Levi got the Goddess Tears.

However, Storm City is under full martial law, and anyone leaving Storm City must undergo severe searches.

Even if the tears of the goddess are hidden in the space ring, they cannot be taken out.

The use of transmission means is also prohibited in Storm City.

It is impossible to directly teleport the Tears of the Goddess out of Storm City.

You must leave Storm City before you can teleport away.

The question before Levi now is how to leave Storm City safely with the Tears of the Goddess.

As long as you leave Storm City, the sky is high and birds can fly.

Li Wei stood in a house not far from the city wall and looked in the direction of the city wall.

The Light Knights and Light Guards have taken over the gates of Storm City.

The Temple of Light has set up a detection circle on the city wall, and no one can avoid the circle and sneak out of the city.

Once caught smuggling, the crime becomes more serious.

Levi didn't want to try to see if he could successfully sneak out of the city.

He must find a 100% complete way to leave Storm City.

Lancelot had long suspected him. If he smuggled out of the city at this time, he would be caught at gunpoint.

Undoubtedly guilty of death.

Levi's idea was to use Apparition to create a mouse and place the Goddess Tear Sapphire in the mouse's belly.

Then control the mouse to leave Storm City through the underground hole.

As long as the Tear Sapphire of the Goddess comes out of Storm City, everything will be much simpler.


Savinia looked at Levi, a little surprised.

"You want to use mice to help take the Goddess Tears out?"

She shook her head and said, "Impossible. The soil more than ten meters below the Storm City wall has been strengthened by magic. Let alone an ordinary mouse, even a fourth-level earth-burrowing beast may not be able to penetrate it."

Levi looked surprised, he was not quite sure about this before.

He looked at Savinia suspiciously and asked, "Why do you know so well?"

Savinia chuckled and said, "We thought about digging a hole into Storm City before, but unfortunately we failed."

"In addition to more than ten meters of magic-reinforced rock formations, there is also a closed magic circle underground, which basically blocks all possibilities of entering Storm City from underground."

Elizabeth said, "I have an idea."

Levi looked at her and asked, "What can I do?"

"Hide the goddess tears in the corpse and take her out."

"These days, Storm City is transporting corpses and undead remains outside the city. Although corpses and undead remains will also be inspected by the Temple of Light, the inspection intensity is weaker than that of living people."

Levi's expression changed and he turned to look at Savinia.

Savinia was furious, like a cat with exploding fur.

"Why are you looking at me? Do you want me to play the role of a corpse?"

Levi nodded seriously, "I didn't expect you to be so proactive, so I'll leave this task to you."

"I won't do it! If the Temple of Light discovers it, I will be dead!"

Savinia jumped up and shouted.

Elizabeth said: "You have been hiding in the Elemental Tower for so many years without being caught by the mage. I believe you will not be discovered."

"Elizabeth, why do you say that! I won't do it anyway!"

In the end, Savinia lay among a pile of broken corpses.

The tears of the goddess were hidden in her skull.

Her head was covered in blood and not noticeable at all.

In order to avoid the detection circle of the Temple of Light, Savinia completely fell into the state of a dead body.

The soul flame fell silent and turned completely into a corpse.

Levi also erased all the mental power from the space ring, and erased all the magic fluctuations related to himself from the space ring.

The space ring containing the tears of the goddess became completely ownerless.

It doesn't emit any fluctuations, it's just a dead thing.

Unless someone pries open Savinia's head, the space ring hidden in Savinia's head can be found.

But Savinia's head was mixed in a pile of broken corpses, covered in blood and her hair was messy.

There were many severed heads of ordinary people piled around.

Not noticeable at all.

The car carrying the corpses was a pile of rotten meat and bones that no one wanted to touch.

Not to mention the light knights, light guards, and light priests of the noble temple of gods.

Even the groom responsible for escorting the corpse truck was unwilling to get too close to the pile of corpses.

If it weren't for a relatively generous reward, no one would be willing to do this kind of thing.

The reason for asking Savinia to get involved.

The purpose is to allow Levi to find the location of the space ring after it leaves Storm City.

Otherwise, the space ring that erases all mental power and magic fluctuations is a dead thing.

Mixed among the piles of corpses, Levi's search would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.


The coachman carried the carriage with the corpse towards the outside of the city.

His face was covered with a thick cloth to block the smell of flesh and blood.

The carriage approached the city wall, and the guards on both sides of the city gate subconsciously frowned with disgust.

After glancing at the Bright Knight not far behind him, several guards walked towards the carriage.

"Come down and get checked."

The groom got out of the car and took off the cloth covering his face to block the smell.

After his entire body had undergone the most rigorous inspection, it was determined that he did not carry any illegal objects on his person.

Guards inspect the carriage filled with corpses.

Use swords and spears to stab the carriage to see if there are any living creatures inside.

The priest of light came over and cast a detection spell on the carriage.

Check to see if there are any prohibited items hidden in the carriage.

The light priest's eyes moved slightly, and the light knight beside him immediately noticed the abnormality and took a step forward.

"Open the corpse on the carriage!"

After a while, everyone saw the skeletons of several undead mixed in the carriage.

The Bright Knight looked back at the Bright Priest.

Pastor Guangming said: "They are the bones of the undead, nothing else."

"Take the corpse away quickly. Don't mix the undead corpses with human corpses next time."

The Bright Knight lectured.

"Yes, yes, sir, I will remember it next time." The groom quickly lowered his head and said.

"Hurry, don't block other people's way," the guard urged.

The coachman didn't dare to look at the people, so he quickly picked up the corpses that had been overturned on the ground and loaded them into the carriage.

He picked up a woman's head with messy hair and stuffed it into the pile of corpses.

Several carriages nearby had already left, and the coachman picked up the corpses on the ground.

During this period, I was urged several times by the guards, but I could only bear to lower my head and respond, "Right now, right now."

In his heart, he was angry that the guards overturned the corpse but did not help him pick it up.

The groom, covered in blood, pulled the carriage and horse toward the outside of the city.

After passing the magic detection array at the city gate, there was a slight fluctuation, but no one paid attention.

The Priest of Light had previously discovered that there were corpses of the undead in the carriage, so it was normal for there to be some fluctuations.


The carriage walked out of Storm City and headed towards the pit of corpses outside the city.

Not far away, Levi and Elizabeth looked at the city wall.

Seeing Savinia successfully evading the detection of the Temple of Light and leaving Storm City, he breathed a sigh of relief.

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