"My Lord, I'm going out!"

"Well, be safe, I'll wait for you at home tonight!"

After saying goodbye to Hestia, Xu Mo took his equipment, left the church, and walked towards the Tower of Babel. It was time to go down to the dungeon.

Before he had gone far, his face turned bitter.

"I need to make money. Regardless of whether I can improve my living environment, at least I need to get more food. Eating fried potato balls every meal, although the taste is good, is not nutritious! Hestia may not be too picky, but my appetite will definitely increase in the future. I can't always eat this!"

""It's decided. I earned 5,600 fares yesterday, so let's try to increase it to 10,000 today. Come on!"

Trying to cheer himself up, Xu Mo's pace became faster.

The feeling of getting stronger through fighting is really addictive! And the fight with monsters, the sense of urgency between life and death, all make people's adrenaline soar.

As a man, there is no way to resist this kind of excitement.

Xu Mo is not the only diligent adventurer in Orario. The rest of the clan members will also choose to enter the dungeon at this time.

They may go in groups of three or five, or bring many friends from the same clan. Anyway, they almost never choose to enter that dangerous place alone, like Xu Mo. It's not that there aren't any lone rangers like this, at least in the whole of Orario, they are rare.

In fact, Xu Mo didn't want to be a lone ranger, mainly because he had no teammates.

In addition to supporters, adventurers usually choose people who know each other well when forming a team, and rarely let strangers from other families join.

Even Hephaestus, a god friend who has a good relationship with Hestia, would not easily agree to let the children of her family take a stranger into the dungeon. As a god, she has to be responsible for her children.

Therefore, the newcomers can only spend the hard early stage alone....

Xu Mo moved forward quickly, crossing the crowd.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped. Although he had just received the grace for two days, he was not exaggerated to the point of being able to sense the murderous aura or something, but he still had a basic reaction.

When someone is staring at you, even ordinary people will feel it.

Xu Mo stood in place, looking around cautiously, trying to find the target.

The shop owner who was setting up a stall, the orc team walking together with laughter, and the little girl chasing the flying bird......All kinds of things in the world were fully presented in Xu Mo's eyes. He looked back and forth at everyone several times, but still did not find any suspicious figures.

「Am I feeling wrong? Or is that person so strong that I can't find him!"

After searching again, Xu Mo still found nothing. He could only give up and suppress the abnormality he felt before deep in his heart.

Perhaps, he was really being targeted by someone.

No matter what that person's intentions were, he couldn't resist now. A small low-level adventurer might not be able to beat even his peers. If the guy who was observing in secret was too strong, he really wouldn't have the slightest resistance.

I can only pray that the guy has no ill intentions!

Forcibly suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Xu Mo was about to leave here and continue to go to Orario. However, as soon as he turned around, he felt that he had bumped into something.

Soft, duangduangduang...This was the first thing Xu Mo felt.

It was dark in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Hey, sir, can you please get off me first? It feels so weird...."

The weak voice of the girl immediately woke Xu Mo up. He stepped back a few steps and smelled the sweet air again. He almost suffocated to death. He raised his head and realized what had happened before.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't expect you to suddenly appear behind me, so I bumped into you! If I have offended you, please forgive me, or I can make amends."

"No, you don't have to blame yourself, I am also responsible, and it's not a big deal!"

The girl smiled sweetly, her voice still so sweet,"Let me introduce myself, my name is Xierfuluowa, nice to meet you! In addition, you dropped this, I am here to return it, please pay special attention next time, don't lose things again."

The girl stretched out her hand, with a bluish-purple crystal in her palm.

In fact, when the other party said her name, Xu Mo's expression changed slightly. After seeing this magic stone, his inner thoughts became more certain. The sweet girl in front of him, Xier Frois, is also the incarnation of the goddess of beauty Freya.

Thinking of this, Xu Mo's eyes couldn't help but twitch. What on earth did he do wrong to be targeted by this goddess? It was outrageous.

By the way, isn't this the treatment that only the protagonist Bell has?

The girl in front of him was wearing a white women's blouse and a tender leaf-colored vest skirt that was below her knees. She had a longer apron tied around her lower body.

It was hard to put a lively young girl together with the goddess of beauty with a messy private life.

However, the truth is always cruel!

Facing the girl's smile, Xu Mo laughed dryly and said,"I'm sorry, maybe you made a mistake. This magic stone is not mine. In fact, I just became an adventurer yesterday, and the few magic stones I got have all been exchanged. You may have seen it wrong."

""Eh~ is that so?" Xier said to herself in confusion.

"Of course, this is really not mine!" In order to quickly get rid of the old juicer in front of him, Xu Mo no longer cared,"I'm sorry, I'm going to enter the dungeon. If we can meet again, I will definitely apologize solemnly. I'm leaving first, see you next time!"

After saying that, without waiting for Xier to reply, Xu Mo waved his hand and left the scene quickly.

That speed can be said to be not so fast when fighting monsters in the dungeon. For the sake of his kidneys and for his descendants, he can be said to have burst out unprecedented potential.

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