Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 606 Li Wei’s Kingdom of God

This day.

Levi provokes a war between gods in the underworld.

One against ten, challenge all the gods in the underground world.

The battle lasted for a long time.

The gods of the underground world relied on their home field advantage in an attempt to fight a war of attrition with Levi.

If you can't defeat Levi, you can only play a war of attrition.

Unexpectedly, Levi's magical power was far more than they imagined.

The underground world is illuminated by the radiance of tiny supernova explosions one after another.

The divine war that lasted for nearly three months came to an end.

All the gods of the underground world have fallen.

Some gods were unwilling to have their godhead taken away by Li Wei, and self-destructed their godhead at the last moment, not wanting to take advantage of Levi.

For Li Wei, it no longer matters whether he takes away the godhead of the gods in the underground world.

He already has enough power of law.

It can even be said to be too much.

It's almost becoming a burden.

After destroying all the gods in the underground world.

Levi began to try to take over all the laws and authority of the underground world.

A year later, he accidentally discovered that the laws and authority of the underground world did not exist independently.

Closely connected to the sky world.

The relationship between the two worlds is one positive and one negative.

Different from the abyss and the world of death.

The underground world and the sky world are too closely connected.

Unless you completely control all the laws and authority of the sky world, you still cannot control the entire underground world.

Levi was a little disappointed, not being able to glimpse the gods' final methods.

He killed all the gods of the underworld.

The gods might even be happier.

The gods originally wanted to eliminate all the native gods in the Sky World.

However, the gods of the underground world don't seem to care much.

The reason is mostly because the gods of the underground world are lower gods.

The strength is not very strong, and the laws and authority it possesses do not have much impact on the world.

More importantly, the gods in the underground world are not as stubborn as the gods in the sky world.

The gods of the underworld even wish to join the gods.

Even if they know that they have to sacrifice the entire sky world and underground world, they are willing to exchange for the opportunity to join the gods.

The enemies all surrendered voluntarily.

The gods naturally don't care about the gods of the underground world.

Levi's spiritual thoughts swept across the entire underground world.

Since all the gods in the underground world fell, the underground world has fallen into huge chaos.

Conquests by forces from all sides continued.

There are also dark races who pray to Levi and offer their faith.

Levi never responded to anyone of faith.

After knowing that you cannot control the underground world alone.

Levi turned to his second plan.

In the underground world, the transformation plan to be carried out in the sky world is tested.

First of all, the first thing is to introduce the magic network into the underground world.

Let the magic network cover the entire underground world.

Levi has received the full support of the Goddess of Magic.

It was not difficult for him to do this.

As the magic network expands in the underground world, ring mages gradually appear in the underground world.

The ring mage of the dark race.

As long as they are recognized by the Magic Network, anyone of any race can become a ring mage.

The goddess of magic never rejects anyone who wants to become a mage.

Levi consumed his divine power to promote the magic network to integrate with the underground world faster.

This process took half a year.

Li Wei also took advantage of the process of merging the Magic Network with the underground world to travel throughout the entire underground world.

Have a holistic understanding of the underground world.

Different from the sky world.

The underworld is much smaller.

Most of the area is lithosphere that is unviable and uninhabitable.

Only a few huge and wide underground spaces have nurtured unique underground world races.

A group of dark races that live in darkness and can survive only by relying on the natural circulation system of the underground world.

The underground world in a narrow sense refers to the area where the dark races live.

The underground world in a broad sense refers to the entire space on the dark side of the sky world.

Levi's transformation plan only covers the underground world in a narrow sense.

When the magic net covers the entire underground world.

Levi also began his transformation plan.

Use the laws of the birth and death of elements, the magic network, the laws of nature and many other forces to transform the large-scale world rules of the underground world.

This will consume a lot of divine power.

Levi had already prepared for this.

Levi in ​​the star realm converts the stars near the sky world into his own divine power at an astonishing speed, at the rate of one star per month.

Today, the brilliance of the stars visible to the naked eye above our heads comes from Livy's divine sun.

Backed by more than two digits of divine power, the sun possesses almost infinite power.

Only Levi could carry out such a crazy plan to transform the world.

The dark races living in the underground world find that the world occasionally has convulsions and some incomprehensible things happen.

The dark races view these incomprehensible events as miracles from that god.

There are even dark races that perform rituals to worship gods near strange events.

The painting style of the underground world becomes bizarre.

The dark race began to worship weird things.

In this world dominated by gods, it is not surprising that this happens.

Any act of a god may cause fanatical worship and worship.

Even if it is incomprehensible or even incomprehensible behavior.

They will all be regarded as miracles by fools who believe in gods.

Levi's transformation of the underground world has greatly increased the frequency of such strange events.

A race in a certain area of ​​the underground world suddenly discovered that the dead were resurrected.

But turned into an unconscious corpse.

Unkillable individuals appear in some areas and cannot be killed by any means.

Even if its body is completely destroyed, it will reappear before long.

Levi concentrated on changing the rules of the world.

Completely unaware of the changes taking place in the underground world.

When he reacted, he discovered various bizarre events happening in the underground world.

There are even groups of underground races that worship strange things.

After several years of world transformation project.

The rules of the underground world have returned to stability.

However, this period of time also allowed humans in the sky world to discover strange things appearing in the underground world.

Just as humans in the Sky World want to further explore the reasons.

I found that all the strange things had disappeared.

Levi looked at the transformed underground world in front of him and smiled.

It took him a lot of effort and a long time.

The rules of the underground world were finally transformed.

Levi sealed off the entire underground world and prohibited any creature from entering or exiting the underground world in any way.

Then, activate the revamped rules of the underworld.

One night, the dark race in the underground world discovered that they had immortality.

No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you sleep, you will be back to normal the next day.

Even if he is killed by an enemy or eaten by a monster.

It won't be long before it will be resurrected again.

Levi felt that a large number of dark races were seeking death.

After discovering that they had immortality, the dark race did not take life seriously at all and went crazy to seek death.

This consumes a lot of Levi's divine power.

After the rules of the world he transformed, groups within the scope of the rules will not die. After death, their bodies will be reshaped according to the laws of the birth and death of elements and the laws of nature.

If the soul dies, there is nothing Levi can do.

With his life force exhausted, Levi could not be resurrected.

His laws of the birth and death of elements are not yet able to create life and souls.

Avoid excessive and meaningless consumption of divine power.

Levi quickly changed the rules of the world.

There is a price to pay for death and rebirth.

Suddenly, the number of people seeking death dropped rapidly.

"No, if all living things cannot die, then there will be no food."

Levi also discovered that after giving immortality to creatures all over the world.

Some people started to starve to death.

People who starve to death will be resurrected.

Entering an unsolvable cycle of death.

It is even called the curse of the starving ghost by the dark races.

Levi once again changed the rules of the world to allow designated groups to have immortality, while the rest of the creatures remained as they were.

After countless revisions, the rules of the underground world finally reached a level that satisfied Levi.

"Although there are still some flaws, it's almost there."

Levi created a group of undead warriors in the underground world by transforming the rules of the underground world.

He looked towards the sealed entrance to the underground world.

Levi opened the entrance and exit that had been blocked for a long time.

The underworld reconnects with the celestial world above.

Enter the underworld where humans fight and never die.

Many professionals took this opportunity to come to the underground world to practice combat skills and accumulate combat experience.

For a time, the underground world turned out to be the most popular place in the sky world.

In Maple Leaf City, Gu Sewei said to Levi with a big belly: "Have you heard? Strange things happened in the underground world. No matter how hard you fight, you will not die, and you will be resurrected even if you die."

"Many professionals rush to the underground world, hoping to use the strange environment of the underground world to quickly improve their level."

Levi said: "There must be gods behind this kind of thing that goes against common sense. Don't try it easily."

Gu Sewei nodded, feeling that it made sense.

She glanced at her big belly, touched her belly and said helplessly: "It's been several years, why hasn't it come out yet?"

Levi touched her belly and said, "It's almost time."

It is not an easy task to give birth to a descendant with the blood of a god.

As a result, Gu Sewei's strength has not improved for several years.

There's even some decline.

However, Levi has been helping her understand the demigod level in advance.

As long as the child is born, without the burden of the child, Gu Sewei will soon be able to break through to the demigod level.

Then with Li Wei's help, the divine fire can be ignited and the divine body can be built soon.

Has a nearly infinite lifespan.

One person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

Unfortunately, the day when Levi changes the world has not yet arrived.

Master Lota has exhausted his lifespan and dies of old age.

Li Wei also personally saw off Master Lota.

For Master Lota, it may be a good thing not to live in the coming era.

It was an era with no way out.

Li Wei sensed the situation in the magic network and his eyes moved slightly.

"found it."

After several years of searching.

Levi finally found the will of the sky world in the magic network.

The will of the sky world is hidden very deeply.

Until Levi spent several years overturning the entire magic network.

Only then did we find the will of the world hidden in the rules of the underlying world of the Magic Network.

"The will of the sky world, the world is about to be destroyed, this world needs your power."

World Will: "No, you shouldn't come to me."

The will of the world: "The authority of the sky world has been controlled by the gods. Even if I am the will of the world, I cannot reverse it."

World Will: "You were fooled by the gods. When you found me, the gods also found me."

"The gods have taken control of the sky world, and the only obstacle to them now is the will of the world."

"You exposed me, the gods discovered me, and the world is beyond redemption."


Time and space are shattered.

A corner of the sky world shattered.

A golden light appeared in the sky.

Many figures emerged in the golden light.

The gods stood in the sky overlooking the world, watching Li Wei and the will of the world in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Li Wei was not surprised at all.

He seemed to have known this would happen.

But he still came to find the will of the world.

Because he was ready to face the gods.

That day, when he met the goddess of magic.

The goddess of magic prepared a magic black tea for him.

Levi drank the magic black tea and knew something.

The power of the goddess of magic has been stolen by the gods.

That day, all the conversations between the Magic Goddess and Levi were under the eyes and ears of the gods.

There is no privacy at all.

The gods knew very well the plans of the goddess of magic and Levi.

Knowing that they want to use the will of the world to break up the law and authority of the sky world again.

Let the law and authority controlled by the gods lose their effect.

The gods also used Li Wei to find the will of the world in the sky world.

The will of the world is hidden deep in the bottom of the magic network.

He has been avoiding the search of the gods.

The will of the world has the ability to restart the law and authority of the world.

This is also the greatest fear of the gods.

The gods want to find the will of the world and destroy the will of the world all the time.

The gods are coming.

Levi said: "Restart the world."

World Will: "It's useless, there are no gods in the sky world now, and the authority to restart the world's laws will eventually be stolen by the gods."

The most important thing is that restarting the world means formatting the will of the world.

It will disappear completely.

"I have a solution."

Levi said.

The will of the world looks at the coming gods from afar.

I had no choice but to choose to believe in Levi and restart the world.

There was a loud bang, the sky fell and the earth fell, and time and space changed.

The gods disappeared.

The will of the world disappears.

Levi also disappeared.

Everything returned to calm.

A corner of the collapsed sky world was restored to its original state.

All the laws and powers controlled by the gods return to the world.

Like hungry ghosts pouncing on food, the gods rushed towards the sky world crazily, vying for the power of the world.

The more world authority you get, the more power you get to burn the world.

Levi moved the rules that had been implemented in the underground world to the sky world.

Use the magic network left by the goddess of magic to cover the entire world.

Transform the entire sky world into the Kingdom of God.

In the starry sky, stars quickly extinguished one after another.

The power of the entire divine sun was drained.

The sky world was transformed into the Kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God with the rules laid down by Livy.

Within the scope of this Kingdom of God, all warriors belonging to the Sky World camp will have immortality.

The immortal warriors of the sky world will face the gods.

The gods will face an endless stream of immortal rebels.

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