Currently available options: 1. Bug Magic

2. Gem Magic

3. Projection Magic

「So, using experience points to generate magic is not just a matter of luck, but also a matter of choice?"

Xu Mo smiled as he looked at the illusory text in front of him. He knew that his luck was not that bad, and as long as it was not purely random, the situation was not the worst. It is impossible that the three types of magic generated are useless!

However, I always feel that the generation of these three types of magic has a certain regularity.

Because I want a lot of magic, I have the option of gem magic, and because my weapons are often damaged, projection magic appears.

Xu Mo can understand all of this, but what on earth is this insect magic!

He doesn't seem to have that kind of hobby! Could it be that it appeared because he encountered too many monsters in the dungeon?

Although insect magic is not only about controlling those disgusting insects, but also beneficial insects like butterflies, the old insects of a certain type of moon world left such a deep impression that Xu Mo had a picture in his mind when he saw this kind of magic.

「"Hmm!!! What am I doing? It is more important to make a choice now."

Shaking his head and forcibly clearing the forbidden images in his mind, Xu Mo focused all his attention on the three choices in front of him.

Magic is also a kind of magic.

In comparison, the mystery of magic is higher. Things that cannot be achieved by technology and magic are called magic. According to this definition, the magic possessed by many adventurers can only be called magic.

Of course, different worlds have different definitions.

Simply put, magic is universal in most worlds, and the magic power extracted from mental power becomes the fuel for activating this ability.

Looking at the three different choices, Xu Mo fell into deep thought.

「Three choices?......I'll give priority to bug magic, as I'm not really used to the summoner style. Gem magic isn't too weak, but its disadvantages are still obvious, and it costs too much money. For me now, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, and there's no way to convert it into immediate combat power. So, there's only one choice left....」

After a brainstorming session, Xu Mo was more inclined to choose projection magic.

With this thing, the equipment consumption problem that had troubled him for a long time was solved directly. Except for some weapons that were too powerful, the rest could almost be made by projection magic using magic power.

From now on, Xu Mo doesn't have to worry about the equipment suddenly breaking down.

After weighing the pros and cons, there seems to be no better choice.

So, without hesitation, Xu Mo directly chose projection magic.

With the final choice made, the remaining two types of magic turned into photons and disappeared completely, while the relevant knowledge of projection magic appeared in Xu Mo's mind without any omission. The relevant requirements for launching magic, chanting spells, etc....In the blink of an eye, Xu Mo mastered this magic trick.

It was as if he had practiced it for years.

I believe that no matter who gets a new toy, they will definitely try it out.


The exclusive spell came out without any need for the magic circuit to operate, and the projection magic could be activated automatically.......A few seconds passed and nothing happened.

This is not accurate. The correct statement is that a glimmer of light did appear in Xu Mo's hand, but this glimmer of light was like a meteor, fleeting.

"Forehead...Did I open it the wrong way? Where is the spear I projected?"

Lian Xuan slapped his palms, but still nothing appeared. This made Xu Mo a little discouraged. He clearly followed the steps in the manual, so why didn't it work?

「"Could it be because I don't have enough magic power?"

This thought suddenly flashed through Xu Mo's mind, like an epiphany, allowing him to react quickly.

Yes, he had just acquired magic not long ago, and there was no magic power in his body before. His spirit was very good, but he was a little greedy to want to project a large object like a spear for the first time.

Even the most talented magician will have a gradual process.

After realizing this, Xu Mo put his sights back on another target. He picked up a stone from the ground, squeezed the poor magic power in his body, and injected it into the stone.

In his hands, a large net woven with azure magic began to appear.

「Identify creative ideas——」

「Assume the basic framework——」

「Copy the component material——」

「Imitation production technology——」

「Empathy growth experience——」

「Replay cumulative years——」

As he chanted every word in his heart, the light in Xu Mo's palm became stronger and stronger.......

""Take off the lace, ah!"

A high-pitched spell came out, and after a flash of light, a completely identical stone appeared in Xu Mo's hand. Whether it was the appearance or the internal structure, there was no difference at all.

It was as if the original was copied with a mirror.

"Success!"Feeling the strength of the stone in his hand, Xu Mo shouted excitedly. He just projected a stone, but it made people excited. But this can't be blamed on him. He was a otaku before he traveled through time. When had he ever seen such a posture?

What's more, he had been envious of the tricks of the Nuclear Bomb Sword Immortal for a long time.

Although he can't reach the opponent's level now and can only project some small objects, but with the double blessing of grace and bravery, Xu Mo's future ceiling is definitely higher than that of the coyote!

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