Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 454 Amethyst Source Magic Potion, Level 4 Peak


Levi felt the fluctuations of the communication crystal.

He took out the communication crystal and activated it.

Victor's figure appeared in front of him.

Victor glanced at Levi and said, "I have sent you the amethyst source potion through the teleportation array. Remember to get it."

Levi nodded and said, "Okay."

"If you send it here directly, aren't you afraid that it will be taken away by others?" Levi asked.

Victor said: "Do you think I'm stupid? You'll know when you get it. We'll contact you then."

The communication crystal was interrupted, and Victor disappeared.

Levi went to the seventh floor of the Element Tower, which is the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

"Hello, elder, I have a package from the Space Tower. Has it arrived?"

Levi politely greeted the elder guarding the ultra-long-distance inter-dimensional teleportation array.

The elder said: "Wait a moment, let me take a look."

"Oh, there is a package from the Space Tower. What is your name?" the elder asked.

"Levi." Levi replied.

"That's right, it's yours. Please show me the magic badge."

After checking Levi's magic badge and confirming Levi's identity.

The elder handed a magic box to Levi.

Levi knew why Victor said that.

Opening a magic box requires a magic spell, and without the right magic spell, forcing the box open will simply destroy everything inside.

Back in the room, Levi contacted Victor through the communication crystal.

Victor was nowhere to be seen this time.

Only a spell came from the communication crystal.

When the magic box heard the spell, it clicked and opened automatically.

"The deal between us is over."

Victor's voice came out.


The communication crystal also shattered.

Li Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Victor was too anxious to break off the relationship with him in such a hurry?

No matter so much, Levi first checks the contents of the magic box.

Two bottles of amethyst source potion.

Levi picked up a bottle and looked at it. The amethyst source potion looked like a gorgeous purple nebula concentrated in the bottle.

It looks extremely mysterious, with stars twinkling from time to time in the nebula.

Gently opening the bottle of the Amethyst Source potion, Levi instantly felt an extremely pure and powerful magical energy.

See the purple nebula that is about to appear.

He quickly sealed the amethyst source potion tightly.

This should be the real amethyst source potion.

Levi had never seen such a precise and powerful potion.

It seems that the power of this nebula is really sealed in the bottle.

Levi carefully put away the two bottles of Amethyst Source potion.

The magic box had been scrapped, so he casually put the magic box into the space ring.

Even if it is scrapped, it still looks good and can be used as a storage box.

Levi thought for a moment and decided to break through in the Elemental Tower first, and then go to the Arctic ice field.

After all, it’s not clear what’s going on in the Arctic ice sheets.

After passing there, there may not be a safe place for Li Xiu to practice.

His training time this month has not been used yet.

Li Wei went to the realm of cultivation and came to the secret realm of fire element cultivation.

Entering the realm of cultivation, he shot straight into the deepest part.


A figure quickly flew towards the depths of the secret realm, seemingly without any intention of ending.

It aroused curiosity from many people around.

"Who is that? Why does he dare to be so arrogant?"

"I didn't see it clearly. It looks like he is at least a great mage."

"Arch Mage? That's okay. We can still do our own business."

Li Wei came to the deepest part of the secret realm of cultivation.

This is the place closest to the elemental plane of fire.

The endless fire element in the secret cultivation realm penetrates from the fire element plane from here.

Levi has always known that the fragments of the fire elemental plane in the realm of cultivation are connected to the fire elemental plane.

After mastering the intermediate flame rules, he perceived this connection more clearly.

He can even stand here and directly induce the power from the fire elemental plane.

In the past, he had to activate his flame body before he could stay here.

Otherwise, even he wouldn't be able to withstand the high temperature here.

Now, Levi has basically become immune to the high temperature here.

Except for the Intermediate Fire rules.

He also possesses the intermediate Fire Immunity extraordinary trait.

Can ignore fire damage below level five.

Even a fourth-level monster cannot withstand the high-temperature flames here.

In Li Wei's eyes, it was almost the same as warm water.

Just a slightly warmer place.

Levi sat down, took out a bottle of Amethyst Source Secret Medicine and drank it in one gulp.

Gulu! .


The medicine bottle fell to the ground and was quickly consumed by the flames.

Li Wei closed his eyes and practiced with all his strength.

After taking the Amethyst Source Secret Medicine, a powerful and pure magical energy surged out.

Devoured crazily by hungry magic cells.

After the magic cells swallow the magic energy of the amethyst source secret medicine, they quickly grow and iterate.

At the same time, Levi was also rapidly absorbing the fire elements and fire spirits from the outside world.

Further enhance your Fire Lord body.

Under the intersection of internal and external forces, Levi's body was undergoing an astonishing transformation.

Mana increases rapidly.

The blazing sun in my mind received a steady stream of fire elements, and its volume expanded rapidly.

Levi's power is increasing every minute and every second.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Levi took a long breath of hot breath and slowly opened his eyes.

After half a month of hard training, he finally absorbed the energy of a bottle of purple crystal source secret medicine.

Strength has been greatly improved.

From the intermediate level of the fourth level to the peak level of the fourth level.

[Fierce Sun Concept (Level 4)] 9142/10000

There is also a bottle of amethyst source secret medicine.

But Li Wei had no time to practice.

Leaving the secret realm of cultivation, Lilith found Levi.

Levi was surprised to see Lilith coming to him. He hadn't seen Lilith for a while.

Lilith said: "The Light Cult already knows that you took the Goddess Tears."

Her first words were like thunder.

Levi was very surprised and asked: "How do you know?"

"The teacher told me." Lilith said.

Lilith said: "The Light Cult asked the Elemental Tower to hand you over."

Lilith's teacher is Haros, a top shadow mage in the Tower of Elements.

If the Light Cult has contacted the Elemental Tower.

It's not surprising then that Harros knew about this.

Levi's eyes narrowed, he pondered for a moment, and then asked: "What is the opinion of the top management of the Element Tower now?"

Lilith said: "I heard from the teacher that the Elemental Tower seems to be planning to compromise with the Light God Religion."

"However, since you are already very famous in the Elemental Tower and have a certain reputation in other top mage towers, it is not easy for the Elemental Tower to hand you over directly."

"The opinion of the top management of the Elemental Tower is that you should return the Tears of the Goddess to the Guangming Cult, and then you will be punished within the Elemental Tower. This can be regarded as an explanation to the Guangming Cult."

Levi smiled bitterly in his heart, it would be better if he could hand over the Goddess Tears.

But the problem is, the goddess tears have been used up.

His eyes narrowed, and it seemed that he couldn't wait any longer and had to leave the Elemental Tower.

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