The carriage ran wildly with Kunan driving it.

Smoke and dust billowed all the way.

Lanya said loudly: "As long as you leave the orc tribe's blocked area, you will be safe. Please be careful."

Gulu gulu!

Levi grabbed the handrail for fear of being knocked off by the speeding carriage.

The carriage had no shock-absorbing effect and ran wildly on the gravel-filled road, causing his body to shake up and down and almost flying out several times.

"Shadow Attendant, hold on to me."

Shadow Attendant grabbed Levi and fixed him on the carriage.

He breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his left hand that was gripping the armrest.

Levi turned to look inside the carriage, wanting to see if the person inside was the city lord Oates.

Seeing that the carriage was still speeding, it didn't move.

After running for a while, the car slowed down and kept moving forward at a constant speed.

The way to keep moving forward quickly is not to explode blindly, but to be steady.

Coonan knows how to drive a carriage and understands that he cannot let the horse burst out of strength all the time, otherwise it will soon exhaust itself.

Dias looked around, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Luckily, I haven't seen the enemy after running for so long."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of orc soldiers appeared in front.

Lisa cursed: "Crow Mouth, Dias, can you stop talking!"

Dias said innocently: "Can you blame me?"

Lanya looked over and saw the situation in front of her and said, "Stop arguing and get ready to fight."

Coonan began to slow down.

But Levi shouted: "Speed ​​up and rush over directly. I will deal with the enemy."

Hearing this, Kunan hesitated for a moment.

Lan Ya shouted: "Listen to Li Wei!"

Kunan no longer hesitated, waved the reins, "Drive!"

The carriage accelerated again and rushed towards the group of orc soldiers.

Levi stood up and leaned on the carriage. Shadow Attendant grabbed his body to prevent him from falling.

Raise your staff and pretend to cast a spell for a while.

Wait until the enemy enters attack range.

"Serial small fireball technique!"

Hoo ho ho!

Small fireballs flew out at neither fast nor slow speed, and shot towards the place where the orc soldiers gathered.

Bang bang bang!

The continuous spell bombardment quickly caused the orc soldiers to break up and turn around and run away.

They thought they had encountered a group of mages.


The carriage circled the battlefield and sped away.

Lisa's eyes widened and she couldn't close her jaw, "It's amazing!"

Lan Ya was also shocked. She didn't expect that after a month of not seeing each other, Li Wei would become so powerful.

One person could easily defeat a group of orc soldiers.

Not to mention one person, even a team of professionals would have to spend a lot of effort to deal with so many orcs.

After defeating a group of orcs, everyone ran peacefully for a while.

Suddenly, a black line appeared in front of him.

Levi tried to see what was ahead.

Lisa shouted in horror: "Orcs, so many orcs, we are surrounded!"

Lan Ya's heart skipped a beat, Oh no! Could it be that Levi had struck too hard just now, making the orcs think he was escorting the real target?

She didn't think the real target was in the car.

Ornn will definitely choose the strongest team to escort him.

The Grass Fox team, including Levi, was only in the middle and lower reaches of the ten teams.

Among the ten teams, there are many strong teams whose captains and members are second-level professionals.

She is now afraid that the orcs will misunderstand and surround the grass fox team with all their strength, which will probably lead to death.

"Kunanan, turn!"

Lanya shouted.

She didn't need to remind him that Kunan had already turned away from the orc army that appeared in the distance.

After several consecutive changes of direction, everyone was helpless to find that there were a large number of orcs in any direction.

Dias wailed: "It's over, I'm really surrounded!"

Kunan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Return to Hansha City?"

I don’t know who he asked.

Levi said: "It's useless, I was blocked from behind."

"We can only run in one direction now, trying to break out of the encirclement before the orc army completes the encirclement."

"Ours is not the only team that is surrounded, nine other teams are also in the encirclement."

"The orcs have encircled the area so wide, there must be weak points."

"But even if there is a weak point, we don't know where it is?" Kunan said weakly.

Shadow Attendant climbed back to Levi from the bottom of the carriage.

"Run east, there are fewer orcs in the east!"

Just now, Shadow Attendant was investigating the surroundings and received news that the orc army in the east had not yet encircled them.

This matter is also related to Levi.

In the past three days, Li Wei went out every morning to take on the task of cleaning up strongholds. He basically cleaned up the orc strongholds east of Hansha City.

The orc strongholds to the east suffered continuous devastating blows, always being destroyed, and no one was spared.

As a result, the nearby orcs did not dare to get too close to Hansha City.

Afraid of meeting that terrifying human mage.

Li Wei is quite famous among the orc tribe's stronghold east of Hansha City.

Explosion Mage, Ghost Mage... are all nicknames given to Levi by the orcs.

This directly resulted in that when the orc army launched an encirclement, the orc soldiers to the east were half a beat slower, leaving a blank area.

People who don't know the truth think that this is a tactic used by the orcs to surround three people and one person is missing.

Levi kept sending Shadow Attendants to inquire about the surrounding intelligence, and directed Kunan to steer away from the enemy.

Running wildly all the way, they gradually became the escort team running at the front.

Seeing this, the other escort teams also followed him.

Seeing this scene, Lan Ya secretly thought something was wrong.

If all the escort teams ran in one direction, wouldn't the effect of separating and disrupting the enemy's sight and hearing be lost?

When she was worried about this, she suddenly heard a shocking shout coming from a distance.

A group of human soldiers rushed out and surrounded the orc army that was chasing everyone.

The orc soldiers who were killed were caught off guard and fell on their backs.

Killing cries were heard everywhere, and Levi turned his head to look around, feeling shocked.

After thinking for a moment, he seemed to understand something.

Aoun actually used the city lord as bait to lure the enemy into the encirclement.

In order to encircle and intercept the carriage escorting the city lord to leave, the orcs dispersed their troops to surround a large area of ​​Hansha City.

This resulted in the orc army being unable to provide timely support when it was besieged by the human army.

When Levi saw the human soldiers rushing out from all directions, he realized that Orn had already planned it.

Otherwise, how could there be human soldiers lurking in such a wilderness?

The radiance of water magic bloomed in the distance, and Levi looked into the distance.

"Third-level water spell!"

Currently, within the scope of Hansha City, only Master Marina can release third-level water spells.

Although she is a second-level mage, as a traditional mage, as long as she learns third-level spells, she can use magic materials to assist in spell casting.

There is no doubt that Aoun has been carefully preparing for this battle for a long time.

Otherwise, Marina, who should have appeared on the frontline battlefield, would not have appeared here by such a coincidence.

Although he was far away, Levi could still see the scene of the third-level water spell destroying the orc army.

The terrifying water waves instantly defeated the defense line of the orc army.

Destroy and destroy.

The human soldiers took the opportunity to kill the orc army.

Victory is only a matter of time.

The battle had nothing to do with Li Wei and others. Kunan drove the carriage and rushed out of the siege.

Stay away from the battlefield.

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