Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 487 The sleeping ancient emperor


Gu Sewei's voice reached Levi's ears.

After a while, Levi felt the ground beneath his feet shaking violently, as if there was an earthquake.

He quickly flew up.

Looking not far away, the few people who had just awakened the Ice Emperor also looked panicked, running around to avoid the glacial land that had cracked due to the earthquake.

Levi quickly returned behind Shengxi.

He looked down and saw a huge thing gradually rising from the glacier.

The entire glacier world is on the verge of collapse under its movements.

Levi looked at the behemoth below, and suddenly understood where the huge ice cave in front of him and the ubiquitous extremely cold airflow in the extremely cold abyss came from.

The huge ice cave is the exhalation port of the Ice Emperor.

When the Ice Emperor was sleeping, the gas he exhaled unconsciously created a huge ice cave in the glacier.

Those extremely cold air currents are the breath exhaled unconsciously by the Ice Emperor.

After the extremely cold air current accumulated too much in the ice cave, it broke through the extremely thick glacier, creating the glacier crack that Levi passed through when he entered.

It blew into the extremely cold abyss from the glacier cracks.

Then it rises from the bottom of the extreme cold abyss and blows outside the extreme cold abyss.

Levi could not imagine that such terrifying extremely cold air was just the breath exhaled unconsciously by the Ice Emperor.

He felt ridiculous for his previous idea of ​​challenging the Ice Emperor.

The Ice Emperor's strength may have exceeded everyone's imagination.


The entire glacier shook violently due to the Ice Emperor's activities.

It seemed like the entire glacier was about to collapse.

Gu Sewei grabbed Levi's arm nervously and asked in panic: "What should we do now?"

Levi lowered his head and glanced at the Ice Emperor who had woken up.

He made a quick decision and said, "Let's get out of here first. It's too dangerous to stay here."

If it was buried hundreds of thousands of meters underground due to glacier collapse.

Levi didn't even know if he had a chance to go out.

After hearing Levi's order, Shengxi flew towards the only exit as fast as possible.

Levi looked back at the people who had awakened the Ice Emperor.

Someone wailed and fell into the crevices of the cracked glacier.

Even sixth-level professionals, even legendary level professionals, are struggling like ants in the face of a super disaster of this scale.

Gu Sewei also saw it, and she said sadly: "The power of the Ice Emperor is simply beyond the control of humans."

Levi disagreed and did not respond to Gu Sewei's words.

In his opinion, humans really cannot control the power of the Ice Emperor.

But with just a little guidance, you can use the destructive and terrifying power of the Ice Emperor in the way you want.

A lot of surprises can happen during this process.

But for some people, the means to achieve their goals are uncompromising.


Sheng Xi carried Levi and Gu Sewei out of the glacier crevice and rushed into the endless black abyss of extreme cold.

Without stopping outside, Shengxi raised his head and flew all the way out of the extremely cold abyss.

The huge glacier behind changed like a living thing.

The hundreds of meters thick glacier broke off and moved outward, as if it was squeezed out by a huge force.

The huge glacier where the Ice Emperor is buried is undergoing unprecedented changes.

Levi looked at the disappearing glacier behind.

He murmured: "Are those glaciers the oceans that were frozen during the polar night era?"

Guthaway has recovered from his previous pessimism.

When seeing things that are far beyond one's ability, it is easy to become pessimistic and world-weary. Guthaway was previously influenced by the Ice Emperor for this reason.

After leaving that area, her mood gradually stabilized.

Hearing Li Wei's muttering, she was stunned for a moment and said: "Maybe it is possible. According to historical records, there was a huge ocean surrounding the Extreme Cold Abyss in the Extreme Days era."

Guthaway thought of the Ice Emperor's appearance, but that form looked very much like a huge creature that could only exist in the sea.

"Could it be said that the Ice Emperor lived in the sea before?" Guthaway asked.

Levi nodded and said: "It's possible. Only the ocean can breed extremely large creatures."

Even if there was an ocean in the Arctic Icefield, it is incredible that the Ice Emperor would live in such a place.

No matter how you look at it, the vaster endless sea is more suitable for a super monster of the size of the Ice Emperor.

Why does the Ice Emperor appear here?

This is a question whose answer is difficult to know.

If you can communicate with the Ice Emperor, you may have a chance to get the answer.

Levi thinks this possibility is very small.

Compared with the Ice Emperor, the human body size is similar to that of humans looking at ants.

Even smaller than ants, just like invisible floating objects.

Which human being would answer floating questions?

Levi couldn't help but sigh, there are still things in this world that are too unimaginable.

In terms of sheer size, not even gods can compare with the Ice Emperor.

Size is only part of your strength.

The gods should still be stronger than the Ice Emperor.


After a period of darkness, a subtle light finally appeared above the head.

After a while, there was a roar of strong wind, and Shengxi flew out of the extremely cold abyss with Levi and Gu Sewei.

Gu Sewei could hardly open her eyes under the dazzling sunlight.

She felt the sun was extremely hot.

Gusavi put on his hat cover and held the frost staff in his hand, feeling the coldness.

The body temperature feels quite cool, but that doesn't change the fact that the sun outside is extremely hot and dazzling.

Levi enjoys the sunlight shining down from the extreme cold sky above the abyss.

Without taking the initiative to practice, he could feel the power of the blazing sun gradually seeping into his body.

The blazing sun of the spiritual sea has also been consumed in the extremely cold abyss during this period. After being illuminated by the sun, the spiritual sun actively absorbs the power of the blazing sun to restore its strength.

Shengxi looked around and flew towards the shore of the extremely cold abyss.

Now, they are located above the extremely cold abyss, still quite far away from the shore.

Levi looked around and found that changes hundreds of thousands of meters below were not transmitted to the ground.

Even if the Ice Emperor wakes up, it may take some time before he can leave the underground glacier world.

Shengxi's stomach growled again.

"Levi, I'm starving."

Levi looked into the distance and said, "I'm going to find you something to eat."

Not having enough to eat, Shengxi felt like he couldn't even breathe out.

Let alone breathing, I can't even spit out saliva.

Ambergris is also a supreme treasure for ordinary creatures.

The Ice Emperor has awakened, this is a foregone conclusion that cannot be changed.

Levi and Gu Sewei could only return to the Ice and Snow City first, tell the Ice and Snow Queen the results, and see what they should do next.

By the way, we will also solve Shengxi’s eating problem.

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