In the palace, three great priests sit opposite each other in a triangle, guarding the goddess Tear at all times.

Outside the palace, a large number of light knights and guards patrolled back and forth, forming an airtight network.

Not even a bug can fly in.

The insect phantom created by Levi was lying on the leaves of a big tree outside the palace.

Looking at the palace from a distance, paying attention to the movements of the great priest.

After waiting all night, no one came to attack the Temple of Light and snatch the tears of the goddess.

The more this happened, the less Lancelot dared to take it lightly.

Early in the morning, before dawn.

The believers of the Light God spread rumors in Storm City that the God of Light is about to perform miracles and save the world.

"The great God of Light couldn't bear to see the disease raging in Storm City. He will send a miracle at noon today to purify everyone of the disease."

"People who have been poisoned can go and participate in the miracle ceremony and witness the miracle."

"Belief in the God of Light can expel toxins from the body and restore health during the miraculous ceremony."

People who got the news came outside the Temple of Light with their sick relatives.

The huge square outside the Temple of Light, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, is now packed to the brim.

In the center of the square is a tall altar.

At the top of the altar is a huge statue of the God of Light.

The patients who were still able to move knelt on the ground and worshiped the statue of the God of Light, praying for blessings and begging for a miracle.

A patient who is already terminally ill and unable to move.

Those relatives who brought the sick people knelt on the ground and begged the God of Light to heal their loved ones.

The high priest stood in the Temple of Light, looking at the statue of the God of Light in the temple that was much brighter than before, showing a look of surprise.

"So many devout beliefs?"

"Sure enough, disaster is what drives humans to believe in gods."

"Long-term peace will only make humans lazy and reduce their firm belief in gods."

The three great priests spoke to each other.

Lancelot stood aside, watching this scene without saying a word.

Levi was not in the temple.

In the early morning, he quietly left the Temple of Light while the guards of the Temple of Light were changing.

Li Wei had a premonition that this might turn into a war.

Be the center of the storm.

If you stay here, you will probably get into huge trouble.

Therefore, Levi left early.

He prepares to return to the Tower of Elements.

When I walked to the gate of the city, I learned the news that due to the miraculous ceremony being held today, the teleportation array would not be released.

You must wait until the miracle ceremony is over before you can return to the Elemental Tower.

Reluctantly, Levi had no choice but to defect to the Mage Association in Storm City first.

There are many mages from the Elemental Tower in the Wizards Association of Storm City.

Several high-level officials are also elders of the Elemental Tower.

Staying here is much safer than staying in the Temple of Light.

Levi was sitting in a VIP room of the Mage Association.

The beautiful trainee mage girl brought a pot of hot tea and a fruit plate for Li Wei to taste.

"Your Excellency, Archmage, please use it with caution."

When the girl looked at Levi, her eyes showed great curiosity.

When I first learned that he was the Archmage.

The girl was extremely shocked and full of disbelief.

Until Levi took out the magic badge symbolizing the Archmage.

Then, he immediately gained the admiration of the trainee mage girl.

Levi nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. If anything happens to you, Archmage, you can call me at any time. I'll be on duty in the lobby outside."

The trainee mage girl showed a sweet smile.

It is common for apprentice mages to work within the Mages Association.

Especially trainee mages from poor families will choose to work in the Mages Association in order to raise resources for cultivation.

Send away the trainee mage girl.

Levi focused his attention on the phantom.

The bug phantom has transformed into a tiny hummingbird.

Compared to insects, hummingbirds are small but have all the internal organs.

The volume is larger and the battery life is stronger.

The field of view it can provide is also broader.

The hummingbird was suspended above the square outside the Temple of Light, overlooking the overwhelming crowd below.

Livi had learned about the miracle that was performed at noon.

He was still curious about miracles.

Levi had actually seen a miracle once.

When Oates founded the country, the ceremony held to worship the gods could be regarded as a kind of miracle.

Miracle, the full name is "miracle of the gods".

As the name suggests, it is a means for gods to show their power to the world.

The main function is to harvest faith.

The miracles that the Temple of Light is about to show now are not at the same level as the miracles that were shown when Oates founded the country.

The Cult of Light is one of the most powerful cults in the world.

The God of Light is also one of the most powerful gods.

Revealing the miracles of the gods must be powerful and powerful.

High-end atmosphere and class.

Time came to noon in a blink of an eye.

The high priest walked up to the altar holding the tears of the goddess in his hands.

The tears of the goddess slowly floated up, finally floating on the forehead of the statue.

As the miraculous ceremony was held, the power of the goddess' tears was activated, and the statue of the God of Light was enveloped in a hazy glow.

It was as if the real God of Light had come to the world.

A majestic, awe-inspiring, bright, and warm feeling emerged in everyone's hearts.

Everyone lowered their heads and worshiped, not daring to look directly at the gods.

"The God of Light has mercy on the world, and today he shows miracles to purify disasters and drive away diseases."

“Only those who are devout believers in their hearts can receive the favor of the gods.”

The words of the great priest reached everyone's ears clearly.

Everyone bowed their heads and prayed to the God of Light, trying to look as pious as possible.

Hope to be favored by the gods.

The great priest activated the power of the goddess's tears and cured several patients at will.

The patient's body flashes with light, and then he wakes up from his coma, free of toxins, and restored to health.

"Look, their devout faith moved the gods, and the gods performed miracles!"

Seeing a dying patient healed instantly.

Everyone believed in miracles.

An outburst of stronger faith.

The high priest smiled.

Faith is like water in a sponge, squeeze it and there will always be more.

He is in no rush to heal everyone.

Little by little, slowly.

Only in this way can more people be stimulated to give their faith.

Those who are not healed will simply feel that their faith is not strong enough.

Dedicate yourself further to your faith.

Those who are healed will feel that they are favored by the God of Light.

Faith will become stronger and a small number of people will become fanatical believers.

Levi looked at the increasingly fanatical atmosphere in the square and couldn't help but shake his head.

"The great priest is not a good thing either."

He clearly has the ability to directly heal everyone.

But he had to choose this way to whet everyone's appetite.

Some people who had a chance to receive treatment lost their lives in the delay.

The miraculous ceremony gradually reached a climax.


The heaven and earth shook.

Countless people in the square fell to the ground, looking around in horror.

Don't understand what happened.

Levi sat in the room and felt the room shaking violently.

He was a little surprised, "An earthquake?"

The hummingbird's perspective tells him the truth.

A huge, towering mountain peak appeared outside Storm City.

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