Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 43 Gu Ze’s Dream

Levi returned to reality and opened his eyes to find that it was already the next morning.

"I see, the dream collapsed because Lotta woke up."

He reviewed the memories in his mind and found that Luo Ta's cultivation experience had not been lost.

Levi smiled happily.

Then, his heart tightened, and he remembered that the great sleepwalking spell came from the evil god cultists.

"Damn, I almost forgot about this."

Levi's expression changed for a moment. He checked himself and found that everything was normal. He breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat by the bed and meditated. The temptation of the Great Sleepwalking Technique was too great. Even if he knew that he might pay a price, it would be difficult to give up.

"Alas! There is no such thing as a free lunch..."

After Levi went out to have breakfast, he happened to meet Luo Ta. Thinking of what happened in his dream, he tentatively asked: "Master Luo Ta, I encountered some confusion when I was practicing the small fireball technique. Can you help me answer it?"

Luo Ta glanced at Levi and said with a smile: "It's normal for mages to exchange cultivation experiences. If you have any problems, you can tell me, but I may not be able to solve them."

Levi smiled and said, "Thank you in advance, Master Lota. That's it. I found that the sixth circuit of the small fireball spell model seems to be relatively fragile. Every time I build a spell model, the mana is easily released on the sixth circuit." question."

Luo Ta raised his eyebrows, he had just studied this issue.

In fact, Li Wei knew that he had studied this aspect, so he deliberately asked questions.

He said: "The small fireball spell model is a simplified version of the fireball spell model. The sixth circuit is the structure of the first-order fireball linking the seventh and eighth circuits. The small fireball omits subsequent spell circuits, reducing the difficulty of casting spells..."

Luo Ta told Li Wei some magic structure theory, and Li Wei kept nodding.

With that said, Levi turned the topic to the direction of deducing new spells using the small fireball technique.

After explaining a bunch of principles, Rota said: "Limited by the maximum number of circuits of the zero-order spell model, it is already difficult to increase the power of the small fireball spell."

"My recent research has revealed that a new direction is possible. Since the power of small fireballs cannot be enhanced, we can try to increase the number of small fireballs."

"The second-level spell chain fireball is a typical case of increasing the quantity to increase the power of the spell. I am trying to combine the chain casting circuit with the small fireball spell. Unfortunately, there has not been much breakthrough yet."

Lotta sighed with emotion.

He said: "If my research can be successful, then the zero-level spell can be used to be as powerful as a first-level spell."

Levi said: "Has Master Luota approached Teacher Guze? Teacher Guze has created the three-shot ice arrow technique. Maybe he can give you some experience in this area."

When Luo Ta heard this, his eyes moved, "Gu Ze's three-shot ice arrow technique? Why didn't I think of this? I'll go find him right away."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Teacher Guze is in class, why don't Master Luota go there at noon."

After breakfast, Levi returned to the room.

Start the morning practice.

Spell practice experience can be obtained from other people's dreams, but mana will not increase.

Levi worked hard to practice and improve his magic power.

In a few days, he will be able to upgrade the basic meditation method again.

Levi is looking forward to the new effects of the upgraded basic meditation method.

At night, after practicing the spell, Levi lay on the bed and used the "Great Sleepwalking Technique".

Enter the dream world.

Levi pushed open the door. The darkness and calmness outside showed that the dream world on the other side of the door was stable.

"I wonder whose dream it is today?"

Levi carefully reached out and felt extremely cold. He pulled his arm back, but it was already frozen.

With a thought in his mind, he put on a thick cotton coat and walked out.

Hoo ho ho!

The cold wind howled and the snow blew.

In the world of ice and snow, a wooden house with warm firelight from its windows stands alone in the wind and snow.

Levi walked towards the wooden house step by step.

Standing outside the window and seeing the scene inside, he was stunned for a moment.

This turned out to be Mr. Furusawa’s dream.

However, Guze in the dream seemed a little small.

In the house, matches were burning in the fireplace. A man and a woman were sitting on the sofa chatting. The young Guze and a girl were sitting on the blanket by the fireplace and playing.

The conversation of several people could not be heard clearly, and only murmurs of unknown meaning reached Levi's ears.

Only the laughter of young Guze could clearly reach his ears.

Levi was very surprised. He didn't expect that Mr. Gu Ze, who looked mature and steady, would actually yearn for his past childhood.

The man and woman in the dream should be his parents, and the girl may be his sister.

Everything is very warm and harmonious.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind and snow, and a huge black shadow came from the wind and snow and approached the wooden house.


The five-meter-tall snow bear monster broke through the wall of the wooden house.

In an instant, the cold wind from outside blew into the house and extinguished the fire.

Levi saw Guze's parents fighting desperately against the snow bear. Guze took the girl and hid in the corner, trembling.


A sigh mixed in the wind and snow reached Levi's ears.

He heard the voice of Mr. Furusawa.

Levi looked at the snow bear that was about to kill Guze's parents. He hesitated for a moment, and then a small fireball flew out.


The fireball passed through the wind and snow and hit the snow bear.


The huge power blew up the snow bear's body, and Guze's father, who should have died tragically, escaped.

The snow bear got up, looked at Levi, and roared.

Levi's mind flashed back to the scene when Master Al used the Fire Snake Technique.

His figure changed, his whole body was shrouded in a robe, and a staff appeared in his hand.


A huge fire snake surged out and swallowed the charging snow bear.

It's all just a dream.

Levi changed the ending of Guze's nightmare.

The young man Guze hugged his sister and looked at the powerful mage who killed the snow bear with admiration in his eyes.

An extremely fervent expectation emerged in my heart - I want to become a mage!

After killing the snow bear, Levi glanced at the four people in the snow and turned around to leave.

All he can change is the dream, not the reality.

On the way Levi returned to the room, the wind and snow around him suddenly stopped, and gray mist poured into his dream.

Swish, swish, swish!

The gray fog merged with the ice and snow, and a five-meter-tall snow bear covered in gray fog appeared in front of Levi.

Levi was shocked and felt bad.

"This breath... is a nightmare!"

"Why is there a nightmare in Mr. Guze's dream? Is it because he changed the ending of the dream?"


The huge snow bear surrounded by gray mist rushed towards Levi, raised its huge paw and slapped him hard.

Without thinking, Levi cast a small fireball at extreme speed.


The snow bear's claws were blown to pieces by small fireballs.

But its huge body collided with Levi, and with a bang, he was knocked away and fell into the snow.

Protected by invisible armor, Levi was safe and sound.

He quickly got up and found that although the nightmare was huge, it was only a first-level nightmare.

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