"So, have I traveled to another world?"

Standing in the open space, ignoring the people coming and going, the black-haired boy raised his head, and the huge wall that came into his sight surrounded the entire city. At a glance, there was no edge at all.

The towering white tower continued to spread up, like a ladder to the sky.

Xu Mo looked at the giant tower far away in the sky, slightly stunned, and muttered to himself:"Why is this tower so familiar, can it be that familiar world! By the way, wasn't I sleeping at home? How come I woke up in the wrong world, God, do you want to play this with me!"

The boy held his head in distress and complained softly.

Unfortunately, no matter what he said, even if he closed his eyes and then opened them again, he still stood motionless in the same place, and the environment did not change at all.

It seems that it is not realistic to want to go home.

I don’t know which great god played a joke on him, a nobody, and threw him, a mere otaku, into such a place.���It's bad taste

"Forget it, there is no point in thinking too much. It is almost dark. I'd better go into the city first! Orario, the legendary maze city, the residence of the gods, makes people inexplicably excited!"

While speaking, Xu Mo stepped to the gate of Orario.

Huge bricks and stones were built together to form a very spectacular city gate. A group of people in black uniforms were standing at the entrance to check everyone who was going to enter the city.

They used lights that Xu Mo had never seen before to shine on everyone's back.

During this period, they kept asking questions, such as where they came from, the purpose of coming to Orario, and whether they encountered any strange phenomena on the way.

It seems very strict, but in fact, as long as there is no problem, they can pass successfully.

Silently observing the actions of the humans in front of the team, when it was Xu Mo's turn, he calmly explained his origins and purpose, and there was nothing wrong.

The guard didn't say anything, waved his hand, and let him go directly.

After passing through the city gate, it is the real center of the world, the maze city of Orario!

A prosperous avenue that runs through the square, winding its way to Orario. In all parts of Orario, white tiles are laid neatly on the ground, so that even several carriages can pass smoothly. A large number of shops are arranged in an orderly manner on both sides of the street, and the noisy shouting can be heard from a long distance.

As the center of the world, Orario uses its unique style to show its prosperity and bustle.

Seeing this scene, even Xu Mo, who had complained and been dissatisfied before, couldn't help but be infected by the surrounding atmosphere and became a little excited.

Around, adventurers wearing various equipment gathered in groups of three or five, chatting happily, and laughing from time to time. Even though there were still some blood stains on their bodies and their faces were mixed with a little fatigue, they still couldn't hide their joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Orcs covered with hair, dwarves with strong bodies and short stature, and even elves and dwarves.......

These sub-human races that were never seen before now all appeared in Xu Mo's sight. He really felt the atmosphere of the other world.

If Xu Mo hadn't read a lot of anime, he would have slapped himself on the spot.

"It seems that it would be nice to live in another world. At least, I don't have to be a social animal and continue to work 996. I can become an adventurer and explore continuously. This is the life that every man dreams of!"

Gradually, Xu Mo gradually accepted the status quo.

There is no way to not accept it. A"great man" once said that life is like being raped. If you can't resist, you can only change to a posture you like and enjoy it. What you need to consider now is to stay in Orario first, and then find an opportunity to see if you can join the followers of a certain god. The legendary golden finger required for the traverser does not exist, so he can only work hard on his own. I hope he will have better luck!......

I originally thought that people in the anime world should be very enthusiastic.

However, after the first setback, Xu Mo realized that he had thought too much.

"Get out of here right now, you have no money but still want to get something for free, if you come in and make trouble again, I will call the city guards to arrest you, get out of here right now!"

Bang! The wooden door slammed shut from the inside.

Xu Mo staggered and fell to the ground, grimacing in pain. He began to doubt his life a little bit, he just wanted to find a place to stay, he didn't say he wanted to live for free, he clearly said that he was willing to work to pay off his debts, but he was still ruthlessly driven out and almost beaten.

Could it be that after coming to this world, he no longer has the qualifications to be a social animal!

"I take back what I said before. The people in this world are too deceiving. Can't they be a little more friendly? Even a handsome guy like me is being attacked by the heart. By the way, what was that uncle talking about before? I can't understand the language barrier! It's too hard for me!"

Xu Mo sat on the ground, wailing helplessly.

""Hey, young man, are you in trouble? I can hear your voice from a long distance. If you have any trouble, you might as well tell me. Maybe I can help you!" Suddenly, an extremely sweet voice sounded from behind Xu Mo.

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