Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 502 Shadow Warrior’s New Body

Levi saw the surrounding scene and immediately realized that he was surrounded.

These tree-looking things are not plants at all.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the intestines of the Ice Emperor.

Then these things should be the villi on the Ice Emperor's intestines that digest and absorb nutrients.

To the Ice Emperor, what was a small tissue was fluff, but in Levi's eyes, it was an incomparably huge tree.

Just as Li Wei was about to take action, he held back.

He quickly rushed towards the gap and escaped from the surrounding trees.

Levi thought about the consequences of the star bug mother's self-destruction just now, and he did not dare to touch anything in the ice emperor's body easily.

For fear of causing unpredictable disasters.

By now, he has figured it out.

The storm just now was probably just the Ice Emperor taking a breath.

As for the reason that caused the Ice Emperor to inhale, it was probably the discomfort caused to its stomach after the Starworm Queen self-destructed.

Li Wei also felt very helpless.

The Ice Emperor posed an extremely huge threat to him with just an ordinary inhalation.

He was directly separated from Shengxi, and he was also thrown into this strange place.

Levi rushed out from the gap of the surrounding trees, looked down at the trees under his feet that were still growing upward, trying to pull him down, and he quickly increased his height.

After avoiding the dense activated trees around him, Levi moved forward in the direction of the connection with Shengxi's soul, looking for Shengxi.


Large waves appeared in the woods not far away, and a large number of originally stationary trees quickly activated, forming a magnificent wave that spread rapidly toward Levi like a sea wave.

Levi showed a look of surprise and turned his head to look into the distance behind him.

There was something over there that caused this vision.

The wave quickly spread to Levi, and he finally saw the culprit that caused the commotion.

A pitch black ball.

The ball floated in mid-air and flew towards him at an alarming speed.

Countless trees behind him came to life one after another, stretching out their branches to try to catch the ball flying overhead.

Levi's eyes narrowed, wondering, what is this?

Mental perception quickly enveloped the body of the black ball.

The surface of the black ball has a mental shielding layer. Mental perception cannot penetrate the surface of the black ball, and it is impossible to know what is inside?

But Levi could sense that this black ball was some kind of living thing.

The smell also made him feel familiar.

Li Wei's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered what this familiar aura was... the Star Insect Queen!

He was shocked, could the Star Insect Queen still be alive?

Levi's eyes condensed, and the power in his body gradually gathered, preparing to give the black ball a fatal blow the moment it arrived.

Don't let it have any chance to breathe.

But when the black ball approached, Levi did not attack.

The black ball flew past from a distance of 20 meters to Levi's left, and was not directed at him.

This made Levi even more curious.

After thinking for a moment, Levi accelerated to catch up with the fast-flying black ball.

After a while, Levi caught up with the black ball.

Cast the spell "Object Control."

A blue palm grabbed the rapidly flying black ball and forced it to stop.

The mage's hand brought the black ball in front of Levi.

After careful observation, Li Wei discovered that this was an organ on the body of the Star Bug Queen.

It's really shocking that just after being separated, an independent organ can still have such amazing activity, making people feel like it is an independent life.

The black ball vibrated slightly after approaching Levi.

Then, many tiny tentacles stretched out from the surface of the black ball toward Levi, seeming to want to pierce his body.

Levi's eyes narrowed and he took the black ball farther away.

Unable to get close to Levi, the tentacles extended by the black ball tried to penetrate into the blue mage's hands.

Unfortunately, the mage's hand is not a living thing, and the black ball is just doing useless work.

Levi felt from the black ball that it longed for a new body.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Wei was very confused.

He has two choices, destroy it or figure out what it is?

This thing is related to the Star Insect Mother Queen. It is the activated organ of a legendary creature, and Levi is reluctant to throw it away.

After thinking for a moment, Levi chose to satisfy the black ball's desire and give it a new body.

Certainly not his body.

Levi happened to have a living body in his hands.

He took out the white Nitro's body and approached the black ball.

The black ball stretched out a large number of threads and penetrated into the white Nitro's body.

In the blink of an eye, the black ball turned into countless threads and merged with the white Nitro.

Part of Nitro's white hair was dyed black, and a special aura gradually emitted from his body.

"Shadow Attendant."

Levi felt that after Nitro merged with the black ball from the Star Bug Queen, there was still something missing.

Nitro's soul had already been destroyed by Levi.

This body has no autonomous consciousness, only instinct.

If the body is given enough time, perhaps it can give birth to a new consciousness.

But this was not what Levi wanted.

Shadow Attendant appeared at Levi's call, got into Nitro's body, and took over the body.

After Shadow Attendant controlled Nitro's body after fusion with the black ball, Levi quickly understood what the black ball was?

The black ball is the magic core of the Star Bug Queen.

It's not quite right to describe it as a magic core, but it is indeed something similar to a magic core.

It contains the core abilities and talents of the Star Insect Queen.

The core ability of the Star Insect Queen is "adaptive evolution". After breaking through the legendary level, this ability advanced to become "super evolution".

Levi has already seen the power of the extraordinary characteristics of super evolution.

After Nitro fused with the magic core of the Star Bug Queen, he gained the ability to adapt to evolution.

Originally, after the fusion of the magic core and Nitro, a new autonomous consciousness of the Star Bug Queen would be born.

But Levi interrupted this process by letting Shadow Warrior take over Nitro's body.

Under the influence of the ability to adapt to evolution, Nitro's body, which was originally not very compatible with Shadow Warrior, is also changing.

Levi watched as White Nitro's white hair turned black, and finally turned into black skin that was as ink-like as a plane.

Nitro's huge crow's mouth also disappeared, turning into a black faceless face with unclear facial features.

After watching it for a while, Levi finally realized, isn't this what Shadow Warrior looks like?

"Master, I can no longer separate from this body."

Shadow Attendant said so.

Levi was a little surprised. After accepting, he nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

Shadow Attendant said: "I still retain the ability to transform into a shadow, but I can't take a new body."

Levi was a little surprised. He didn't expect Shadow Warrior to retain his original abilities.

If you just lose the ability to seize the body, it is still acceptable.

Shadow Attendant stretched out his hand, and a long black worm crawled out of his palm.

He said: "Although it is impossible to seize a new body, this new ability [parasitism] can also seize and control other people's bodies."

Levi was even more surprised.

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