Hoo ho ho!

The howling sea breeze blew across Levi's face.

He stood on the rock and looked at Nitro walking towards this side.

Everyone else was busy preparing various magic traps and spells.

He just seemed very idle.

Boom, boom, boom!

The footsteps of the ancient disaster beast kept approaching.

A tall figure walked out of the forest, and the trees could only cover the lower body of the ancient disaster beast.

The majestic upper body towers above the sea of ​​trees.

Like an ancient giant swimming in the sea of ​​trees.

It gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

Nitro walks into a magical trap.

There was a loud bang, triggering the gravity suppression magic trap.

In an instant, the gravity in Nitro's area reached dozens of times the normal level.

The ground sank several meters directly, and Nitro's legs sank deeply into the soil, up to the height of his calves.

Nitro was suppressed by gravity, his back slightly bent.


Nitro pulled out his feet that were stuck in the dirt and walked forward.

Every kick in a hole.


A cloud of smoke shot out of the woods and hit Nitro.

Smoke enveloped its body, making a hissing sound.

This is a corrosive potion prepared by the alchemist, specifically used to weaken Nitro's terrifying defense.

"Dimensional Slash!"

The space mage took the lead in attacking.

Dimensional slash tears apart space, swallowing everything in its path.

Nitro sensed the danger, and the huge beak split open on both sides, revealing countless sharp teeth inside.


With a roar, a terrifying wave of air suddenly blew away the corrosive poisonous mist around him.

Nitro sprayed out a red beam of light from his mouth and hit the space crack created by Dimensional Slash.

The two forces were in a stalemate for a moment, and then there was a violent explosion.

Hoo ho ho!

In the sky, a huge meteorite fell from the sky.

The meteorite dragged out a long flame tail, locked on Nitro's position and crashed down.

Nitro sensed the crisis above him.

React immediately.

He turned his head and pointed at the falling meteorite from the sky, spraying out a scarlet light wave.


The meteorite exploded in mid-air and turned into countless rubbles scattered on the island.

Levi looked disappointed.


The meteorite technique was performed by him.

Although the meteorite fell quickly, the movement was too great.

It's easy to notice.

For the strong, the bulky meteorite is not difficult to deal with.

Nitro grabbed the flattened trees and soil on the ground and smashed them against everyone outside the gravity suppression range.

Its terrifying power caused the flying soil and trees to explode with astonishing power.

It pierces trees and rocks in an instant.

Bang bang bang!

Someone was accidentally hit, and even the person with the magic shield was knocked away.

Nitro flicked his head, and a red beam of light streaked across the ground.


The ground exploded, and in an instant, the gravity-suppressing magic trap was destroyed.

Nitro regains mobility.

The huge body burst out with astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, a mage appeared in front of him.


Nitro stomped the ground hard.

The earth was shattered and overturned, cracks spread like spider webs, and all the surrounding trees were overturned.

The figure of the mage attacked by Nitro dissipated in the air like bubbles.

That's an illusionist.

What Nitro attacked was not his true body.

The illusionist attempts to control Nitro using psychic spells.

But Nitro is like immune to mental spells.

The illusionist's attack had no effect.

The lush brown hair on Nitro's body is like a thick layer of magic.

The power of magic cannot harm Nitro through this layer of hair.

Corrosive potions won't do much damage to it either.

It only makes the outer layer of hair appear slightly curled.


A cyan fireball hit Nitro.

The fireball exploded, erupting into terrifyingly high temperatures.

The hair on Nitro's body was burnt black.

Its body shook, and bits of burnt fur fell to the ground.

Levi looked intently, and the high temperature of the green fireball caused some damage to Nitro, but the damage was not enough.

Not nearly enough to kill Nitro.

Unless hundreds of thousands of degrees of blue flame are used to burn Nitro for a long time.

Only then can the layer of magic hair on its body be burned clean.

Levi felt troubled.

Nitro's defense is ridiculously high, but its strength and speed are also amazing.

Levi stared at Nitro, planning to use the primary flame rules to attack it.

Nitro sensed the danger in an instant.

Disappeared from Levi's sight.

A black shadow emerged from behind Levi.


Nitro punched Levi on the head.

The fist pierced the ground directly.

It slowly raised its fist, and Levi's figure disappeared.

This is also false.

Nitro quickly glanced around, looking for Levi.

It senses danger from Levi.

Levi, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked. Fortunately, he had just used his phantom body.

Otherwise, this punch would have been enough for him.

After a day of repairs, Levi's broken invisible armor had been restored.

Nitro couldn't kill him with one punch, but the invisible armor probably couldn't withstand several of Nitro's attacks.

Its power is too terrifying.

Illusions and fire spells are difficult to harm Nitro.

The only Dimension Slash that can pose a threat to Nitro, it also has ways to deal with it.

Levi's primary flame rule can destroy Nitro's fur.

However, as soon as he comes forward to activate his abilities, Nitro will be locked in and hunted down.

Nitro was too fast.

Losing the limitations of gravity and suppressing the magic trap, Nitro's speed crushed everyone.

Nitro glanced around, turned and walked towards the nearest challenge arena.

Rather than killing everyone, the purple stone buried under the challenge arena attracted its attention more.

After Levi saw Nitro leaving, the alchemist quickly looked for something in the place where it stayed.

"What are you looking for?" Levi asked.

The alchemist said without looking back: "Please help me find the hair left by Nitro. I can create an alchemical potion specifically to suppress it based on the characteristics of his hair."

After everyone heard this, they started looking for it.

In the previous battle, there were not many opportunities to make Nitro lose his hair.

Everyone worked hard for a long time before they found four tough broken hairs as thick as chopsticks.

Nitro's hair is extremely tough and cannot be cut with ordinary swords, and it has extremely strong magic resistance.

This is an excellent material for making armor.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to obtain Nitro's hair.

Unless you can kill it.

But to kill Nitro, the first step is to destroy its extremely defensive hair.


Levi and others saw Nitro breaking through a ring again, destroying the ring and getting a purple stone.

After swallowing the second purple stone, two purple lines appeared on Nitro's body.

It spreads from both shoulders to the waist.

Like two straps emitting purple light.

Nitro's aura became more powerful.

When the alchemist saw this, he quickly said: "You try to hold it back and buy me time."

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