Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 435 Grudges spanning thousands of years

Susan sent people to explore the secret realm of Zhuilongpo.

Soon, the people she sent to explore the secret place escaped in confusion.

"The monsters inside are too strong."

Susan realized that even if she opened the Falling Dragon Slope, she would not be able to complete the exploration in a short time.

She must go back and report the progress of the matter to His Majesty.

At the same time, matters related to Levi must also be reported back quickly.

Levi has a lot to do with it.

Susan left a few people to guard the entrance to the secret realm of Chuilongpo.

When James saw that the secret realm of Falling Dragon Slope was opened, but they were not allowed to enter, his face turned red with anger.

"It's too much!"

"Don't go too far!"

Susan quickly comforted James and said: "Master James, please calm down. I'm not saying that you can't enter the secret realm of Falling Dragon Slope, but you can't enter here for the time being."

"When we finish exploring Zhuilongpo and get what His Majesty wants, the secret realm of Zhuilongpo still belongs to the Mage Association."

James frowned, and Susan moved out Oates to suppress him again.

This made James very unhappy.

If it were in the past, Oates was still the Lord of Maple Leaf City.

As a third-level mage of the Mage Association, he doesn't have to worry about Oates' face at all.

In the past, he could not give Oates face. On the one hand, his strength was considered top-notch in Maple Leaf City.

On the other hand, the Mage Association is more powerful than the City Lord's Mansion.

But things are different now.

A third-level mage is no longer considered a top expert.

Oates' power is also much more powerful than the Mage Association branch in Maple Leaf City.

James was helpless. As long as he agreed, he planned to go back and tell the president of the Mages Association.

Let the president go negotiate with Oates.

James and Susan both chose to leave the troubles they couldn't handle to their superiors.

No way, this is beyond their capabilities.

As they prepare to leave.

A holy light appeared in the sky, and then a figure walked out of the holy light.

Everyone subconsciously looked up and felt a deep sense of awe after just one glance.

They all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at the person coming.

There was a very unique sense of majesty about that man.

It is sacred and inviolable, cannot be looked at directly, and cannot be spoken falsely.

James was shocked, what is the origin of this person?

Seeing the Holy Light, he subconsciously thought of the Light Cult.

This is a super powerful man from the Light God Religion.

Susan felt the sacred majesty of the Cardinal, and her head almost buried in her chest.

Like an ostrich with its head buried in the soil.

Under the illumination of the red archbishop's holy light, many dark things in her heart could not help but emerge.

The Holy Light did not purify the darkness and pain of the past in her heart.

Instead, it makes the pain worse.

An idea suddenly came to Susan's mind.

Perhaps only by imitating the holy light and immersing yourself in the holy light can you eliminate your own filth.

Reason suppresses inner conflicting impulses.

She almost lost control of her emotions several times.

James knew that only by guarding his mind under the illumination of the Holy Light could he avoid being assimilated.

Susan was completely unaware of this.

You can only fight against your own emotions and instincts.

Fortunately, Minos didn't stay with everyone for long.

He was in a hurry.

Completely ignoring the impact that the Holy Light may have on the people and things around him.

The fluctuation of the goddess's tears completely disappeared.

This means that the goddess has no more tears.

Minos was naturally as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

It took a moment to locate the place where the breath of the goddess's tears last appeared.

He immediately used the power of the Holy Light to teleport here.

Minos looked down and saw the space portal at a glance.

He could feel that the last breath of Goddess Tears came from inside.

Without a trace of hesitation, Minos flew directly into the space portal.

Its huge power has exceeded the limit that the space portal can bear.

The moment he entered the space portal, the space portal exploded with a bang.

Cracks appear.

Minos frowned, and the Holy Light forcefully opened the space portal to maintain its last dignity.

Enter the secret realm.

The first time Li Wei entered the secret realm of Falling Dragon Po, the Mage Association said that only professionals below the third level could enter.

The reason is that the space channel is unstable.

A force exceeding the third level will cause the space channel to collapse.

This is what happened to Minos at the moment.

The space channel opened by Levi using the space tearing technique is inherently unstable.

It is not restricted by levels.

However, if a strong man like Minos wanted to pass through, it would cause the unstable space channel to tear apart at an accelerated rate.

A space channel that could last for a few minutes may close in a few seconds.

Minos entered the secret realm and soared into the sky.

Feel the restrictions of the forbidden area.

Holy light bloomed from his body, directly breaking the air restrictions.

The so-called restrictions are only for the weak.

The strong ignore any limitations.

He glanced around and shot towards the final resting place of the goddess's tears.

Minos stood in mid-air, overlooking the ruins in front of him.

"Divinity! Time travel!"

Minos used the power of the gods to go back and rebuild the ruins.

The collapsed rocks flew up quickly, like a movie played in reverse, returning to its original position.

Soon, the entire cave returned to its original state.

Minos fell down and walked into the cave.

He saw the traces left after the power of the Goddess Tears was exhausted.

Minos picked up the broken blue gem after losing its power, his eyes calm.

"The tears of the goddess contain divine power and cannot be destroyed by ordinary means. Who did it?"

Minos suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart, feeling a residual aura of power that was very similar to the Holy Light.

After he felt it carefully, he was very surprised, "Is this... holy power?"

As far as he knew, apart from the Holy Angel, the only person with divine power in the world was the Holy Dragon.

The holy power of the holy angel contains the will of the gods.

Completely different from this sacred power of freedom.

Minos's eyes widened, feeling very incredible.

"The sacred dragon that has disappeared for thousands of years has reappeared!"

Minos quickly realized that this matter was probably more important than the damage to the goddess' tears.

The Tears of the Goddess are nothing but holy vessels condensed with divine power.

As long as you beg to the gods, you can get new tears of the goddess at any time.

But the sacred dragon is different.

The sacred dragon has disappeared for thousands of years without any trace or sound.

The most important thing is that the last sacred dragon to disappear was the Holy Dragon King of the Dragon Clan.

The whereabouts of the Holy Dragon King are extremely important to the Guangming Cult.

A thousand years ago.

The Light Cult is looking for the missing Holy Dragon King.

Since the end of the Dragon Clan's separatist war a thousand years ago, the Demon Dragon King has achieved a tragic victory.

The defeated Holy Dragon King disappeared.

The only thing that is certain is that the Holy Dragon King is not dead yet.

There is something very important in the Holy Dragon King.

That is the treasure that the Guangming Cult has been searching for for thousands of years.

Minos immediately reported the news of the discovery of the sacred dragon to the Saint.

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