Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 88 Precious Magic Core

Shadow Attendant brought back a magic core of a rock monster.

Li Wei picked up the magic core and felt the abundant power in it.

The rock monster didn't use much power and only activated its natural ability once.

Therefore, the power in the magic core is relatively intact.

An ordinary second-level high-level magic core is worth dozens of gold coins, which is very valuable.

The number of rock monsters is rare, so the value of the magic core will be higher.

Levi smiled and put away the magic core.

Just this magic core can be regarded as a rich harvest today.

If you sell it at a good price, you don’t have to worry about training resources in the next few months.

Levi sat down to meditate to regain his mana.

The fireball just now consumed most of his mana, and he was now in a period of weakness.

Shadow Warriors guarded him.

Lilia was nowhere to be found, and when the rock monster came out, she had already disappeared.

Allen rushed to the scene shortly after the death of Rock Monster.

Seeing the corpse of the rock monster, he showed a silent expression.

"Where did the third-level fire mage come from?"

"This power is probably not that of an ordinary fire mage!"

"It's such a pity that it's the Rock Monster! If I could get the Rock Monster's magic core, I might have a chance to break through to the fourth level."

Allen knows how to make a fourth-level earth awakening potion.

He had been preparing the ingredients for the potion for years.

All that's missing now is the magic core of the rock monster.

It would be great if there was a fourth-level rock monster's magic core.

The magic core of the second-level rock monster is not impossible, but it requires an additional fourth-level elemental crystal core.

The fourth level elemental crystal core is easy to find, and you can buy it with more money.

The magic core of the rock monster cannot be bought even if you have money.

The half-flesh, half-element nature of the Rock Monster allows the Rock Monster's magic core to mediate and balance the power of the elements.

The elemental power in the elemental crystal core is too pure for the mage to absorb directly.

After being harmonized, it can adapt to human flesh and blood.

Only a mage can absorb the power of elements and awaken extraordinary characteristics.

Without the magic core of the rock monster, the awakening potion created using only elemental crystal cores is also effective.

But the danger is great.

There is a high probability that the user will not be able to withstand the power of the awakening potion, causing the user's body to be destroyed by the power of the elements.

It can range from serious injuries to death.

There is a small chance that you will absorb the power of the awakening potion, survive the crisis, and successfully awaken your extraordinary characteristics.

Allen looked around, trying to find clues left by the fire mage.

"The other party is a fire mage. The crystal core of the rock monster is of little use to him. If the price is right, you may be able to buy it."

With this idea in mind, Allen searched around the valley for the fire mage who killed the rock monster.

"Huh? Levi, why are you here?"

Alan spots Levi at the top of the valley.

Shadow Attendant discovered Allen first and was already hiding.

Levi said: "I took over the task of cleaning the rocks and doing the task here."

As he spoke, he cast a spell to release a small fireball.

Bomb the rocky outcrops on the mountain wall.


The rocks in the explosion area shattered into pieces of rubble and fell into the valley, and several cracks were blown out of the huge rocks.

Keep attacking and the cracks will increase.

Eventually the entire boulder shattered and fell into the valley.

Allen glanced at him and asked, "Did you see the mage who killed the rock monster just now?"

Levi shook his head and said, "No."

"When the Rock Monster came out, I thought there was an earthquake, so I found a safe place to hide. I didn't come out until the movement outside stopped."

"At that time, the battle was over and no one else was seen."

Allen was a little disappointed when he heard this.

He also thought that Levi might have seen the fire mage from a high place.

Allen glanced at Levi and said: "You are quite skilled in the little fireball technique. You can cast spells while talking to me, which is very good."

Levi's heart skipped a beat and he ignored it.

Ordinary mages need to concentrate when casting spells, and cannot cast spells while chatting.

He can do it because he casts spells very quickly, the casting time is negligible, and it does not affect chatting.

In just a few words, he can cast a spell.

Others saw him taking several seconds to fire a small fireball, and thought he took several seconds to cast a spell.

In fact, it takes 0.2 seconds to cast and a few seconds to idle.

Allen saw Levi's small fireball technique blowing the rock into several pieces.

He praised: "The casting speed is fast and the power is not weak. It seems that you have mastered the small fireball technique to a master level."

Li Wei felt ashamed and quickly stopped and said: "Master Allen's vision is really accurate. I have indeed just broken through to the Dacheng level."

Allen said: "It's almost enough to practice zero-level spells to the master level. There is no need to continue practicing. You should also spend more time on training and strive to become an official mage as soon as possible."

"Okay, you can continue with your mission. I'll leave first."

"Mage Allen, walk slowly."

After seeing Allen off, Levi quickly cleaned up the remaining rocks and found the steward in charge of the City Lord's Mansion.

After the other party has verified the completion of the task, decisively leave.

Levi was walking on the way back to Maple Leaf City.

"It's a pity that I can't get the reward for killing the rock monster."

If he wanted to get the reward for killing the rock monster, he had to show his magic core to prove his achievement.

This would reveal his identity.

It is impossible to pretend to be someone else and go to the Professionals Association to receive mission rewards.

When delivering a task, the identity of the person completing the task will be verified.

If you impersonate your identity, you will not be able to obtain mission rewards.

Levi didn't want to reveal his identity, but he also wanted to get the mission reward.

Then there is only one way - to find someone else to deliver the task on his behalf.

This person must also be a formal professional registered within a professional association.

After thinking about it, there is no reliable candidate.

Levi could only choose to give up receiving the award.

Compared with the value of the magic core, the task rewards given by the Professionals Association are just a small profit.

Not worth the risk.

"Huh? Lilia, why are you here?"

Levi stopped and saw Lilia squatting on the roadside.

Lilia held her stomach and said with a sad face: "My stomach hurts."

Levi: "..."

I didn't eat for three days and three nights, and ate four or five baked eggs that were bigger than my fist in one go. It would be strange if nothing went wrong.

Levi took out a water bag and handed it to her, "Drink some water, maybe you'll feel better."

Lilia quickly took the water bag and drank a few sips.

"Oh! It really doesn't hurt anymore!"

Levi looked at her and thought of something.

He asked: "I remember that you are an official assassin registered by the Assassin's Association, right?"

Lilia looked up at him and asked doubtfully: "Yeah, what's the matter?"

She jumped up and said, "Do you have any entrustment? Leave it to me, and I promise to help you complete it!"

"Since my debut, Lilia, my commission completion rate has been 100% consistent."

Li Wei said: "You failed to assassinate the city lord."

Lilia was ashamed and angry: "That doesn't count! I was forced to participate in the mission."

Levi: "Your assassination failed."

Lilia went crazy: "I told you, but that doesn't count! I didn't even accept the commission, and I was forcibly taken to be a prostitute."

Levi: "You failed."

Lilia moved her lips, trying to defend herself.

He lowered his head, unable to defend himself, and remained silent.

Seeing this, Li Wei smiled and said, "I really have a commission to give you."

Lilia raised her head and looked at Levi, her eyes shining.

"Help me go..."

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