Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 451 Gift from the Queen Bee

Alice looked at the endless dripping of flower essence and was extremely happy.

Even the queen bee buzzed with excitement when she saw it.

Seems very happy.


Levi heard the sound of bees flying outside.

Turning around, he saw a swarm of bees flying in, and the bees rushed into the stone kiln where the essence of the flowers was preserved.

Levi saw that after swallowing the essence of the flowers, the honey quickly grew in size, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a fist-sized zero-level monster "Bee Picker".

The queen bee buzzes.

When Alice heard this, she smiled, looked at Levi and said, "To thank you, the queen bee has prepared a gift for you."

Levi was a little surprised and subconsciously turned to look at the white queen bee, "A gift?"

The mining bee flew towards the queen bee, landed on the queen bee, curled up into a ball, and quickly shrunk.

Eventually it turned into thumb-sized golden oval gems.

After doing this, the queen bee seemed to be exhausted and lay motionless on the ground.

Alice said: "These are her gifts to you."

Levi was a little curious and picked up a golden oval gemstone from the queen bee.

After picking it up, I discovered that these things were very elastic and would deform even if I pinched them lightly.

Alice said: "These are the eggs of mining bees. After feeding them with mana or magical energy, a mining bee can be quickly hatched."

"Forager bees can help you find the nearest flowers and plants."

"These bee eggs can also be eaten directly. The energy and nutrients contained in each bee egg are equivalent to the same volume and weight of royal jelly."

Levi looked surprised, he didn't expect such a magical thing.

He took a look at the eggs given by the queen. There were probably more than thirty eggs.

Even if you don't need foraging bees to help you find your way, eating it all as royal jelly can still be of great benefit.

Alice said: "I suggest you keep it, maybe it can play an important role at a critical moment."

Levi nodded and put away the bee eggs.

"I see."

It was already evening when Levi and Alice left the underground hive.

Looking at the setting sun outside, Levi remembered that he was going back to the Elemental Tower today.

He looked at the sunset on the horizon, feeling a little worried that because he had offended Arbuckle, he might not be able to use the teleportation circle of the Mage Association.

If it hadn't been for what happened today, he would have returned to the Elemental Tower by now.

Alice invited Levi back to the station for dinner and thanked Levi for his help.

Levi thought that he had already missed the time agreed with the Mage Association today anyway.

It’s not too short of time.

So he agreed to Alice's invitation.

Alice treats Li Wei to Feihua City's specialty - the Hundred Flowers Banquet.

Food made using various flowers as ingredients.

Li Wei has been to Feihua City once before and ate flower cake on the recommendation of Luo Ta. It tasted very good.

At the Hundred Flowers Banquet, Li Wei saw more delicacies made with flowers.

Osmanthus cake, peach blossom wine, rosemary barbecue...

Halfway through the meal, the chef walked in pushing a cart.

On the trolley was tonight’s main course—Fire Trees and Silver Flowers.

Alice smiled and introduced to Levi: "This is Feihua City's most famous delicacy, Fire Trees and Silver Flowers. Ordinary people have no chance to enjoy it."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it." Levi showed curiosity.

The chef ignited the liquid in the tray of the trolley, and in a blink of an eye, the tree trunks piled with ingredients on the trolley burst into flames.

The burning branches gradually bloom with various flowers.

The scent is captivating.

A double enjoyment for sight and taste.

Levi couldn't help but show surprise, it was the first time he saw such a thing.

Just when he was wondering if the tree was edible.

The chef had broken off a branch full of flowers and put it on the dinner plate and handed it to Levi.

Levi took a bite out of curiosity and suddenly showed a look of surprise.

The taste is very strange.

The fragrance of plants, the freshness of flowers, and the light smell of meat.

An hour later, the party ended.

Alice bid farewell to Levi in ​​person.

Levi looked at Alice with a smile and said, "Thank you for the dinner tonight."

Alice smiled and said: "I have to thank you. Although some accidents happened, everything is developing in a better direction."

"Next time we meet, maybe we won't have to be here."

Levi smiled and said, "Then I'll wait."

He walked towards the distance, waved his hand and said, "Okay, just send it here, I'm leaving."

"Go slowly and have a pleasant journey."

Li Wei returned to Feihua City and came to the Mage Association.

As soon as he entered the Mage Association, a group of people surrounded Levi.

He glanced at the people around him and found that these people were all from the City Lord's Mansion.

"What do you want to do?" Levi asked calmly.

A man came out and said: "I just want to invite Master Li Wei to sit in the city lord's mansion. The city lord sincerely invites you."

Li Wei laughed and said: "If you, the city lord, are really serious, you should come to see me in person instead of sending you to ask me."

"You... don't push yourself too far. Let me tell you, this is Feihua City!"

Levi's face turned cold, he glanced at the people and said coldly: "Get out of the way."

A few people were indifferent.

Levi's body exuded powerful magic fluctuations.

Several people's expressions changed.

Magical fluctuations attracted the attention of mages in the Mages Association.

Several mages ran out quickly, "Who is making trouble here?"

"Master Li Wei."

When the Master saw Li Wei, he quickly saluted and greeted him.

When the people surrounding Li Wei saw this, they looked at each other and turned around to leave, not daring to stop him again.

Levi glanced at the deacon who had received him and asked, "Where is Arbuckle?"

The deacon quickly replied: "The vice president went to the city lord's mansion and has not come back yet."

Seeing this, Levi gave up the idea of ​​causing trouble with Arbuckle.

No need to waste time on him.

Levi said: "Has the teleportation array been maintained?"

The deacon replied: "It has been maintained. Do you want to use it now?"

Levi nodded, "Yeah."

"Okay, I'll get ready right away."

Levi suddenly stopped the deacon and said: "Oh, by the way, your vice-president promised me that if I help the Mage Association deal with the flying monsters that harass Baiyuan Garden, your Mage Association will reimburse me for the teleportation expenses."

Hearing this, the deacon quickly said: "Then please wait a moment and I'll ask the Vice-President for instructions."

Levi said: "Go and tell him by the way, this matter is not over yet."

The deacon felt a little confused after hearing what Levi said.

But he still nodded and said, "Okay."

When Abak got the news, his face was uncertain.

I originally wanted to erase Levi's reward, but after much hesitation, I finally agreed.

He didn't dare to offend Levi anymore.

Having seen Levi's terrifying magic, Abak was also very worried.

Seeing that Arbuckle did not stop him, Li Wei temporarily let him go.

Step onto the long-distance teleportation circle and return to the Elemental Tower.

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