Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 609 Freeze the world!

The combat power of the Sky World is gathered.

Hundreds of demigod level experts gathered together.

Nearly 10,000 legendary powerhouses gathered.

Everyone looked up at the eight figures in the sky.

The eight gods of the sky world.

There are nine gods in the sky world.

There is another god who is not present here.

That god is also the most powerful god in the entire sky world.

Everyone looked at the sky, waiting for their chance.

A golden light appeared in the sky, and the door to the kingdom of the gods opened.

Countless heroic spirits and holy spirits poured out of the gate of the Kingdom of God and descended into the world of the sky.

They were shocked by what they saw in front of them.

Stopped subconsciously.

The heroic spirits and holy spirits in the kingdom of God also have immortality like everyone in the sky world.

After they are killed in the sky world, they will be reincarnated and resurrected in the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, both parties are extremely familiar with each other.

Now I see all the familiar faces gathered together, as well as many unfamiliar ones.

The heroic spirits and holy spirits who rushed out of the Kingdom of God were also a little confused.

Don't know what's going on?

The eight figures in front of them told them not to act rashly.

That was a god, a true ninth-order god-level powerhouse.

The most powerful Holy Spirit is only at the peak of the eighth level.

Maybe you can rely on the power given by the gods to have combat power comparable to ordinary gods.

But facing these, almost all of them are powerful gods who came out of the sea of ​​blood.

They are no match at all.

Suddenly, a rainbow appeared in the sky.

One end of the huge rainbow connects to the open door of the Kingdom of God.

One end is connected to the earth.

The God of Frost and Warhammer in China sensed something was wrong and quickly commanded the Holy Spirit to destroy the Rainbow Bridge.

It is also closing the door to the Kingdom of God.

But he never thought that the door to the Kingdom of God could not be closed.

A force poured into the Kingdom of God from the Rainbow Bridge.

Not only was it unable to close the door to the Kingdom of God, this force even dared to compete with him for control of the Kingdom of God.

This force is tampering with the rules of the Kingdom of God.

When the God of Frost and Warhammer found out, he was furious.

He knows who it is.

There is only one person in the Sky World who can do this.

"Damn humans!"

He issued a death order, "Prevent anyone from entering the Kingdom of God and kill all enemies who enter the Kingdom of God."

Then, he entered the battle for control of the Kingdom of God.


Everyone stepped on the Rainbow Bridge to fight towards the Kingdom of God beyond the sky.

Countless heroic spirits and holy spirits received orders and attacked the people on the Rainbow Bridge.

People keep getting thrown off the Rainbow Bridge.

There are also heroic spirits and holy spirits falling from the sky to the ground.

The eight gods have not taken action yet.

What they have to deal with is the god-level powerhouse in the enemy's kingdom.

The God of Frost and Warhammer is one of the gods.

There are many lower-level gods in the pantheon of gods who have taken refuge in them but have not yet been truly recognized.

The God of Frost and Warhammer has many such low-level gods under his command.

When he and Li Wei started a battle for control of the rules of the Kingdom of God.

He also issued an order to dispatch his subordinate gods to prevent professionals from the Sky World from entering the Kingdom of God.

"A god appears, I'll go first."

The Beast King took the lead and rushed forward to meet the first lower god to appear.

The two sides fought fiercely on the Rainbow Bridge.

The Beast King pulled the lower gods away from the Rainbow Bridge so as not to hinder the normal progress of the plan.

The lower gods from the other world did not want to fight, and were forced to withdraw from the scope of the Rainbow Bridge under the fierce attack of the Beast King.

Under the influence of the rules of the Sky World, the Beast King has the ability to infinitely resurrect.

But lower gods from other worlds do not have this ability.

He is a god, not the heroic spirit or the Holy Spirit of the Kingdom of God.

Those who die in the sky world will not be resurrected in the kingdom of God.

As the first powerful person in the Sky World walked out of the Rainbow Bridge, he entered the Kingdom of God.

Announced the first shot of Sky World's counterattack against the gods.

More and more people are pouring into the Kingdom of God and fighting with the enemy in the Kingdom of God.

Li Wei has already arrived in the high-dimensional space and time where the Kingdom of God is located.

He can see everything happening in the kingdom of God from high-dimensional space and time.

Levi's power quickly penetrated into the Kingdom of God and modified the rules of the Kingdom of God.

A force is also resisting him from revising the rules of the Kingdom of God.

The two forces are constantly in a tug of war, and it is difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time.


The first legendary professional who died was not resurrected, and his blood stained the land of the Kingdom of God red.

The body of the dead legendary professional decomposes rapidly.

Turned into countless elemental light points and merged into the Kingdom of God.

The rules of the Kingdom of God in a nearby area were completely rewritten.

Levi gained control of this area.

This was a partial victory at the cost of lives.

Levi used this as a stronghold to seize control of the surrounding rules of the Kingdom of God.

The God of Frost and Warhammer looked very ugly.

"Drive them all out of the Kingdom of God quickly!"

He sent all his subordinate gods out to fight.

The gods of the Sky World also cross the Rainbow Bridge and enter the Kingdom of God.

Fight against many lower-level gods attacking in the Kingdom of God.

Bang bang bang!

Arthur Li fought one against three, blocking the three lower gods.

The Holy Dragon King grabbed the opponent's lower spirit and led the opponent to smash into the army of heroic spirits in the Kingdom of God.

Countless heroic spirits were torn apart by the aftermath of the battle.

Shengxi used the power of time to control the two enemy gods.

The Elf King used his divine power to evolve a world tree. The glory of the world tree enveloped everyone, giving everyone a buffing halo that restored strength and injuries.

Gu Sewei looked at the army of heroic spirits in front of him and raised the Frost Scepter in his hand, which had been upgraded to an artifact.

"Ice Age!"

Sizzle! Click, click, click!

Thousands of miles of ice.

The ice freezes countless heroic spirits.

The temperature of the entire battlefield dropped to zero degrees.

Bang bang bang!

Professionals in Sky World smash frozen enemies.

Enemies are shattered along with the ice.

There are also enemies who break free from the ice and fight back.

Hoo ho ho!

Flames surge across the battlefield and melt the ice.

Ice and fire erupted into the most violent collision.

More and more professionals from the Sky World rushed into the Kingdom of God.

Li Wei tried his best to change the rules of the Kingdom of God.

Give everyone a chance of survival.

"Human, you can't even think of succeeding!"

"The gods have returned, and you must die!"

The God of Frost and Warhammer shouted to threaten Levi.

Li Wei doesn't care, even if the gods return, he will conquer this kingdom of God.

The astral realm was extinguished one after another too quickly.

It turned into infinite divine power and poured into Li Wei's body.

Levi relied on his infinite divine power to swim upstream and seize control of the rules of the Kingdom of God.

Forcibly modify the rules in God's country.

He locked the location of the God of Frost and Warhammer and projected his divine clone to fight.


Amazing battle fluctuations broke out deep in the Kingdom of God.

Destructive power fluctuations spread to the battlefield on the edge of the Kingdom of God.

Everyone looked up subconsciously.

The Holy Dragon King showed surprise, "This is..."

Arthur Li's eyes narrowed, "Father."

The God of Frost and Warhammer looked at Levi who appeared in front of him and was very shocked.

"How dare you appear in front of me, go to hell!"

Levi didn't say a word.

Raise your hand to create a small divine sun.

Supernova explosion!

"Do you want to destroy the entire Kingdom of God? You madman!"

The God of Frost and Warhammer had no time to care where Levi came from.

He quickly mobilized the forces within God to resist Li Wei's attack.

There was a loud bang.

The entire Kingdom of God is shaking.

There are signs of falling out of high-dimensional space and time.

While the God of Frost and Warhammer was busy resisting Levi's attack.

Levi took the opportunity to seize his relaxed world authority.

The rules of the sky world spread rapidly in the kingdom of God.

Seeing the rapid expansion of the world's boundaries, everyone cheered and rushed forward desperately.

"Come on!"


"Let the gods see how powerful we are!"

Under the coverage of Sky World rules.

Professionals in the Sky World have greatly increased their strength and are infinitely resurrected.

They all fought desperately and looked forward to death.

Exchanging injury for injury and death for injury are both routine combat methods.

Against the background of Levi's nearly infinite divine power, everyone in the Sky World can be quickly resurrected after death and return to their peak state.

However, the heroic spirits and the Holy Spirit in God’s kingdom cannot be resurrected immediately.

Even after they die, they will still be reincarnated back to the Hall of Valor and the Holy Spirit Pool.

But it takes time to regroup the body and regain strength.

Once dead, you will no longer be able to participate in the battle for a short period of time.

Everyone rushed forward desperately, trying to stabilize their position.

However, there are too many enemies.

The God of Frost and Warhammer has accumulated heroic spirits and holy spirits from dozens of worlds in his kingdom.

The number of powerful people is almost twenty times that of Sky World.

Even with immortality, it is difficult to break through the thick wall composed of the enemy's sea of ​​people.

There are hundreds of powerful demigods in the sky world.

There are more eighth-level holy spirits in the Kingdom of God, which is more than ten times the number of demigod-level powerful people in the Sky World.

There are also more enemy gods than in Sky World.

Sky World has always been at an extreme disadvantage.

Seeing that the boundaries of the world that Levi had captured were gradually being encroached and shrunk by the enemy.

Everyone could only watch helplessly but could do nothing.

The counterattack is far more difficult than anyone imagined.

"Charge! Kill!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from behind.

Gu Sewei looked back subconsciously.

I saw countless professionals from the Sky World coming up to the Rainbow Bridge.

Some sixth-level and below-level professionals who were originally left behind in the Sky World.

They all rushed up the Rainbow Bridge.

"Aren't you staying in Maple Leaf City? Why did you come up here?"

Gu Sewei looked surprised when he saw Gu Ze arriving at the front line with the large army.

Gu Ze laughed and said: "Sure enough, we can't sit still even if we sit back and watch you fight your best. Even if we know that we may die here, we still want to come over."

"After all, this is a war that belongs to everyone in the Sky World."

A steady stream of professionals from the Sky World are pouring into the Kingdom of God.

Ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million...

Sixth level, fifth level, fourth level, third level...

All professionals who were willing to participate in the war boarded the Rainbow Bridge and came to this battlefield with the fiercest fighting.

Weak professionals trade every death for enemy damage.

Use your life to contain powerful enemies and create a chance for your teammates.

From a purely numerical perspective, Sky World's side has surpassed the number of enemies.

In the face of absolute strength, quantity is meaningless.

However, when everyone regards death as home and sacrifices their lives to forget themselves.

No matter how weak the force is, it can create miracles.

Livy had captured a quarter of the Kingdom of God.

He discovered several useful rules from the captured kingdom of God.

Li Wei spent a lot of divine power to transform it into rules that were beneficial to Sky World.

Rules for the reincarnation of heroic spirits and rules for the reincarnation of holy spirits.

This is the basic rule for the kingdom of God to give birth to heroic spirits and holy spirits.

Li Wei used his divine power to create the Hall of Valor and the Holy Spirit Pool in the territory of the Kingdom of God he occupied.

Any professional can enter the Hall of Heroes and the Holy Spirit Pool and change professions to become a Heroic Spirit and Holy Spirit.

By changing jobs and becoming a Heroic Spirit, you can retain your professional characteristics and gain powerful power.

Ability to quickly become stronger and upgrade during battle.

If you change your job to Holy Spirit, you will lose all the original job characteristics, but you will directly gain a powerful Holy Spirit-level job.

It can also be upgraded in battle, but the upgrade speed is far slower than that of Heroic Spirits.

Many professionals in the Sky World choose to be reincarnated as heroic spirits and holy spirits to improve their strength.

Li Wei consumed a lot of divine power to bring two new professions to the Sky World.

At the same time, it also injects a shot in the arm for Sky World.

Rely on reincarnated heroic spirits and holy spirit professionals.

The strength of the Sky World side is quickly approaching the strength of the armies of the gods.

The God of Frost and Warhammer is hiding behind the base camp of the Kingdom of God.

Looking at the territory of the Kingdom of God that was gradually occupied by the enemy, he looked very angry.

"Damn ants, how dare you crawl into the kingdom of the gods to cause trouble."

"Death! I want you all to die!"

The God of Frost and Warhammer activates the hidden power of the Kingdom of God.


The entire Kingdom of God shook violently.

Everyone looked surprised.

Hoo ho ho!

The cold wind howled.

The kingdom of God instantly turned into a kingdom of ice.

The temperature plummeted.

Infinitely close to absolute zero.

More than 99.99% of all living creatures have lost the ability to move.

Even consciousness seemed to be frozen.

This is the last resort of the God of Frost and Warhammer.

If this move is used, the coalition of gods on the Kingdom of God's side will also be frozen.

Countless ice sculptures appeared in the icy Kingdom of God.

Professionals on the human side were even killed by the cold in an instant.

And then reincarnate again and again in death and resurrection.

The entire Kingdom of God is filled with extremely cold silence

Only demigod-level experts can barely move in this environment.

The top demigods and gods who have condensed their divine power can not be affected by sudden changes in the environment.

Sheng hoped to look at the icy blue world in front of him and murmured: "The world has stopped..."

Absolute zero.

Just think everything stops changing.

Even time stopped.

The final resort of the God of Frost and Warhammer is infinitely close to absolute zero.

He brought all matter to a near standstill.

"Human, you lose."

The God of Frost and Warhammer looked at Levi outside the Kingdom of God.

At this moment, even the rules of the Kingdom of God are frozen and cannot be changed.

This means that Levi can no longer take away control of the rules of the Kingdom of God.

This state only lasts until the gods return.

The gods can easily kill Li Wei and wipe out the sky world.

It is not unheard of for the world to rebel against the gods.

However, no world in the past was a match for the gods.

Even if they encounter resistance, the gods can easily crush them.

In the eyes of the God of Frost and Warhammer, the world of Sky is the same.

They're just slightly more annoying jumping bugs.

After all, he is no match for the gods.

Destruction is the inevitable outcome.

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