Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 49 Invisibility Cloak

Levi returned to the room and sat at his desk, meditating.

Things developed somewhat unexpectedly.

disrupting his original plan.

"It's too late to learn escape spells temporarily. I have to find a way to get something to save my life."

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door and Levi opened the door.

The magical servant brought a box and handed it to him.

Levi put the box away and closed the door.

Return to the desk and open the box. Inside are five red vials of life recovery potions and five blue vials of mana restoration potions.

This is a resource pack for combatants.

The magic butler sent a message, and writing appeared on the back of the magic badge.

"The trainee mage will receive 1 contribution point every day while participating in the war. If you perform well, you will receive additional contributions. The contributions will be distributed starting tomorrow."

"The wartime special supply store is open. The Mage Association and Professional Association have opened store sharing. You can use contribution points to exchange for any items in the wartime special supply store."

"The product exchange list has been distributed, please check it carefully."

Levi pulled out the magic text scroll under the box.

Open the scroll, and the words composed of magic flicker and change.

Looking at the magic text scroll in his hand, Levi couldn't help feeling that the Mage Tower was bleeding profusely.

Usually magic text scrolls are only used to record and convey important information.

A scroll was worth several gold coins. If it wasn't very important information, no one would be extravagant enough to use a magic text scroll to deliver it.

When Master Allen saw the magic servants moving the magic text scrolls out of the treasure house, he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Master Martin, there is no need to use the magic text scroll so extravagantly, right?"

Martin smiled and said: "These magic text scrolls have been stored for several years and are about to expire. It's time to empty them all at once and go back to the Mage Association and Professional Association for reimbursement."

"Those potions and magic items that are about to expire are also sold at a discount to clear out the inventory."

Marina walked in and said: "The Mage Association and the Professionals Association also threw out a lot of good things. It seems that they are all clearing out their stocks and want to take this opportunity to take a bite out of the Maciel Kingdom. "

Levi looked through the magic text scroll, looking for what he needed.

If you don't have time to learn the escape spell, you can only get a life-saving magic item.

After rummaging for a long time, Levi selected a piece of magic equipment that suited him.

"Invisibility cloak (first-level magic item). When activated, the invisibility cloak will simulate the color of the surrounding environment to achieve the effect of invisibility and camouflage. Discounted combat readiness price: 30 contributions (original price is 40 contributions)."

After choosing his equipment, Levi ran to the Spark Literary Club overnight.

Tomorrow is the day to collect the royalties, but I will leave Maple Leaf City early tomorrow morning, so I’m afraid I won’t have time to collect the royalties.

Li Wei simply went to Spark Literary Agency one day in advance to ask for royalties.

When he arrived at Spark Literary Club, Jimmy was getting ready to get off work.

After hearing Levi's request, he couldn't make the decision, so he had to find Director Gus.

Gus heard that Levi was going to fight the orcs for the Kingdom of Maciel tomorrow.

He immediately made a decision and said, "No problem, Jimmy, go and ask Shanshan to work overtime to calculate Master Li Wei's royalties before you leave."

"Okay, Director."

After waiting for half an hour, Jimmy came back with the bill and said: "Director, this is the royalties for "Dragon Knight" this month."

Gus took a look and said, "Go get fourteen gold coins."

Li Wei took the opportunity to take a look and found that the royalties for April were only a little over 130,000 yuan, less than 140,000 yuan.

While Jimmy went to get the money, Gus said: "Compared with the skyrocketing sales volume last month, this month's sales have stabilized, and it is estimated that this sales volume will be maintained for some time in the future."

"These are not counting the income generated from cooperation with the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce. We will not know how much the Cornucopia Chamber of Commerce's income will be until their traveling merchant team returns at the end of the summer."

Levi nodded, indicating that he understood.

After a while, Jimmy came back with fourteen gold coins, and Gus handed the gold coins to Levi.

"Master Li Wei, pay attention to safety and be sure to come back safely!"

Levi took the money bag and said with a smile: "Thank you, Director Gus, for your concern. I will definitely come back safely."

"Next month's manuscript may have to be delayed for a while before it can be given to Jimmy."

Gus said: "Master Li Wei doesn't have to worry about the manuscripts. The manuscripts currently accumulated by Spark Literary Society can still be serialized for two months."

"That's good, I'll leave first."

Levi said goodbye to the Spark Literary Club and headed directly to the treasure house on the third floor of the Mage Tower.

Spend all the gold coins and contributions in your hand and exchange them for an invisibility cloak.

Return to the room, put on the invisibility cloak, and cover your whole body under the gray cloak.

Levi stood in front of the full-length mirror and used magic to activate the invisibility cloak.

He saw himself in the mirror slowly fading, until finally only his face remained in mid-air, and the rest of his body disappeared.

Pulling down the mask, his face disappeared into the air.

After moving for a while, Levi found that the invisibility effect is best when stationary. When moving, the changes in light and shadow will be delayed, making it easier to be exposed.

The mana consumption is also acceptable, and the invisibility effect can easily be maintained for dozens of hours.

There are also large pockets on the inside of the cloak, which can store a lot of items.

Short-handled staffs can be easily stored in the inner pocket of the cloak.

Levi put everything he wanted to bring into the inner pocket of his cloak.

After taking a shower, I lay down on the bed to rest and recharge my batteries.

"Has Master Lotta fallen asleep?"

Levi suddenly thought.

Before leaving, it would be best if he could obtain the serial small fireball technique created by Lotta.

He decisively launched the "Great Sleepwalking Technique".

Dive into the dream world, and the fog in the house has disappeared.

Although the gray fog is gone, there is still a hazy feeling in the room. This may be the difference between dreams and reality.

Levi walked to the door and pushed open the door.

There was no longer boundless darkness outside the door, but a fog of dreams, and a gray mist shrouded the whole world.

The visual distance is only ten meters.

It happened to be the distance that his mental power spread out.

The fog ten meters away was chaotic and unclear, and no one knew what was hidden inside.

"Why is today's dream different?" Levi wondered.

Walking along the road at his feet, he finally saw Lotta's dream world.

Lotta was walking alone in a jungle and seemed lost.

There was fog at the edge of the jungle, and Levi walked out of the fog and walked into the jungle of Lotta's dream.

After Levi appeared, Lotta seemed to be aware of it.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Levi, with fear in his eyes.

"Orcs! Die!"

Lotta raised his staff and attacked Levi.

Levi looked surprised when he heard Lota's shout.

Looking down, he didn't know when his body turned into that of a furry orc.

"Serial small fireball technique!"

Four or five fireballs shot out from Lota's staff in succession.

Levi looked surprised.

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