Roget was continuously attacked by the Flame Snake.

Although the Flame Snake cannot destroy his space shield, it can continuously heat the air in the space shield.

The rising temperature of the air made Roget a little unbearable.

He responded immediately.

"Vacuum Explosion Technique!"

A vacuum ball appeared next to Levi.

The moment the vacuum bursts, it generates extremely strong suction.

Suck both Levi and Flame Snake into the center of the vacuum blast.

Levi couldn't resist that terrifying power.


Yan Snake and Li Wei collided.

Turned into flames and dissipated in the air.

Levi is fine, he is immune to fire damage below level five.

Not to mention, the Flame Snake was his own power, so it was even more impossible to hurt him.

Unless the power is out of control.

However, for Levi, this probability is infinitely close to zero.

The extraordinary characteristic of advanced mana control gives Levi extremely strong control capabilities.

There is no risk of losing control of the force.

Roget escaped from the siege of the Flame Snake and launched a counterattack.

"Dimensional Exile!"

Roget used the fifth-level spell, Dimensional Exile, on Levi.

Want to banish Levi from the secret space.

Casting this spell was not an easy task for Roget.

A precious space gem was exhausted and shattered, and Roget felt a little distressed.

However, when he thought that dimensional exile could directly eliminate Levi, Roget felt that the money was well spent.

Levi felt the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

There was a strange feeling of regression, and he felt as if he was moving away from the world.

"Fire Escape!"

Levi used all his strength to use his fire escape and rushed towards Roget.

His figure gradually elongated into a long shape, and he was unable to escape the power of dimensional exile.

Levi's eyes narrowed.

"Space Tear Technique!"


A crack appeared in the space behind Levi, and he rushed backwards into the space crack behind him.

Roget was stunned. Isn't this asking for trouble?

Levi's ability to tear apart space surprised him a little.

However, if you use the space tearing technique in this case, you will have a high probability of getting lost in the chaotic space slit.

After Dimensional Exile loses its target, the spell dissipates.

Roget thought the battle was over.

Suddenly, the void chain around his waist was stretched straight.

The end of the void chain extends into the space, leading to another invisible space.

Tear it apart!

The space where the Void Chain disappeared suddenly split open, and a figure flew out grabbing the Void Chain.

Roget looked shocked.

"Can the Void Chain still be used like this!?"

He really didn't expect that the Void Chain could serve as the coordinate of the return space.

Li Wei also came up with this usage when he had an idea.

At that time, I did not use the space tearing technique and took the initiative to leave this space.

Then you can only be exiled to the unknown space by the dimension.

Directly eliminated from the game.

After leaving voluntarily, Levi can still rely on the Void Chain to lock Roget and return to this space.

"The battle is over."

"Primary Flame Rules, Burning Feather!"

Levi stared at Roget.

Roget and Levi looked at each other and seemed to see the fire burning in Levi's eyes.

A red glow appeared in the corner of his eye.

Roget was stunned for a moment and subconsciously reached out to touch it.

"What's this?"


Roget's hand was burned and he quickly retracted his arm.

He glanced around and found many flame feathers floating in mid-air inside the space shield.

This is the Burning Feather created by Levi through the rules of fire.

Burning Feather uses an extremely small amount of fire element that penetrated into the space shield when the Flame Snake besieged Roget.

More than a dozen burning feathers floated towards Roget and stuck to his body.

Roget looked horrified.

Bang bang bang!

The Burning Feather explodes, causing even greater fire.

The flames, driven by Levi's flame rules, further burned Roget's mage robe, hair, and eyebrows.

"Stop, stop, stop! I give up."

Roget quickly shouted stop and admitted defeat.

Levi's eyes relaxed a little as he stared at him.

The flames no longer hurt Rogert, and hung like bright red flowers on Rogert's body.

Roget walked outside the ring, exited the ring, and admitted defeat.

Seeing this, Li Wei also took back all his strength.


The void chain wrapped around Roget's waist was taken back into his hand.

The fire plumes in the space shield also dissipated.

Roget touched his singed hair and stared at Levi in ​​confusion.

"How on earth did your spell bypass the space shield?"

There is no magic element inside the space shield he propped up.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for elemental spells to bypass the space shield and cause harm to him.

However, this happened.

Levi smiled and did not answer his question.

If Shadow Warrior hadn't taken over White Netero's body, Levi would have had an easier way to deal with Roget.

That requires such a complicated method.

It was another siege, another void chain space lock, and the elementary flame rules that forced Roget to admit defeat.

In fact, a simple flame cannot threaten Roget's life.

But Levi's flame has the power of rules.

The attack directly ignores the defensive magic items on Roget.

Roget was shocked by this power.

After much thought, I chose to admit defeat.

If you continue to fight, your chances of victory are slim.

Mainly because he discovered that Levi knew the space tearing technique.

Space Tear can destroy space shields.

His own space movement spell was restrained by the Void Chain.

In a fight with Levi, he would be at a huge disadvantage.

Simply admit defeat.

Seeing that Levi didn't want to answer the question, Roget didn't continue to ask.

He looked at Levi and asked, "What's your name?"

Levi can answer this question.


"Roget, I remember you."

Roget said to Levi.

After speaking, he glanced at the stone bridge under Levi's feet.

He seemed to laugh a little gloatingly.

"You know? In fact, after you took away this hidden arena, I felt more relaxed." Roget said.

Levi was stunned, frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Roget turned around and left, saying, "You will know what the hidden props are."

Levi narrowed his eyes and quickly checked the hidden props.

"Hidden prop - the fragment of the magic forbidden spell. After use, an incomplete forbidden spell is released. (It can be taken out of the secret realm)"

Levi's mouth twitched.

He seemed to understand what Roget meant.

Currently, the only people who know the properties of hidden items are Levi and Roget.

McCarron failed to challenge Roget and did not have permission to view the properties of the hidden props.

Now, Roget plans to reveal the properties of the hidden props.

A fragment of a page of forbidden magic spells, plus props that can still be taken out of the secret realm.

This attraction is undoubtedly the first in the entire secret realm.

Levi has been able to meet everyone who wants to snatch this remaining page of the forbidden magic spell.

I suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

He looked at the conditions for obtaining the remaining pages of the Forbidden Magic.

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