One person and one god began to compete for patience.

Although Xu Mo didn't know why Ouranos asked him to come, as long as I didn't take the initiative to ask, I wouldn't get into trouble. Today we can only passively accept it and cannot take the initiative to cause these things.

Sure enough, after about a few minutes, the great master finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"First time meeting, Xu Mojun, nice to meet you."Ouranos, whose body was like a statue, suddenly moved,"I think you must be curious as to why I came to you!"

Isn't this nonsense? You were called by a stranger one day. Aren't you curious?

He complained angrily in his heart, but on the surface he still looked calm and calm,"That's right, Urano. Sishen, I didn’t know you came to see me. What’s the matter?"

The topic started in an instant, and the two sides barely reached a tie.

"This is not urgent, I want to apologize to you first. What I want to talk about involves too much, so I asked someone to do some research on you beforehand, including other members of the Hestia Familia.���For the purpose of my investigation, I hope you don't mind."

Hearing this, Xu Mo's expression became a little ugly.

Sure enough, he came here for the people around him, or in other words, the purpose was not just that, but it was just like Uranus said, because of insurance Only then would he investigate the Hestia Familia, but no matter what the reason is, the current situation is not optimistic.

If the leader of the Adventurer's Guild has investigated other Familia, he must have mastered some kind of secret, otherwise he will not. He wouldn't call him over so hurriedly.

There were many thoughts in his mind, and Xu Mo didn't intend to continue making detours with Uranus.

"Ouranos was very polite, it was just a small matter, there was no need to apologize to me deliberately. So, let’s talk openly about the purpose of why you came to me!"

While answering Ouranos, Xu Mo glanced around vaguely.

If the talk breaks down later, although it is unlikely to start a fight, it is better to have a way out.

"Thank you for your understanding, Xu Mojun, you are indeed an interesting guy."

Uranos's expression was full of surprise, and then he continued:"Since we have already talked about this situation, I will not be polite. I hope Xu Mojun will not be too surprised when he hears what I say next. You don't mean any harm, please stay calm"

"Closer to home, I have already noticed you, Xu Mojun, after you broke the upgrade record. It was also from that time that I began to observe the entire Hestia Family, and I did find many interesting things, such as the two girls who newly joined the Hestia Family, and that little girl."

"If I guess correctly, they are not from this continent!"

Speaking of this, Ouranos' words suddenly stopped, and his eyes looked quietly at Xu Mo under the altar, as if he was telling a very ordinary thing.

It is normal for this matter to be discovered.

To You know, the entrance to Orario is inspected by guild members every day, and only those who are determined to be no threat are allowed to enter.

In other words, almost everyone who comes to Orario is recorded..

Although there will be no situation where you can find out all three generations of your ancestors, the photo-taking magic at the entrance will record the appearance of everyone who enters Orario. Both

Feixue and Fanti passed through faith. Because of this strange origin, it is still unknown whether Kangna entered through the entrance of Orario and whether she left any images.

, so it aroused the manager's curiosity?

Uranus saw Xu Mo fell into silence and thought he was acquiescing.

"Sorry, I made some mistakes in my words. I didn't mean to threaten you by saying this. Our guild is not qualified to care about the origins of the members of the Familia. On the contrary, Orario is a happy family that welcomes any creature willing to join this big family......."

Usually when you say this, it is always followed by a but.

Then, it was time to reveal Ouranos' purpose. Although he said he was not threatening him, it was when a consensus was reached.

However, if consensus is not reached, then this becomes a threat!

"God Uranus, I don’t need to mention too many, but let’s get straight to the point, why did you let me come? As long as it's within my capabilities, I can complete the guild's commission."

Probably, this is the only requirement. For the sake of both parties, let's take a step back!

"Refreshingly, since Xu Mojun has said this, if I continue to be pretentious, it will seem a bit petty. In fact, I do have one thing to ask you, which can be regarded as a task given to you. Don't worry, this task has nothing to do with your strength. You are fully capable of doing it, otherwise I wouldn't come to you."

Haha, you really talk about people when you see them, but you talk about ghosts when you see them!

"Let’s talk about the mission content. Let me make it clear first, if it is a mission that is too dangerous, to the point of risking my life, I will not agree to it, even if it results in losing my identity as an adventurer."

As an old man, I will not believe any words from Ouranos.

Don't look at this guy. He is very peaceful at the moment, looking like he is persuading, and he is not oppressing, but Xu Mo has been targeted by him. From that moment on, I have lost the power to refuse.

"Don't worry, everything I said is true and there will be no danger.

Ouranos paused and then said:"Before that, I would like to ask, do you have any special views on the monsters in the dungeon?""

Xu Mo:......

Good guy, is this what this old guy had in mind?

Xu Mo, who knew the original plot very well, immediately realized what Uranus meant. As the master who suppressed the underground city, this guy also has a certain understanding of the underground city.

Now we have finally reached our goal. It must be for the heretics in the dungeon.

He has been committed to the management of dungeons and Orario. After discovering this situation, Ouranos wanted to ease the relationship between humans and monsters, at least to make the people of Orario accept the heresy. The kinder part of the children.

It’s such a chore, this Uranus is such a bitch!

Could it be that he didn't know that this matter was a hot potato that might trigger a siege from all the Familia in Orario, which was definitely not something that the current Hestia Familia could bear.

Xu Mo really thought that Ouranos meant no harm, but now it seems that he was overthinking it.

Most of these immortals who have lived for who knows how many years are really not good people. How can they trick a boy in his twenties like this? Is that okay? This is not good!

After realizing this, Xu Mo decided to avoid the easy matter and try not to get entangled in this troublesome matter.

At least not now. Maybe you won’t be qualified to touch this kind of thing until you reach Level 5 in the future.

"Sorry, God Uranus, I don't understand what you mean. Monsters are not just monsters. How can you have any special opinions about them?"

Seeing Xu Mo's answer being so cunning, Uranus couldn't help but smile.

"Indeed, this is a common sentiment among all adventurers. But if a kind of intelligent, pure and kind monster is born among the monsters, do you think the children in the lower world can accept them?"

"God Uranus, you know the answer to this matter very well, why do you need to ask me?"

We are all smart people, but it turns out that the other party has been tricking us. This feeling is really not wonderful.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't refuse, Xu Mo would have just told Uranus to get out, and then he turned around and left without hesitation.

"Xu Mojun, is there any way you can change the way children in the lower world view monsters?"

Hearing this, Xu Mo's expression became weird, and he looked at Uranus on the throne as if he were a fool. Fortunately, the latter didn't know what this look meant. Otherwise

, no matter how good-tempered he is, Gods will be very angry, right?

"Sorry, God Uranus, with all due respect, your request is a bit too harsh. You know, adventurers and monsters in dungeons have been mortal enemies from ancient times to the present. If you want to change the minds of adventurers now, it would be a bit fanciful."

This is indeed true. The residents encountered in the dungeon have been fighting the monsters in the dungeon for thousands of years, and their understanding of monsters has been deeply ingrained. Even if kind and thoughtful monsters do appear, they want to be able to change them. The residents' views on monsters definitely don't change overnight, and the badness of human beings definitely cannot withstand any test.

For example, in the original plot, when the male adventurers besieged the spider girl, they still remained. The thought of taking advantage of it is simply outrageous.

This kind of bad behavior is really disgusting.

It can be seen from here that this matter is not easy, even if there is Belle in the team. As a son of the world, he will definitely go through many hardships and thankless things that no one is willing to do.

However, after hearing Xu Mo's answer, Ouranos did not feel disappointed, but his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Xu Mojun, since you didn’t refuse directly, there must be a way, right?"......

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