Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 81 Lotta’s brainstorming

Li Wei saw Gu Ze and stepped forward happily.

"Teacher Guze, you are back!"

Guze smiled and said, "I'm back."

"A lot of things happened after you left. I'll tell you when I get back."

Li Wei glanced behind him. More than twenty people had left the Mage Tower, and only nineteen people had returned.

Even the first-level official mage lost two people.

It can be said to be a stretch.

Li Wei secretly thought: It seems that the war is not as easy as Teacher Guze said, otherwise the casualties would not be so heavy.

When he and Guze communicated in the magic network, Guze always said that I was fine, everything was going well, and there was no need to worry.

It made Li Wei think that the war was really going well.

Tap tap tap!

Levi heard the sound and looked over, saw the figure in the team, and shouted: "Leina."

After hearing this, Reina spoke to the person next to her and rode towards him on horseback.

As she approached, she turned over and dismounted.


The heavy armor hit the ground and made a sound.

Reina took off her helmet, hung it on the saddle, and lifted out her long hair hidden in the armor to breathe.

"Li Wei, I heard that you came back early before the war. It's really a pity that you missed many opportunities to gain meritorious service."

Levi smiled and said: "Okay, the battlefield may not be suitable for me. I am more suitable to stay in the mage tower and engage in magic research."

He glanced at Rena a few more times.

More than a month of war has tempered Reina's originally careless and rough-tempered temperament into a more stable and straightforward character.

Reina nodded and said, "Indeed, different professions have different characteristics."

She looked at Levi and said with a smile: "Do you still remember the battle between us?"

Levi said: "Of course I remember."

Reina said: "Hopefully, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Just treat it as a goal and work hard!"

Without waiting for Levi's reply, Reina said: "I'm leaving. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with. See you next time."

Getting on the horse, Rena rode the horse and joined the team.

Levi looked at Reina's back with confusion on his face.

Guze patted him on the shoulder, sighed and said, "Look at it, her talent is too strong!"

"In just one month, I broke through from the peak of the first level to the intermediate level of the second level, rising two levels in a row."

Guze couldn't help but sigh and envy.

Li Wei was a little surprised when he heard this, but not surprised.

War is the catalyst for the strength of the War Knight.

It is not surprising that Reina can improve at such a speed.

If there is no subsequent war, Rena's upgrade speed will slow down.

However, Li Wei felt that the number of subsequent wars might not be small.

The Maciel Kingdom failed to react and stop Oates this time, and will definitely find ways to interfere, hinder, and weaken Oates in the future.

The easiest way is undoubtedly to start a war.

Oates wants to successfully establish his country and conquer the remaining three powerful cities, so war is inevitable.

This may be the result Ornn wants.

War is the catalyst for the strength of the War Knight. It is effective for Reina and also effective for Ornn.

"The speed of strength improvement is so fast!" Levi sighed with emotion.

As for what Rena said, regard her as a goal and work hard to practice.

Li Wei just listened and didn't take it to heart at all.

Is the second level intermediate strong?

For him now, he is not invincible.

In terms of level, he is indeed not as good as Reina, but his true combat power may not be so!

"Master Lotta."

Seeing an acquaintance, Levi shouted.

Lotta nodded, with a happy face on his face, and asked: "I heard that you came up with the elemental feeding method?"

Levi nodded, "Master Luota, why do you ask this?"

He smiled and patted Levi on the shoulder.

Levi shrugged his shoulders, why do these people like to pat their shoulders?

Lotta said kindly: "Thanks to your elemental feeding method, I have also broken through the first level."

When Levi heard him ask about the elemental feeding method, he was already mentally prepared, so he wasn't too surprised.

However, there is still a hint of surprise when appropriate.

"Really? That's really congratulations to Master Lotta."

Lotta looked at Levi, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a knowing look.

He whispered: "You have also broken through the first level, right?"

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he knew the reason.

That's right, if you create the elemental feeding method, how could you not have a breakthrough yet?

He glanced at Guze, then at Lotta, and asked, "Who else knows besides you?"

Guze shook his head and said: "There is no one left. I just told Master Lotta the theory you told me once, and he realized it himself."

Lotta smiled and said: "After I understood it, I lied out from Guze that you told him about the elemental feeding method. Don't blame him for exposing you."

Levi shook his head and said, "I don't blame the teacher."

Hearing this, Guze breathed a sigh of relief.

Before that, he had been thinking about how to explain this to Levi along the way.

He didn't mean to expose Levi either.

He also didn't expect that Luo Ta would be able to understand it just by mentioning it casually.

And the theory was faked out of him as coming from Livy.

Lotta looked at Levi and said, "I understand that you want to hide your strength, and I won't talk about it everywhere."

"Have you obtained the inheritance of a certain high-level mage?" Luota asked.

He does not believe that the elemental feeding method was created by Levi.

Although the theory comes from him, it is certainly not his idea.

How could a trainee mage know the secrets of magic that even the Archmage didn't know?

Levi must have received the inheritance from a high-level mage to know the secret of this magic.

After hearing what Lota said, Levi twitched the corner of his mouth, you can really guess!

But it just gave him a reason to explain these things.

Levi said: "Well, I received the inheritance of a mysterious mage. He didn't tell me his name. He just gave me some magic knowledge every once in a while and let me practice it on my own. He said he wanted me to go to a certain place after becoming an archmage. Find him somewhere, and then he will accept him as a formal disciple."

When Luo Ta heard this, he showed a look that was indeed true.

Guze looked at Levi with a surprised look on his face, an expression like "Why don't I know?"

Luo Ta nodded and said: "Your master may be an ancient mage. Ancient mages preferred this way of nurturing their disciples."

Levi was ashamed, "Ah, yes, yes."

Whatever you say is what it is.

He no longer wanted to think.

Lotta expressed her gratitude to Levi and swore that she would never tell this secret.

Li Wei could only shake his head helplessly.

"Okay, as long as you like it."

He complained in his mind.

The three of them returned to the mage tower together.

After Lota left, Guze asked about it.

"Do you really have a mysterious master?" Gu Ze asked doubtfully.

He didn't feel it.

Otherwise, Levi wouldn't ask him if he didn't understand anything.

Li Wei said: "Teacher, just treat it as if you have it."

Guze nodded thoughtfully.

He looked at Levi and said: "Now it seems that maybe your talent is not weaker than Reina."

"come on!"

Guze suddenly encouraged Li Wei, making Li Wei look confused.

Looking at Guze's back as he returned to the room.

"Did the teacher misunderstand something?"

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