Levi stayed safely in the ring.

He looked around quite boredly.

An hour had passed and no one came to challenge him.

He looked up toward the mountains.

The arena on the mountain was very lively, and explosions caused by battles could be seen from time to time.

Never stopped for a moment.

Levi saw that Eris was using the teleportation spell to communicate with others.

"What's going on now?"

Levi asked curiously when he saw Eris stopping what she was doing.

Eris said: "Currently we have occupied five arenas, and Elfa is leading people everywhere to find new arenas."

"According to the rules of the competition, only after occupying the arena can the competition props corresponding to the corresponding arena be unlocked."

"So, what Elfa means is to find out first what kind of competition props there are."

Hearing this, Li Wei nodded, "It makes sense. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle."

Eris looked at Levi and said, "Elfa just told me that he wants you to exchange the space javelin and give it to him. He will be responsible for mobile support."

"What do you think?" Eris asked Levi what he thought.

Levi smiled and said, "Of course I have no objection. Of course I'm happy that he is willing to put in more effort."

He didn't bother to fight for it.

Anyway, just guarding this three-thirds of an acre of land is enough.

Eris nodded and said, "Then I will reply to Alpha."

He cast a teleportation spell to get in touch with Elfa.

After a moment, Eris raised his head and said to Levi: "Elfa asked us to leave a mark and then deliver the space javelin to him."

"He will give us a prop called Void Chain as compensation."

Levi asked curiously: "Void Chain? What is it for?"

Eris said: "After hitting the target, the target is prohibited from moving in space."

Levi's eyes lit up, "Good stuff!"

"With the Void Chain, it will be much easier to deal with the Space Mage."

Eris nodded, "Yes, indeed."

"There is a spell called Dimensional Anchor, which has the same effect, but none of us know how to do it."

Levi said: "The Dimensional Anchor is a fifth-level space spell, and not many of the space mages who participate in the competition know it."

The only function of the dimensional anchor is to anchor space, making it impossible to use space spells within a certain range.

It is equivalent to a forbidden magic spell for space mages.

Even if the caster is within the scope of the dimensional anchor, he cannot use space spells.

For space mages, this is not a must-learn skill.

Using a dimensional anchor is equivalent to cutting off its arm.

It is only useful in very few special circumstances.

Therefore, even a sixth-level space mage may not be able to learn this spell.

Before Levi came to the Space Tower, he had a rough understanding of space spells.

Basically, he knows a thing or two about the famous spells in the space spells.

Stay in the ring.

During this period, we occasionally saw people approaching, but they only glanced at each other from a distance and never came closer.

It seems that he realizes that this place is not easy to deal with.

Li Wei waited quietly until he collected 300 points and exchanged them for a space javelin.

The space javelin looks like a flag, with a rounded tip at the lower end that can be inserted into space to leave a marking point.

By pouring mana into the space javelin, you can activate the space javelin and teleport to the marked point.

Up to three locations can be marked.

Levi looked at Eris and asked, "Are you going or should I go?"

Eris said: "You go ahead, I will guard the ring for a while, at least until you come back."

Levi nodded, "Yeah, okay."

Eris enters the ring and Levi exits the ring.

Eris becomes the new champion.

Light rose into the sky, indicating that the owner of the arena had changed.

However, the light has been covered by the hidden magic barrier arranged by Eris.

No one outside can see it.

Levi poured mana into the space javelin, and the flag of the space javelin lit up.

He thrust the space javelin into the air and felt a trace of space fluctuation.

There was a feeling of viscous liquid being inserted into my hand.

After a while, an imperceptible spatial mark was left on the spot.

Except for the holders of the space javelin, only people with extremely strong space perception can perceive it.

Even Levi couldn't sense the marks left by the space javelin.

He glanced at Eris and said, "I'm leaving, please be careful."

Eris nodded, "Well, you should be careful too."

Levi put away the space javelin and quickly rushed in the direction of Alpha.


A loud phoenix cry echoed through the sky.

Li Wei looked up and saw a fire phoenix appearing on the mountain peak.

After one glance, he lowered his head and continued on his way.


Levi heard footsteps not far away.

He stopped quickly, became alert, and turned to look.

A white figure appeared in the field of vision.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Levi was stunned for a moment.


Erica, who was wearing a white robe, looked up at Levi and smiled, "Hi, I didn't expect to meet you here."

The two looked at each other for a moment and seemed to have no intention of fighting.

Levi pointed to the mountain peak in the distance and said, "I want to go there. The road is different. There is no need to fight."

"I think so too," Erica said.

"Goodbye then." Levi laughed and continued on his way.

Erica watched Levi leave from a short distance away, glanced in the direction he was heading, and continued to move towards the original goal.

Levi looked back at Erica.

"She shouldn't be looking for Eris."

Erica's direction is different from where Eris is.


On the way, Li Wei came across the arena where a fierce battle was taking place.

Both sides are very powerful and evenly matched.

The battle was very fierce.

He glanced at it for a moment, then turned and left without coming closer.

In addition to the two people fighting in the ring, there were others around.

There is no elemental tower over there for mages, and they may be besieged if they approach rashly.

Levi was just giving something away, there was no need to mix it up with muddy water.

When he reached the foot of the mountain, he looked up with a look of surprise.

"Is the fire phoenix just now Alpha?"

Levi took off directly and flew towards the top of the mountain.

Near the top of the mountain, Levi could feel the air getting hotter.

In the arena on the top of the mountain, Alpha was fighting a space mage.

A fire phoenix floated above Alpha's head.

Arena battles are actually not friendly to space mages.

Space Mage needs a wider battlefield to display his full strength.

They are best at long-range attacks.

The space mage is suppressed by Alpha and may be defeated at any time.

The two sides will have a final contest, and the competition will be the depth of mana.

Whoever runs out of mana first loses.

Alpha looked relaxed and at ease.

On the other hand, the space mage, who was attacked by the fire phoenix and could only rely on the space shield to passively resist, looked a little impatient.

He couldn't find a chance to counterattack.

Levi's arrival caused several people around the ring to turn their heads to look.

The space mage also glanced subconsciously.

Alpha's eyes lit up, "What a great opportunity!"

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