Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 483 Shengxi awakens the legendary dragon

Levi and Gu Sewei had been paying attention to Shengxi's status when the time dragon egg changed.

Finding that Sheng Xi would not wake up for a while, he paid attention while practicing.

After waiting for several days, it was finally time for Sheng Xi to wake up.

Click, click, click!

While Li Xiu was practicing, he heard a shattering sound coming from outside.

He quickly ended his training and opened his eyes to see the power of time surrounding Shengxi gradually disappearing.

After a while, Gu Sewei also came over.

The two of them stared at the disappearing power of time, and saw that Shengxi, who had kept the same movement for eight years, finally started to move.

Shengxi's dragon claw moved slightly, as if triggering the power button, and then his whole body began to move.

Li Wei looked at Shengxi and suddenly said: "Am I having an illusion? Why do I feel that Shengxi's body is getting bigger?"

Gu Sewei shook his head and said: "It's not an illusion, she is really getting bigger."

Nothing has changed at Saint-His for the past eight years.

But the moment he broke out of his shell, Shengxi's body shape began to undergo drastic and obvious changes, growing rapidly.

Originally, Shengxi's body length was less than three meters.

In the blink of an eye, it grew into a behemoth more than thirty meters long in front of Li Wei.

The entire secret realm of time was filled with Shengxi's body.

Shengxi slowly opened his eyes and moved his body uncomfortably. He found that the space around him was too small and he couldn't stretch out at all.

She had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​moving her body.

For Levi and Gu Sewei, they only spent eight years in the secret realm of time.

But for Shengxi, who is inside the time dragon egg, her growth time has reached thousands of years due to the influence of the power of time.

Directly from infancy to adulthood.

The growth stage is skipped.

Shengxi also directly gained the powerful strength possessed by the adult sacred dragon.

When a sacred dragon grows to adulthood, it becomes a legendary dragon.

When Shengxi's body shape changed, Levi's body also underwent amazing changes.

He felt an extremely powerful force pouring into his body.

The terrifying vitality of the legendary sacred dragon poured into his small body like a sea, making him feel like his whole body was about to burst.

In addition to vitality, there are also various terrifying abilities from the legendary sacred dragon.

Subject to Levi's own strength level.

He didn't get all the abilities of the legendary sacred dragon.

However, several extraordinary characteristics related to the sacred dragon that were obtained previously have undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Sacred Dragon’s Life Sharing (Legendary)] Lifespan +30,000 years. (In the juvenile stage, the lifespan of the sacred dragon increases with growth, reaches its peak in the full stage, and gradually declines in old age.)

[Holy Dragon Body (Legendary)] Immune to curses, poisons, petrification, paralysis, burning, dizziness and other negative conditions below the legendary level.

[Power of the Dragon (Legendary)] Obtain the power and physique of the legendary sacred dragon. (In the infancy stage, the strength of the contracted dragons increases, and they are unable to exert their full strength due to their own level)

[Holy Power (Legendary)] All attacks are accompanied by legendary holy power, ignoring all defenses.

All four epic-level extraordinary characteristics have been upgraded to legendary-level extraordinary characteristics.

Because the power of the dragon is limited by its own level, it cannot exert the power of a true legendary sacred dragon.

When Levi's own level increases, his physique and strength will gradually approach the legendary dragon.

Gu Sewei, who was standing next to Levi, felt the powerful aura emanating from him and couldn't help but feel frightened.

It's not that he's afraid that Levi will hurt himself, it's just that life has a reverence for higher-level beings at an instinctive level.

If I had to describe it, Levi had begun to involuntarily exude dragon power that could intimidate other life forms.


Shengxi lowered his head and stretched out in front of Levi.

"Levi, it's so small here. I feel very uncomfortable."

"Ah, why have you become so small?"

Shengxi blinked his golden dragon eyes, which were bigger than Levi's head, and made a confused sound.

Her voice also changed from the sound of a milk baby to the clear ringtone of a girl.

Levi touched her nose. His head was too big to touch Shengxi's head.

He smiled and said: "It's too small here, so go out."

After Shengxi absorbed the power of time, Levi could clearly feel that there seemed to be some changes in the secret realm of time.

It's time to leave the Secret Realm of Time.

After hearing this, Shengxi no longer bothered about why Levi became smaller.

She raised her head, closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment, and a colorful time dragon scale between her eyebrows shone brightly.

The Time Dragon Reverse Scale has completely integrated with her.

Shengxi got a little bit of the time power of the Time Dragon.

She can easily control the secret realm of time.

Shengxi could feel that the power of time left by the time dragon in the secret realm of time was swallowed up by her.

This secret realm of time is gradually dissipating.

The flow of time is also gradually approaching the real world.

Colorful light bloomed and enveloped Shengxi's huge body and the figures of Levi and Gu Sewei.

The light disappeared, and the three disappeared into the secret realm of time.

This secret realm of time, which has left many legends on the snowfield, is about to disappear forever.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed across the tide of time, and the secret realm of time that was about to dissipate seemed to go back in time, returning to the way it looked when Levi and Shengxi first entered.

Fortunately, this does not mean that Levi should leave the Secret Realm of Time.

A colorful light suddenly appeared at the bottom of the dark, dark and extremely cold abyss.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure appeared in the extremely cold abyss.

"Ah Qiu!"

The cold air made Shengxi's nose feel a little uncomfortable, which caused a big problem, and the air flow around him changed.

Guthaway tightened the thick fur mage robe around her body.

Although he was protected by the ice elves, he still felt a bit cold.

After Levi obtained the body of the legendary holy dragon, the cold had lost its effect on him and could not affect him.

It just feels slightly uncomfortable.

Just like Shengxi would sneeze when suddenly encountering cold air.

There was a loud "gurrul" sound coming from Shengxi's stomach.

She lowered her head and complained: "Levi, I'm so hungry, I'm starved to death."

Levi patted her feet and said, "You have to be patient for a while. I'll let you eat when you get out."

Shengxi's body shape changed dramatically. Although part of the energy was provided by the power of time, the huge energy demand brought about by the change in body shape still caused Shengxi a strong sense of hunger.

Hearing this, Shengxi had no choice but to stretch out his claws, dig out a piece of ice that was harder than steel, and throw it into his mouth.

Now I have nothing to eat but ice cubes.

Fortunately, the ice cubes in the extremely cold abyss also contain considerable ice magic energy.

For Shengxi, it was like eating a frozen candy bar.

better than nothing.

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