "Stop acting, Alice."

The queen looked surprised, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"What are you hiding from?" Levi asked.

The queen was silent for a moment.

The King of Cards shattered and disappeared into his seat.

The queen cracked, like a piece of paper being pierced.

Alice stepped out of the queen's body and sat in the king's seat.

"When did you find out?"

Alice asked.

Levi said: "You will know it when you enter this dream."

He didn't reveal Alice's identity, but he just wanted to see what she was hiding from?

Or maybe it was her enemy in the dream.

Therefore, Levi will play the role of a brave man to defeat the evil dragon.

I thought the dragon was Alice's enemy.

Unexpectedly, the evil dragon is just a creature of dreams.

The dream creation was created by Alice, so it naturally cannot become Alice's enemy.

The enemy in the dream must be an alien object.

Existences such as sleepwalkers and nightmares that invade dreams.

A mere creation of a dream cannot pose any threat to the owner of the dream.

Levi looked at Alice and asked, "What are you afraid of?"

"Since you can clearly realize that this is a dream, you should be able to leave here."

Judging from the current situation, Alice is also likely to be a sleepwalker.

Otherwise, she would not be able to stay awake in the dream and create dream creations.

"I can't leave here," Alice said.

"The curse of nightmares means that as long as I leave this place, I will be attacked by countless nightmares."

Alice raised her hand and pushed aside the ceiling and clouds above her head, revealing the scene outside the dream bubble.

There are countless small gray-black dots gathered into groups outside the dream bubble.

Alice's dream bubbles resemble moldy, hairy dough.

Those moldy spots are nightmares.

Nightmare peered into this dream bubble.

Under normal circumstances, nightmares do not dare to get too close to the sleepwalker's dream bubble.

Alice is cursed by the black cult's nightmare.

She cannot use the power of dreams to deal with nightmares that enter the dream realm.

Lost home field advantage.

Under the attack of endless nightmares, Alice will be exhausted to death no matter how strong she is.

The only thing she could do was to completely seal off her dream bubble.

As a result, nightmares cannot enter the dream bubble.

She also couldn't leave the dream bubble.

Alice waved her hand again, and the horrific scene outside the sky disappeared.

The earth cracks open, revealing the curse that lies beneath.

The black curse has eroded the core of the dream, and black water flows deep in the earth.

Levi looked down and felt a deep line of sight below.

Alice said: "I concentrated all the curses down here, and I can only suppress them temporarily. They cannot be removed."

Levi nodded, "I'll go down and take a look."

"Wait a minute," Alice called.

She looked at the real Dharma ring in Levi's right hand.

Alice asked: "What is your relationship with him? Why do you have his ring?"

Levi looked at Alice and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

Alice said: "You don't know him? Why did you come to me?"

Levi said: "I came to you because I was entrusted by Evelin."

"Besides, you didn't send me the letter and crystal flowers? Instead, you asked me why. Isn't this what you want?" Levi asked back.

Alice looked at him with some surprise, "So it's Evelin who found you."

"You haven't told me yet, how did you get that ring?" Alice continued to ask.

Levi said: "My teacher gave it to me."

He had a new idea in his mind.

Torresta gave him the True Law Ring, not necessarily because he thought he could use it.

More probably for Alice.

Judging from Alice's attitude, Levi is 90% sure who the Dream Weaver of Maple Leaf City is.

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