Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 444 Legendary Mage Torresta VS Red Archbishop

Li Wei hurried back to the mage tower.

He has signed the highest level soul contract with Shengxi.

With the total death.

Even if there is no soul contract of living and dying together.

He will not give up Shengxi easily.

Why should he give up his treasure to others?

Levi only hoped that Torresta could sense the danger in advance and let Shengxi run away quickly.

Torresta is an old lich who has lived for thousands of years, and he should be aware of the crisis behind the sacred dragon.

There should be some coping strategies, right?

Levi could only comfort himself in this way.

The red archbishop of the Temple of Light is too powerful.

With his current strength, he simply cannot handle it.

Can only rely on Torresta's backhand.

In the mage tower, Torresta patted Shengxi on the head, smiled and said, "Okay, kid, it's time to go."

Sheng Xi raised his head and looked at him, and asked with confusion: "Where are you going? Why are you leaving?"

Torresta stood up and said: "Someone is coming, you can't let them see it yet."

He took out a seven-color reverse scale and handed it to Shengxi.

"Take this with you and go to the far north ice field to find the treasure left by the Time Dragon."

Torresta was explaining the aftermath.

Shengxi was keenly aware of the potential meaning in Torresta's words.


Torresta shook her head, interrupting what she was about to say.

"Be obedient and leave here. I won't die and we will meet again in the future."

Shengxi paused for a moment, showing sadness.

It swallowed the colorful reverse scale in Torresta's hand.

Torresta concealed her aura and teleported it into the underground passage of the Mage Tower.

He looked up at Minos coming outside.

"The Cult of Light, hum!"

Although Torresta's figure is a bit unreal, his momentum at this moment is extremely high.

Next, he will fight for the one he loves.

In the past, he missed one.

It became his lifelong regret.

This time, he won't miss it again!

Levi was rushing to the mage tower, and he saw that Minos had entered the mage tower.

The pace couldn't help but slow down a bit.

He was a little confused.

Isn't the sixth floor of the Mage Tower in another dimension?

How did Minos get in?

Unless someone takes the initiative to let him in.

As Levi guessed, Torresta took the initiative to put Minos into the sixth floor of the mage tower.

It's not even the sixth level.

He chose the battlefield on the seventh floor of the Mage Tower.

The purpose was to use the cage that trapped the Fire Dragon Soul to trap Minos, hold him back, and give Shengxi and Levi time to escape.

Minos flew into the sixth floor of the mage tower.

I saw a bright portal appearing at the end.

The breath of the sacred dragon came from the portal.

Without any hesitation, he flew towards the portal.

Minos didn't think anyone here could threaten him.

There may not be anyone more powerful than him in the entire North.

What's more, even if he encounters an enemy that he can't defeat, he still has a trump card.

Being backed by the Light God Religion and the God of Light is such a confidence.

Minos flew into the seventh floor, and everything around him became dark and fell into a place of nothingness.

The teleportation light portal behind him disappeared.

Minos looked back and didn't pay much attention.

He knew that the other party brought him here deliberately.

Minos looked at the figure in front of him.

Feel that the strength of the other party's aura is constantly increasing.

Levi was still rushing towards the mage tower, and Sheng Xi's voice came from his heart.

"Levi, father asked us to leave here and go to the far north ice field to find the treasure of the Time Dragon."

When Li Wei heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

He looked up at the top of the mage tower.

A war is breaking out in another invisible space.

For some reason, he felt a little sad.

For Levi, Torresta is Torresta, and the legendary lich is the legendary lich.

Torresta was his teacher.

The legendary lich is not Torresta.

After this battle, Levi would never see that "teacher" again.

Levi stopped and stood staring at the mage tower.

After a while, he came back to his senses, calmed down, and asked in his mind: "Where are you now?"

Shengxi said: "I am underground in the Mage Tower."

Levi said: "Okay, just stay there and don't move. I will come right away."

This was also the first time he heard that the Mage Tower had a basement.

Walk into the mage tower and meet Lotta.

"Where is the entrance to the basement?" Levi asked quickly.

Lotta looked confused, "What basement?"

Levi didn't continue to ask, and it seemed that Lotta didn't know either.

This place is probably only known to Torresta.

Maybe he had already prepared for today.

Levi must know someone when he thinks of him.

Arriving at the third floor of the mage tower, he looked at the magic butler who was exactly the same as Kuro and said, "Go to the basement."

The magic butler opened his eyes and glanced at Levi to confirm his identity.

"Okay, the passage to the basement has been opened for you. Keep going along the underground passage and you can leave Maple Leaf City."

The magic butler reminded.

Levi nodded and walked into the secret door that opened on the third floor.

After he walked in, the secret door closed.

Levi walked down the stairs, and the magic lamps and candles in front of him lit up one after another, illuminating the way forward.

Reaching the end of the stairs, Levi saw Shengxi waiting in the underground passage.

Shengxi rushed towards Levi and said with some tears: "Father, he is disappearing soon."

She could sense Torresta's life.

Levi comforted: "Don't worry, he won't die."

"His true body is still thousands of miles away, and no one can kill him."

"Come on, it's time to get out of here."

"Don't let down the teacher's efforts."

Li Wei put Shengxi into the beast-controlling ring and walked toward the end of the underground passage.

The seventh floor of the Mage Tower.

Torresta burns his soul and gains temporary great power.

After all, this is part of the soul of the legendary lich.

After the sacrifice, the power obtained even vaguely surpasses the legendary level.

Torresta briefly got a chance to fight with Minos.

"God said, let there be light in the world!"

Minos performed divine magic.

A ray of holy light illuminates the dark seventh floor.

Resist the power of the seal on the seventh level.

Minos stared at the soul-burning Torresta and said calmly: "This is the breath of the lich."

He saw through Torresta's true nature at a glance.

As a cardinal, Minos had a wealth of experience that was unmatched by ordinary people.

He has seen countless foreign races in his life.

Many lichs died in his hands.

Not every lich is as powerful as Torresta.

Torresta did not answer Minos' question, and he was the first to attack.

"The Great Sleepwalking Technique! Six Paths of Reincarnation Dream!"

The attack came very suddenly.

Even Minos was unprepared.

In an instant, he was struck.

Didn't even react yet.

Torresta disappeared, and Minos forgot what he had come to do.

He glanced down, holding the Holy Sword of Light in his hand, with eight wings of light spread out behind his back.

The way of heaven and humanity.

He became an eight-winged angel of light under the throne of the God of Light.

When he looked up, he saw the God of Light calling him.

Out of faith in the gods, Minos did not think much and flew towards the God of Light, responding to the call of the God of Light.

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