Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 357 Little Forbidden Curse, Meteor Fireball Technique!

at night.

Li Wei practiced the fireball technique in the dream world and deduced the fourth-level fireball technique.

Be prepared for the fifth-level spells you will learn next.

The next day, Levi came to the St. Vilia Library to look for a magic book of fifth-level spells.

Get ready to learn a new spell.

"Found it, here."

Levi took out a magic book. Compared with other magic books, this magic book has been handled significantly more times.

The magic books around were gathering dust, but this one was picked up and wiped from time to time.

"Meteorite Technique."

Levi smiled.

The spell he wants to learn is not a fifth-level fire spell.

It is the meteorite technique among the earth spells.

Meteorite spell is undoubtedly the most powerful spell among the fifth level spells.

none of them.

If it's not accurate, the casting time is too long, and the attack swing is too long.

It can already be regarded as a sixth-level spell.

The power will not be weaker than ordinary sixth-level spells.

It is classified as a fifth-level spell only because its spell-casting difficulty is fifth-level advanced.

Ring mages, in particular, prefer learning meteorite techniques.

They naturally have a spellcasting advantage when casting difficult spells.

For the vast majority of ring mages, there is not much difference between the difficulty of casting a fifth-level low-level spell and the difficulty of casting a fifth-level high-level spell.

It's just a matter of a few seconds.

For traditional mages, the difference is very big.

Highly difficult spells may even fail to be cast.

For Levi, this situation is naturally impossible.

Li Wei spent 150 credits to learn the meteorite technique.

The original price was three hundred credits, and his membership in the Hall of Truth saved him a lot of money.

There is also a discount for students in the purple level class, but it is only 30% off.

Discounts cannot be stacked, only the highest discount will be taken.

Completed learning meteorite technique.

Levi only has fifty-six credits left.

I can only learn one more fourth-level spell at most, but I can't afford to learn a fifth-level spell.

Levi has no need in this regard.

After he learned about the meteorite operation, he turned around and left the Library of Santa Vilia.

While walking on the road, Levi saw himself in front of his eyes, groping for the spell model of the meteorite technique in his mind.

[Meteorite Technique (Level 5 Entry)] 0/1000

The meteorite spell is different from most of the spell models Levi has learned before.

The spell model that Levi learned was mainly about constructing spells.

Meteorite is a summoning spell.

Summon meteorites from the sky to attack the designated location.

The attack position can only be adjusted slightly and cannot be tracked and locked.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a summoning technique.

However, the Summoner's Summoning Technique summons creatures, while the Meteorite Technique summons meteorites passing by from the sky.

Learning the meteorite technique is a new experience for Levi.

He is not satisfied with just meteorite magic.

Levi chose meteorite magic because meteorite magic is most suitable for fusion with fire spells.

Earth spells and fire spells fuse and evolve into lava spells.

Lava spells are usually more powerful than fire and earth spells.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious.

Lava spells are difficult to cast.

There is another reason for choosing meteorite.

Meteorite is a rare income-generating spell.

Many earth mages like to use meteorite spells on open areas.

The reason is simple. Extraterrestrial meteorites may carry rare precious metals.

The probability is very small, but if you are lucky, you encounter a meteorite with rare and precious metals.

That's a windfall.

Getting rich overnight is no longer a dream.

All it took was a little mana and energy.

It's a completely profitless transaction.

Levi never thought about getting rich by relying on meteorite magic.

He just accidentally discovered a new use of meteorite magic when he was learning about it.

During the day, Li Wei practiced the concept of the blazing sun in the territory of Mingtian.

At night, Levi practiced meteorite techniques in the dream world.

After possessing the extraordinary characteristic of arcane enlightenment, Li Xiu's speed of practicing spells was significantly accelerated.

Casting Meteor once can increase your proficiency by ten points.

The practice of meteorite technique is progressing rapidly.

In one night, Levi practiced the meteorite technique to a minor level.

From the very beginning, it summoned meteorites of different sizes, and when it became stable, it could summon meteorites with a diameter of more than two meters.

Two days later, the meteorite technique reached the master level.

Levi has been able to stably summon large meteorites with a diameter of more than five meters.

Dream world.

Hoo ho ho!

There was a roar in the sky.

A meteor fell from the sky, bursting into brilliant dazzling fire.

Accompanied by a huge explosion, the meteorite fell to the ground, exploding with terrifying destructive power.

Bang! Boom!

In an instant, a large crater with a diameter of several thousand meters appeared on the ground.

In the center of the crater is a large meteorite with a diameter of more than ten meters.

An ordinary mage can summon a meteorite with a diameter of about one meter at most when using the meteorite technique.

The power is already amazing.

Levi's meteorite spell went down and easily destroyed a small town.

The power far exceeds the meteorite technique of ordinary mages.

The threshold for super-level spells has been reached.

Levi smiled.

[Meteorite Technique (Perfect)] 0/∞

After working hard for several nights, I finally reached the perfect level of meteorite technique.

If there is no dream world, time flows eight times faster.

If Levi wants to reach the perfect level of meteorite skills, even with the bonus of arcane enlightenment, it will take at least one or two months.

After the meteorite technique reaches the perfect level.

Levi began to deduce the fusion spell, merging the fireball spell and the meteorite spell into one.

When Levi's fireball technique was practiced in the secret realm, it had already reached the fourth level of perfection.

Just take this opportunity to break through the fifth level.

After a long period of deduction, a complete new spell model emerged in Levi's mind.

"The fusion spell model of meteorite and fireball is called meteor fireball."

[Meteor Fireball Technique (Level 5 Minor)] 0/10000

Writing appeared in front of Levi's eyes.

Cast the meteor fireball spell.

Summon meteorites from the sky.

Meteorites appear out of thin air high in the sky.

It fell rapidly towards the target that Levi was aiming at, reaching a speed of more than ten kilometers per second.

Far beyond the speed of sound.

The meteorite falls at an extremely fast speed and rubs violently with the air, causing it to glow and heat.

The dark meteorite turned into the brightest meteor in the sky and fell into the world.

Heat is constantly accumulated inside the meteorite.

Melt the rocks and metal inside the meteorite.

As the meteorite fell, it frantically absorbed the fire element between heaven and earth.

As a large amount of fire elements gathered in the meteorite, the meteorite turned into a huge lava fireball.


The meteorite fireball streaked across the sky, leaving a long glowing tail behind.

Bang! Boom!

The meteor finally hit the ground.

The terrifying impact instantly caused the ground within several kilometers to sink several meters.

Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming magma flames exploded and spread.

The hot lava and molten metal splashed and spread over a range of more than ten kilometers, and the farthest splash even reached twenty kilometers away.

These splashing lava and molten metal themselves have extremely high temperature and kinetic energy.

Easily penetrate and melt human bodies, houses, plants, and animals.

The attack range of Meteor Fireball is several times larger than that of Meteorite.

Such terrifying power.

It can be called a "little forbidden curse".

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