Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 355 I am the sun!

Ferianlides handed over the advanced cultivation method to Levi.

He said: "This is the latest research result of the Palace of Truth, the concept of the blazing sun."

Levi took the book made from the skin of an unknown monster.

He opened the Fierce Sun View to check.

Soon I discovered the difference between advanced cultivation methods and crystal meditation methods.

The crystal meditation method cultivates one's own magic power.

Not only the crystal meditation method, but any advanced meditation method is to cultivate your own magic power.

Gives its own mana different characteristics.

The meditation method for beginners is to cultivate the magic power.

The advanced meditation method is to refine mana so that it has various characteristics.

Advanced cultivation methods have jumped out of their own framework and gotten rid of their own limitations.

Draw strength from the outside world and seize the power of heaven and earth for your own use.

This is why the Archmage can cast spells far beyond his own power.

They borrowed the power of heaven and earth.

In fact, mages have always been borrowing power from the outside world.

Even the weakest mage is casting spells with the help of magical elements floating between heaven and earth.

However, the power borrowed by the Archmage is more powerful and more specific.

The idea of ​​​​the blazing sun is to visualize the blazing sun for practice, absorb the power of the blazing sun, and cultivate the hottest magic power.

At the same time, he can also borrow the power of the burning sun.

Under the scorching sun, the mage's strength will increase and the power of his spells will become stronger.

The power of the idea of ​​burning sun is very strong.

Data provided by the Palace of Truth shows that after practicing the Blazing Sun Concept, the power of fire spells can be increased five times at peak state.

However, the flaws are also obvious.

First of all, the practice of the Burning Sun Contemplation method places great demands on the environment.

The better the weather is and the bigger the sun is, the better the cultivation effect will be.

It is impossible to practice on cloudy days and dark nights.

Also note that you may catch yourself on fire while practicing.

It will spontaneously combust if you are not careful.

The combat effectiveness is greatly improved during the day, but there is almost no improvement on cloudy days and nights.

The advantages of the concept of the blazing sun are obvious, but so are its shortcomings.

Fiorides said: "Ordinary high-level cultivation methods can usually increase the strength of the Archmage by one to two times at most. The highest multiplier of the Burning Sun Meditation method is the strongest among all the high-level cultivation methods in the Element Tower. of."

"You have also seen the flaws. These are all known flaws in the current research on the Hall of Truth. Whether there are other flaws, the Hall of Truth is unknown.

From what I'm saying, it would be great if you could deduce a more stable idea of ​​the Sun view. "

The concept of the blazing sun is too extreme and is not suitable for promotion.

The Hall of Truth wants a more stable concept of the Burning Sun, which is more suitable for most people.

Li Wei put down his idea of ​​the blazing sun.

Writing appeared before my eyes.

[Fierce Sun Concept (Level 4)] 0/10000

He actually thinks that the idea of ​​​​Fire Sun Concept is quite good.

Anyway, he is not afraid of self-immolation.

Naturally, the stronger the power, the better.

The concept of the burning sun is based on the weak situation of cloudy and dark days.

Levi could barely accept it.

It would be best to be able to solve this problem.

Levi thought for a moment and asked: "Does it have to be done under the scorching sun? Is there anything else that can replace it?"

He doesn't object to basking in the sun, but he is afraid that it will be cloudy for several months in a row, so does he still want to practice?

Fernandez said: "According to experiments, using solar energy to practice has the same effect."

"However, you also know how difficult it is to obtain solar radiation. The cost-effectiveness is not as good as chasing the sun."

Levi nodded.

Sunlight is not only difficult to obtain, but also difficult to preserve.

The magic props that store Sun Yao alone are worth hundreds of thousands or millions.

Ordinary items cannot withstand the high temperature of the sun and cannot limit the power of the sun.

But this does not mean that Li Wei does not want a piece of Sun Yao.

Li Wei asked curiously: "How does the Palace of Truth obtain solar radiance? Climb onto the sun?"

Feronlides thought for a moment before deciding to tell Levi.

"The sun naturally has a lot of solar energy inside it, but we can't get close to the sun. Only astral mages can have that strength.

We are all the Sunlight extracted from the Sunfire Meteor. "

"Sunflame Meteor?" Levi looked puzzled. He had never heard of such a thing.

"The sun ejects a large amount of material every once in a while, and among them are solar meteorites that contain solar flares," said Fiorides.

“Most of these materials will return to the sun, and only a very small amount of materials will leave the sun and fly to other places in the star realm.

We set up a magic circle in the star realm to capture these materials from the sun, and Sunfire Meteorite is just one of the harvests.

However, in recent years, the amount of material ejected by the sun has decreased a lot, and the amount of solar radiation harvested has also decreased a lot. "

Levi understood.

He knew that it was almost impossible to obtain the Sunlight on his own.

You have to go to the star realm to find this thing.

With his current strength, even if he went to the star realm, he would not be able to capture the sun's radiance.

Li Wei simply ignored it and practiced the Fierce Sun Meditation method for a period of time first.

If it doesn't work, just switch to a higher-level cultivation method.

After leaving the Hall of Truth, Li Wei returned to the realm of Mingtian.

The territory of Mingtian contains various environments in the world, all of which are artificially divided and created areas.

Every student in the purple class can find the most suitable training environment for them in Mingtian.

Levi looked for a sunny place to practice the idea of ​​the blazing sun.

Visualize a blazing sun in your mind.

This is not difficult for Li Wei, and the idea of ​​​​Fire Sun Concept has entered the cultivation panel.

Getting started is only a matter of time.

After a while, a blazing sun emerged in his heart.

Levi felt a little warmth pouring into his head.

The power of the blazing sun pours into the sea of ​​​​heart, constantly filling the blazing sun in the heart.

According to the creator of the blazing sun concept, if the blazing sun in your heart can rival the brilliance of the blazing sun in the sky.

Then you can ignore day and night, and have a powerful increase in the power of the scorching sun all the time.

Only in theory.

In actual circumstances, it can only be said to be whimsical.

The fireflies dream of competing with the bright moon.

Do not overestimate your own capabilities.

As the practice gradually deepened, Li Wei felt that his whole body began to heat up.

Countless hot air from the sky penetrates into the body, and the sun in the sea of ​​​​heart keeps getting bigger.

Levi's mana is also increasing rapidly.

Under the illumination of the sun in the sea of ​​​​mind, spiritual power began to slowly increase.

His mental power has far exceeded the current level, and the speed of improvement is much slower than that of mana.

Li Wei was surprised that the idea of ​​​​Fire Sun Viewing could boost his mental power.

Suddenly, Levi smelled a burning smell.

He glanced around distractedly and found that the grass on the edge of the rock under his butt had been burned by the high temperature and turned yellow, with green smoke coming out.

If not the clothes on his body are all magic items.

Levi's clothes were already on fire.

Judging from this cultivation situation, it will only be a matter of time before the clothes burn.

With a thought, Levi transformed into the Fire Lord form.

After transforming into the Fire Lord form.

He found that practicing Sun Contemplation made his mind faster.

In fact, his figure turned into a scorching sun.

The sun is no longer limited to the sea of ​​​​mind.

I am the sun!

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