Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 389 Biological Alchemist

Levi accepted Cloud's trial.

Be transported to an independent secret space.

There is no exit in the secret space, and he can only leave safely if he learns the space tearing technique.

In the blink of an eye, one day has passed.

Levi exits the dream world.

[Space Tear Technique (Level 4 Mastery)] 541/2000

After a long period of training and practice, Levi has developed a glimmer of the ability to perceive space.

Compared with true spatial perception, his perception is more like intuition brought by experience.

It's not enough, but it's enough for now.

He glanced around and directly told him that the position three steps ahead was the weakest point in the secret space.

Weak spaces are often connection points.

This is most likely the location of the exit to the outside.

It was just blocked.

Levi calculated the time, and it was just right to go out now, and he could still catch up to participate in the exchange competition.

His purpose of coming to the Space Tower has been achieved, and it doesn't actually matter whether he participates in the exchange competition or not.

It's just that Li Wei wanted to see the abilities of several other space tower mages.

There are still certain expectations for the exchange competition.

Levi used the space tearing technique.

A gap silently appeared in the weak space in front of me.

The gap suddenly expanded to a size large enough for a person to pass through.

He looked outside and could feel a stable space across the space rift.

It means it's safe over there.

Levi smiled and walked towards the space rift.


Levi appears in Claude's room.

Claude looked at Levi, dumbfounded, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground.

When the tea cup is about to fall to the ground.

In a swish, it appeared in his hand.

Levi's eyes moved slightly.

Sensing that Claude's strength is unfathomable.

The more you understand about space magic, the more you understand how difficult it is for Claude to operate it.

Claude placed the teacup on the table and looked at Levi in ​​disbelief.

"You learned the space tearing technique in just one day?"

Claude said in shock.

He never expected Levi to learn the space tearing technique.

As long as Levi can borrow the power from the mural.

Unexpectedly, Levi gave him a huge "surprise".

This is not even a surprise, excessive surprise is fright.

He looked at Levi suspiciously, "Do you really have no extraordinary characteristics in the space system?"

Seeing this, Levi said: "No, but I have an extraordinary characteristic that can speed up the learning of spells."

When Claude heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

He frowned and thought, "That shouldn't be the case. Even if you have extraordinary characteristics in this area, you wouldn't be able to learn it so quickly."

Claude has seen the extraordinary property of increasing the speed of spell learning.

But I have never seen such an amazing learning ability as Levi.

This is the fact, no matter how hard it is to accept, Claude can only accept this fact.

Anyway, as a mage, he has seen too many incredible things.

Claude looked at Levi and exclaimed: "With your learning ability, I'm afraid as long as you are given enough time, you can become a mage in the entire system."

He did not say that Levi could become the strongest mage.

Because whether you can become the strongest mage is related to your learning ability, but there is no inevitable relationship.

Some legendary mages only know one move, but they can be used all over the world with that move.

Levi smiled and said, "Thank you for the praise, senior."

"Thank you, senior, for the spell." Li Wei sincerely thanked him.

Claude shook his head and said: "You're welcome, you won these by your own ability."

"By the way, are you coming to the Space Tower to participate in the exchange competition?" Claude asked.

Levi nodded: "Yes."

It can't be said that he came here to learn space magic, right?

Claude smiled and said: "Then I will look forward to your performance in the exchange competition, but don't let me down."

"Although your strength is a little weaker, with your learning ability, you should be able to get good results."

In his opinion, since Levi can easily learn the fourth-order space tearing technique.

Then it is possible to learn a fifth-level elemental spell, or even a sixth-level elemental spell.

In this way, even if he only has a fourth-level spell, he has a high chance of achieving a good result.

Levi nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you for your expectations, senior. I'll take my leave."

Leaving the library, Levi returned to the residence of the Elemental Tower mage.

After returning, he found that the place had become much more lively.

Except for the mages of the Space Tower, the foreign mages of the other four top mage towers basically live nearby.

Element Tower, Space Tower, Alchemy Tower, Phantom Tower, Summoning Tower.

The five most powerful top mage towers in the world.

Now, almost all the top mage seedlings in the world have gathered in the Space Tower to compete.

Unfortunately, this event is not open to the public.

Only members of the five top mage towers are eligible to observe.

Levi walked around and didn't see many familiar people.

When I turned around to go back.

A figure suddenly appeared behind him.


Levi almost bumped into him.

A girl wearing a white robe and thick glasses, who was as tall as Levi's chest, screamed.

"Sorry, I didn't see you." Levi said quickly.

The girl with glasses waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I have a responsibility too."

Levi glanced at the magic crest on her clothes.

The emblem of a medicine bottle and gears.


"Are you an alchemist?" Levi asked.

The girl with glasses nodded, adjusted her glasses and said, "Well, my name is Erica, from the Alchemy Tower."

"My name is Levi, a student of the Element Tower." Levi said with a smile.

Erica looked up at Levi and said with a smile: "Your body is really strong, you don't look like a mage."

"Oh? What does a mage look like in your eyes?" Levi said.

Erica thought for a moment and said: "Anyway, the body is not as strong as yours. It is much easier than dismembering a monster. However, some mages' bodies have become flesh and blood elements, so dismembering them will be more troublesome."

Levi's scalp was numb when he heard it. Is this guy an alchemist or a butcher?

Why do you always dismember the human body?

Noticing Levi's expression, Erica smiled kindly.

She said: "I forgot to introduce you. My profession is a biological alchemist, which may be a little different from the alchemist you know."

Levi: "Uh (⊙o⊙)..."

A series of equations formed in his mind.

Bioalchemist = biomodification = biochemical devil = biochemical modification expert = mad scientist...

He subconsciously looked at Erica and found no signs of inhumanity.

Under normal circumstances, not all mad scientists like to install some "technology" on themselves.

For example, replace the arm with a monster arm to gain greater strength.

There are a few more tails, tentacles and the like on the back.

Erica seems like a normal person.

Update one chapter to save you from calling me a eunuch. . . . . .

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